DAMAGE ASSESSMENT AND NEEDS ANALYSIS Session 1 Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
Rapid Needs and Damage Assessment Conducting a survey and rapid assessment is vital to responding to an emergency or disaster situation It identifies what the particular disaster has done to the disaster-stricken community; and It indicates what needs to be done in terms of response and rehabilitation Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Rapid Needs and Damage Assessment Every assessment must provide valid, quality information, often under adverse circumstances with limited resources. Assessment must be based on facts. “Being roughly right is generally more useful than being precisely wrong” Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Definitions Rapid Assessment A process to be done during the emergency period to determine extent of damage and needs requirement in affected areas as basis for decision-making Damage Assessment An estimation and description based on physical observations, of the nature and extent of damages resulting from a particular disaster, for the purpose of determining the needs for assistance. Needs and Resources Assessment An estimation and description of priority requirements and existing resources such as manpower, logistics and relief supplies in the disaster-stricken areas Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
HOW TO ORGANIZE AN ASSESSMENT MISSION Prepare an assessment plan Determine the time and specific area to be visited. Secure some information on the prevailing situation Choose experienced assessors Know the details of the members of the team Arrange the transport, food and accommodation The role of each member of the team should be made clear. Prior to departure, the team must be assembled, briefed and equipped with survey/assessment tools, appropriate protocols, reporting format and adequate terms of reference (TOR). Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTING SURVEY AND ASSESSMENT Close personal observation of affected areas. Secure information from other agencies. Coordinate with other groups with related functions. Focus attention on damages related to assigned tasks. Budget your time. Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTING SURVEY AND ASSESSMENT Be equipped with terms of reference (TOR) (quality, quantity and scope of information to be collected) Be equipped with survey/assessment tools: Checklists Questionnaires Data processing tools Gap identification tables Assorted accessories – camera, cassette recorders, laptop, notebook, etc. Notes – collected data recorded in paper/computer. Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTING SURVEY AND ASSESSMENT Cross-checking of data (coming from different sources) Interpretations of collected data into a useful information. Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
RAPID NEEDS ASSESSMENT INDICATORS Local capacities and vulnerabilities Institutional & organizational arrangements relief and recovery Health and nutrition services Water supply Food resources Emergency settlements Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
RAPID NEEDS ASSESSMENT INDICATORS Shelter Livelihood economy Emergency response Reporting and monitoring information Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS AND DAMAGE ASSESSMENT An assessor should compile the basic information: exact location of the area brief description of damage on population and properties and estimated cost. Description of damage to properties is classified according to levels: Level 1 – no significant damage Level 2 – damage incurred is minimal Level 3 - damage is extensive that needs immediate repair Level 4 – total loss which needs reconstruction Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
DETERMINE THE EXTENT AND NATURE OF DAMAGE Assessors have to establish the impact of the emergency situations in terms of the following aspects: Private properties Infrastructure Damaged lifelines Agricultural products Population Casualties Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
DETERMINE THE EXTENT AND NATURE OF DAMAGE Requirements during emergency period are classified according to priorities such as: Priority I – search and rescue operations, immediate restoration of lifelines, relief supplies, food Priority II – clothing, shelter, personal belongings, housing materials, non-food items Priority III – economic needs such as farm implements and seeds for agricultural production, rehabilitation, repair and reconstruction of infrastructure. Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application
Disaster Reports Local DCCs (provincial, municipal, barangay) Templates: FORM I: Flash Report on disaster incident FORM II: Rapid Damage & Needs Assessment Checklist FORM III: DAMAGE ASSESSMENT REPORT Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment Module 2: Philippines Application