1 Formation Flying Project Proposal 2/5/07 Rachel Winters (Team Lead) Aziatun Burhan Tsutomu Hasegawa Shunsuke Hirayama Matt Mueller Masao Shimada Shelby Sullivan Kyle Tholen Eric Weber Matt Whitten
2 Objective The objective of this project is to fly one or more satellites in formation around a space shuttle. The satellites will carry cameras to detect damage on the outside of the shuttle.
3 Requirements Design must meet University Nanosat Requirements –Mass < 50 kg –Volume < 60x60x50 cm cube Satellites provide visible coverage of complete exterior of shuttle Duration of visible inspection should last at least 24 hours –Satellites must have power source capable of keeping cameras and other systems operational for at least 24 hours.
4 Expectations Explain the results of all trade studies Demonstrate that the design meets the requirements of the University Nanosat program. Demonstrate that the power supply is sufficient for the mission Demonstrate that the spacecraft and its components will stay within allowable temperature ranges Demonstrate that the spacecraft can perform this mission.
5 Major Tasks 1. Identify COTS cameras, transmitters, and other essential hardware for the design 2. Design relative orbit geometries that provide full visible coverage 3. Determine and quantify the major disturbances affecting relative orbital motion 4. Determine the mass, size and power requirements for the camera(s) and transmitter 5. Determine all required systems 6. Perform trade study between solar cells + battery vs. battery only designs 7. Perform trade study between single vs. multiple cameras 8. Perform a trade study between expendable and recoverable designs 9. Perform a trade study between a single spacecraft vs. multiple spacecraft 10. Design a configuration that meets all requirements
6 Team Organization
7 Task Breakdown 1. Identify COTS cameras, transmitters, and other essential hardware for the design –Research essential satellite hardware (ie - transmitters, antennas, propulsion system) –Research mission specific hardware (ie - COTS camera, localized positioning system) 2. Design relative orbit geometries that provide full visible coverage 1.Determine orbit of ISS to use as reference 2.Become familiar with STK software to model orbits 3.Research relative orbits 4.Determine actual orbit of satellites
8 Task Breakdown (Continued...) 3. Determine and quantify the major disturbances affecting relative orbital motion –Assume location in orbit –Research causes of disturbances –Effects of geo-potential orbits –Previous work on counteracting disturbances –Design method to counteract disturbances 4. Determine the mass, size and power requirements for the camera(s) and transmitter –Determine specs for each component Volume Mass Power Consumption –Determine total satellite configuration
9 5. Design satellite configuration –Components positioning –Case and Structure –Solid model –Animation with Space shuttle 6. Determine all required systems –Thermal Control subsystem Determine input parameters Determine thermal environments Thermal mathematical model Thermal controls element Arrangement of satellite components –Communications subsytem Transmission rate Transmission method Communication circuit design Constitution, mass, power consumption Task Breakdown (Continued...)
10 6. Perform trade study between solar cells + battery vs. battery only designs –Research Solar cells & batteries –List pros and cons –Model both cases 7. Perform trade study between single vs. multiple cameras –Find related topics –Summarize information –List pros and cons –Model both cases Task Breakdown (Continued...)
11 8. Perform a trade study between expendable and recoverable designs –Find related topics –Summarize information –List pros and cons –Model both cases 9. Perform a trade study between a single spacecraft vs. multiple spacecraft –Find related topics Estimate equipment cost Recovery/repair Method of recovery –Summarize information –List pros and cons –Model both cases Task Breakdown (Continued...)
Design a configuration that meets all requirements –Solid model of space shuttle –Determine specific requirements that need to be completed –Testing to see that requirements are met Task Breakdown (Continued...)
13 Gantt Chart
14 Questions Volume nanosat requirement, are we allowed to increase volume after launch? (ie- extend antenna) Do we transmit the signal to the shuttle or back to earth? Do we have preprogrammed flight plan or does it change according to signals from transmitter? How are we reaching low earth orbit? (On the space shuttle or via external rocket) Do we need to determine how to get satellite into orbits? Do we need to provide visible coverage of the shuttle only once, say if we were checking for damage during takeoff, or is our goal to provide coverage for the entire duration of the shuttle mission?
15 First major task –Name of sub-task A (Last name of assigned person) Description –Name of sub-task B (Last name of assigned person) Description – Second major task –Name of sub-task A (Last name of assigned person) Description – and so on… –The sub-tasks need to be very specific –You may have SEVERAL sub-tasks under each major task. That’s great. –Ideally, each sub-task can be conducted by a single person. –If multiple people are required to complete a sub-task, you need to clearly define the roles of everyone involved Use more slides as necessary to complete the breakdown
16 Schedule Your Gantt chart should go here Use a PM software program of your choice to make the Gantt chart Include an image of it here It will likely need to be shrunk considerably to fit on a single page If the text of the full schedule is too small to read, break it up into smaller parts so that it is legible When making your schedule, consider the following: –Be aware of dependent tasks. These are tasks can only begin after other tasks have been completed. –Be aware of the workload for each team member. Are there periods of time when certain members are idle? Times when they are worked too heavily? –If you feel that there is not enough time to do all of the work you are proposing to do, maybe you need to scale back the goals/expectations of the project. If this is the case, come up with a suggestion and we can decide what to do. –Use additional slides if necessary, rather than cramming it all in too closely.