Pushing the Help Button i-Parent Series, Part 6 Dr. Dave Currie
Learn the fine art of discipline that teaches respect and responsibility while keeping relationship. Practical help on setting limits on curfews, cell phones, the Internet and more.
A. The Be-Attitudes of Biblical Parenting
B. Discipline That Teaches Respect and Responsibility 1. Keep your relationship strong with your child. Rules – Relationship = Rebellion 2. Correct a child in a spirit of love. 3. Discipline as close to the infraction as is wise.
B. Discipline That Teaches Respect and Responsibility 4. Your goal with discipline needs to always be character development. 5. Steps of correction should be age appropriate. 6. Know the difference between the emotional response and a defiant one.
B. Discipline That Teaches Respect and Responsibility 7. Be prepared to follow through on your family rules. 8. Decide early on who will call the shots. 9. Be consistent, fair and reasonable in the steps of discipline. 10. Worry less about being liked by your child.
C. Understanding the Proper Discipline of a Teenager 1. Communicate family expectations early. 2. Understand and use the power of leverage. 3. Talk openly and early about the nature of being a family.
C. Understanding the Proper Discipline of a Teenager 4. Understand the meaning of the word flexibility. 5. Operate out of grace. 6. Attach some of these adult privileges as part of a right of passage. 7. Work to find a balance in your parenting approach.
C. Understanding the Proper Discipline of a Teenager 8. Establish the use of curfews early before they are needed. 9. Use grounding wisely as it is the ultimate removal of freedom. 10. Draw up and explain the Freedom Circles.
C. Understanding the Proper Discipline of a Teenager
D. Cell Phone Specific Guidelines 1. Having a cell phone is a privilege not a right. 2. Users should pay as they go. 3. Opt for a graduated system of phone accessibility. 4. Try to wait until they are 16.
D. Cell Phone Specific Guidelines 5. Use getting a phone as a right of passage or as a reward. 6. Figure out your game plan against peer pressure. 7. Limit their phone package at first. 8. Realize the huge distraction cell phones can be to learning.
D. Cell Phone Specific Guidelines 9. Put a curfew on the use of things not just people. 10. Talk through the dangers of “Sexting”.
E. Surfer Training Course: Family Guidelines for Safe Use of the Computer. 1. Keep computers open to the family eye. 2. Set realistic limits on use. 3. Know their online friends. 4. Don’t believe everything you read. 5. Delete s from unknown sources.
E. Surfer Training Course: Family Guidelines for Safe Use of the Computer. 6. There are really bad people out there. 7. Keep your personal information private. 8. Spend more time in the real world. 9. Words and photos on the internet never die. 10. Respect content filters that are installed.
F. Facebook Specific Guidelines.
G. Online Gaming Specific Guidelines.