CSCI-1680 Transport Layer III Congestion Control Strikes Back Theophilus Benson Define time-out, Define dup-acks Based partly on lecture notes byRodrigo Foncesa, David Mazières, Phil Levis, John Jannotti, Ion Stoica
This Week Congestion Control Continued TCP Friendliness Quick Review TCP Friendliness Equation Based Rate Control TCP’s Inherent unfairness TCP on Lossy Links Congestion Control versus Avoidance Getting help from the network Cheating TCP
Glossary of Terms RTT = Round Trip Time MSS = Maximum Segment Size Largest amount of TCP data in a packet Sequence Numbers RTO = Timeout Dup-Ack = a duplicate Acknowledgement Transmission Rounds
Duplicate ACK example each segment contains 1460 bytes Seg1: seq-no=0 each segment contains 1460 bytes ACK_1: seq-no=1460 Receiver sends ACKs for the last in-order accepted packet. Seg2: seq-no=1460 Dropped Pkt Seg3: seq-no=2920 Seg4: seq-no=4380 Seg5: seq-no=4380 ACK_1: seq-no=1460 Seg2 re-transmitted after 3-dup-acks Dup-Ack Recall, TCP response responds with an ACK for every packet it receives The ACK is for the in-sequence data-packet you recevie. ACK_1: seq-no=1460 Dup-Ack ACK_1: seq-no=1460 ACK_5 after re-transmission acknowledges all packets Dup-Ack Seg2: seq-no=1460 ACK_5: seq-no=5840
Glossary of Terms RTT = Round Trip Time MSS = Maximum Segment Size Largest amount of TCP data in a packet Sequence Numbers RTO = Timeout Dup-Ack = a duplicate Acknowledgement Transmission Rounds
MSS + Sequence Numbers Your Code wants to send 146KB over the network Network MTU = 1500B Protocol header = IP(20B)+TCP(20B) = 40B What about link layer header? (ethernet or ATM?) MSS =1500B-40B = 1460B # of TCP data segments = 146KB/1460B = 100 Each TCP Data segment has a sequence number: Location of first byte in the data segment. Divide up file into 100 smaller data packets. Send them over the network TCP needs to reassemble together before sending up to the application. To do this TCP needs to maintain buffer.
Glossary of Terms RTT = Round Trip Time MSS = Maximum Segment Size Largest amount of TCP data in a packet Sequence Numbers RTO = Timeout Dup-Ack = a duplicate Acknowledgement Transmission Rounds
Timeout (RTO) example Wait for ACK … if no ACK then packet is lost How long to wait? **some function of RTT
Glossary of Terms RTT = Round Trip Time MSS = Maximum Segment Size Largest amount of TCP data in a packet Sequence Numbers RTO = Timeout Dup-Ack = a duplicate Acknowledgement Transmission Rounds
Transmission Rounds From perspective of the sending host At start of round= All data packets are sent At end of round = All ACKs received TCP tracks Window (CWND) in bytes but we may discuss it in MSS to make things simpler
Life of a TCP Connection SYN TCP Connection Handshake Agree TCP connection options Conversation starter: ‘Hi’..’hello’ SYN/ACK ACK Similar to the life of a conversation
Life of a TCP Connection TCP Connection Handshake Agree TCP connection options Conversation starter: ‘Hi’..’hello’ SYN SYN/ACK Data ACK ACK *Flow Control *Congestion Control Data ACK Data Sequence number (in bytes) .. Data .. Sequence number of first byte in the packet ACK = sequence number of last byte in data packet +1 ACK Data Similar to the life of a conversation
Life of a TCP Connection TCP Connection Handshake Agree TCP connection options Conversation starter: ‘Hi’..’hello’ Allocate resources SYN SYN/ACK Data ACK ACK Data ACK *Flow Control *Congestion Control Data ACK Data Similar to the life of a conversation FIN TCP Connection Teardown Conversation end: ‘good bye’ De-allocate resources FIN/ACK ACK
Quick Review Flow Control: Congestion Control Receiver sets Advertised Window Prevents sender from overfilling receiver buffer Congestion Control Two states: Slow Start (SS) and Congestion Avoidance (CA) A window size threshold governs the state transition Window <= ssthresh: SS Window > ssthresh: Congestion Avoidance
States differ in how they respond to acks Slow start: double w in one RTT There are w/MSS segments (and acks) per RTT Increase w per RTT how much to increase per ack? w / (w/MSS) = MSS AIMD: Add 1 MSS per RTT MSS/(w/MSS) = MSS2/w per received ACK
Putting it all together cwnd Timeout Timeout AIMD AIMD ssthresh Slow Start Slow Start Slow Start Time
Fast Recovery and Fast Retransmit Time cwnd Slow Start AI/MD Fast retransmit
This Week Congestion Control Continued TCP Friendliness Quick Review TCP Friendliness Equation Based Rate Control TCP’s Inherent unfairness TCP on Lossy Links Congestion Control versus Avoidance Getting help from the network Cheating TCP
TCP Friendliness Can other protocols co-exist with TCP? E.g., if you want to write a video streaming app using UDP, how to do congestion control? 1 UDP Flow at 10MBps 31 TCP Flows Sharing a 10MBps link UDP has no congestion control. UDP does not share. UDP did not watch care bears. TCP flows will suffer.
TCP Friendliness Can other protocols co-exist with TCP? E.g., if you want to write a video streaming app using UDP, how to do congestion control? Equation-based Congestion Control Instead of implementing TCP’s CC, estimate the rate at which TCP would send. Function of what? RTT, MSS, Loss Measure RTT, Loss, send at that rate! What do we want: every one to use their fair share. Implement TCP congestion control Simulate the algorithm behavior Guestimate your fare share.
TCP Friendliness Fair Througput= function( ?, ?, ?) Can other protocols co-exist with TCP? E.g., if you want to write a video streaming app using UDP, how to do congestion control? Equation-based Congestion Control Instead of implementing TCP’s CC, estimate the rate at which TCP would send. Function of what? RTT, MSS, Loss Measure RTT, Loss, send at that rate! Best and easier find an equation that tells you your fair share Fare is a function of a number of things … what are they? Fair Througput= function( ?, ?, ?)
TCP Friendliness Fair Throughput= function( RTT, MSS, Loss_rate) Can other protocols co-exist with TCP? E.g., if you want to write a video streaming app using UDP, how to do congestion control? Equation-based Congestion Control Instead of implementing TCP’s CC, estimate the rate at which TCP would send. Function of what? Measure RTT, Loss, MMSS Calculate and send at fair share rate! Fair Throughput= function( RTT, MSS, Loss_rate)
TCP Throughput W is congestion window Assume a TCP congestion of window W (segments), round-trip time of RTT, segment size MSS Sending Rate S = W / RTT (1) Drop: W = W/2 grows by MSS for W/2 RTTs, until another drop at W ≈ W Steady-state AMID: Average window then 0.75xS From (1), S = 0.75 W / RTT (2) Loss rate is 1 in number of packets between losses: Loss = 1 / ( 1 + (W/2 + W/2+1 + W/2 + 2 + … + W) = 1 / (3/8 W2) (3) W*MSS the amount of data you can sent. RTT time you are sending the data. Examine behavior during steady state
TCP SawTooth Behavior In AMID you oscillate between network capacity and half of network capacity.
TCP Throughput W is congestion window Assume a TCP congestion of window W (segments), round-trip time of RTT, segment size MSS Sending Rate S = W x MSS / RTT (1) Drop: W = W/2 grows by MSS for W/2 RTTs, until another drop at W ≈ W Steady-state AMID: Average window then 0.75xS From (1), S = 0.75 W MSS / RTT (2) Loss rate is 1 in number of packets between losses: Loss = 1 / ( (W/2 + W/2+1 + W/2 + 2 + … + W) = 1 / (3/8 W2) (3) W*MSS the amount of data you can sent. RTT time you are sending the data. Examine behavior during steady state
Loss rate is 1 in number of packets between losses: Loss happens here w w/2 w/2+4 Loss rate is 1 in number of packets between losses: Loss = 1 / ( (W/2 + W/2+1 + W/2 + 2 + … + W) Loss = 1 / (3/8 W2) (3)
Loss rate is 1 in number of packets between losses: Loss happens here Geometric sequence. w w/2 w/2+4 Loss rate is 1 in number of packets between losses: Loss = 1 / ( (W/2 + W/2+1 + W/2 + 2 + … + W) Loss = 1 / (3/8 W2) (3)
Calculating Fair Rate (Fair Throughput) Loss = 8/(3W2) (4) Substituting (4) in (2), S = 0.75 *W/ RTT , Throughput ≈ Equation-based rate control can be TCP friendly and have better properties, e.g., small jitter, fast ramp-up…
This Week Congestion Control Continued TCP Friendliness Quick Review TCP Friendliness Equation Based Rate Control TCP’s Inherent unfairness TCP on Lossy Links Congestion Control versus Avoidance Getting help from the network Cheating TCP
Assumptions Made by TCP Loss == congestion Loss only happens when: Aggregate sending Rate > capacity All flows in the network have the same: RTT MSS Same loss rates Everyone Plays Nicely
Throughput = TCP Friendliness Fair Throughput= function( RTT, MSS, Loss_rate) Why would you have different RTTs or MSS? What happens when you have different RTT/MSS? Longer Throughput =
Implication of Buffering on TCP W in Bytes Recall: (1) S = 0.75 *W / RTT Where 0.75 is average of W and W/2 If No buffer then max W= BW*RTT (BW delay product) Network capacity BW*RTT BW*RTT Avg 0.5*BW*RTT
Implication of Buffering on TCP If Buffer = ½*BW*RTT Then max W= BW*RTT +½*BW*RTT Avg W~ ((1.5+.75)/2)*BW*RTT = 7.8*BW*RTT S = 7/8*W/ RTT If No buffer then W*MSS = capacity S = 0.75* Capacity/RTT What is ideal Sending rate? (2) S = Capacity/RTT What is ideal buffering? Network capacity BW*RTT 1.5*BW*RTT Avg .75*BW*RTT
Implication of Buffering on TCP In ideal, min window = bandwidth*RTT What must buffer be to ensure this? If No buffer then W*MSS = capacity S = 0.75* Capacity/RTT What is ideal Sending rate? (2) S = Capacity/RTT What is ideal buffering? ??*BW*RTT Avg = ?? ??*BW*RTT
Implication of Buffering on TCP In ideal, min = bandwidth*RTT What must buffer be to ensure this? Buffer = BW*RTT Max Window = 2*BW*RTT Min Window = BW*RTT If No buffer then W*MSS = capacity S = 0.75* Capacity/RTT What is ideal Sending rate? (2) S = Capacity/RTT What is ideal buffering? Network capacity BW*RTT 2*BW*RTT Avg = 1.5BW*RTT BW*RTT
This Week Congestion Control Continued TCP Friendliness Quick Review TCP Friendliness Equation Based Rate Control TCP’s Inherent unfairness TCP on Lossy Links Congestion Control versus Avoidance Getting help from the network Cheating TCP
Buffering and TCP If Buffer = ¼*BW*RTT What is TCP throughput Max Window = Min Window = TCP Throughput = If No buffer then W*MSS = capacity S = 0.75* Capacity/RTT What is ideal Sending rate? (2) S = Capacity/RTT What is ideal buffering?
Buffering and TCP If Buffer = ¼*BW*RTT What is TCP throughput Max Window =(1+1/4)*BW*RTT Min Window = (MaxWindow/2)=1/2(5/4)*BW*RTT TCP Throughput ~ ½(min+max) = 15/16 *BW*RTT What’s wrong with this throughput? If No buffer then W*MSS = capacity S = 0.75* Capacity/RTT What is ideal Sending rate? (2) S = Capacity/RTT What is ideal buffering?
Buffering and TCP If Buffer = ¼*BW*RTT What is TCP throughput Max Window =(1+1/4)*BW*RTT Min Window = (MaxWindow/2)=1/2(5/4)*BW*RTT TCP Throughput ~ ½(min+max) = 15/16 *BW*RTT What’s wrong with this throughput? Less than Network capacity. If No buffer then W*MSS = capacity S = 0.75* Capacity/RTT What is ideal Sending rate? (2) S = Capacity/RTT What is ideal buffering?
Buffering and TCP If Buffer = 3*BW*RTT What is TCP throughput Max Window = Min Window = TCP Throughput = If No buffer then W*MSS = capacity S = 0.75* Capacity/RTT What is ideal Sending rate? (2) S = Capacity/RTT What is ideal buffering?
Buffering and TCP If Buffer = 3*BW*RTT What is TCP throughput Max Window =(1+3)*BW*RTT Min Window = (MaxWindow/2)=1/2(4)*BW*RTT TCP Throughput ~ ½(min+max) ~ 2*BW*RTT What is wrong with this throughput? If No buffer then W*MSS = capacity S = 0.75* Capacity/RTT What is ideal Sending rate? (2) S = Capacity/RTT What is ideal buffering?
Buffering and TCP If Buffer = 3*BW*RTT What is TCP throughput Max Window =(1+3)*BW*RTT Min Window = (MaxWindow/2)=1/2(4)*BW*RTT TCP Throughput ~ ½(min+max) ~ 2*BW*RTT What is wrong with this throughput? Greater than network capacity If No buffer then W*MSS = capacity S = 0.75* Capacity/RTT What is ideal Sending rate? (2) S = Capacity/RTT What is ideal buffering?
How long is Fin-wait-1? How long until you get the Fin/ACK? If Max-Window is less than network capacity. If Max-window great than network capacity Data ACK Data FIN FIN/ACK ACK
How long is Fin-wait-1? How long until you get the Fin/ACK? If Max-Window is less than network capacity. Then 1 RTT(No buffering) If Max-window great than network capacity Then > 1 RTT. How many RTTs? Data ACK Data FIN FIN/ACK ACK
What Happens When Link is Lossy? Throughput ≈ 1 / sqrt(Loss) p = 0 p = 1% p = 10%
Assumptions Made by TCP TCP works extremely well when its assumptions are valid Loss == congestion Loss only happens when: Aggregate sending Rate > capacity All flows in the network have the same: RTT MSS Same loss rates Everyone Plays Nicely Everyone implements TCP correctly
What can we do about it? Two types of losses: congestion and corruption One option: mask corruption losses from TCP Retransmissions at the link layer E.g. Snoop TCP: intercept duplicate acknowledgments, retransmit locally, filter them from the sender Another option: Network tells the sender about the cause for the drop Requires modification to the TCP endpoints
Congestion Avoidance TCP creates congestion to then back off Queues at bottleneck link are often full: increased delay Sawtooth pattern: jitter Alternative strategy Predict when congestion is about to happen Reduce rate early Two approaches Host centric: TCP Vegas Router-centric: RED, ECN, DECBit, DCTCP
Insight Congestion Longer queues sending rate flattens out Host based Approach Estimate Rate If flat then congestion Slow down Else no congestion Speed up Responses time also goes up.
TCP Vegas Idea: source watches for sign that router’s queue is building up (e.g., sending rate flattens)
TCP Vegas Compare Actual Rate (A) with Expected Rate (E) If E-A > β, decrease cwnd linearly : A isn’t responding If E-A < α, increase cwnd linearly : Room for A to grow
Vegas Shorter router queues Lower jitter Problem: Doesn’t compete well with Reno. Why? Reacts earlier, Reno is more aggressive, ends up with higher bandwidth…
Insight Congestion Longer queues sending rate flattens out Network Approach Monitor Queue length If Q > threshold Drop more packets Host slows down If Q < threshold Drop no packets Hosts speeds up Host based Approach Estimate Rate If flat then congestion Slow down Else no congestion Speed up
Help from the network What if routers could tell TCP that congestion is happening? Congestion causes queues to grow: rate mismatch TCP responds to drops Idea: Random Early Drop (RED) Rather than wait for queue to become full, drop packet with some probability that increases with queue length TCP will react by reducing cwnd Could also mark instead of dropping: ECN
RED Details Compute average queue length (EWMA) Estimated Weighted Moving Average Avg = Avg(x) + new_value (1-X) Don’t want to react to very quick fluctuations
RED Drop Probability Improvements to spread drops (see book) Define two thresholds: MinThresh, MaxThresh Drop probability: Improvements to spread drops (see book)
RED Advantages Probability of dropping a packet of a particular flow is roughly proportional to the share of the bandwidth that flow is currently getting Higher network utilization with low delays Average queue length small, but can absorb bursts ECN Similar to RED, but router sets bit in the packet Must be supported by both ends Avoids retransmissions optionally dropped packets
More help from the network Problem: still vulnerable to malicious flows! RED will drop packets from large flows preferentially, but they don’t have to respond appropriately Idea: Multiple Queues (one per flow) Serve queues in Round-Robin Nagle (1987) Good: protects against misbehaving flows Disadvantage? Flows with larger packets get higher bandwidth
Example A Network with Two flows Flow 1: 6 packets. In blue. Flow 2: 2 packets. In yellow Red Drop Probability = 0.5 50% of 6 > 50% of 2 Queue 1 2 1 3 2 4 5 6 time
More help from the network Problem: still vulnerable to malicious flows! RED will drop packets from large flows preferentially, but they don’t have to respond appropriately Idea: Multiple Queues (one per flow) Serve queues in Round-Robin Nagle (1987) Good: protects against misbehaving flows Disadvantage? Flows with larger packets get higher bandwidth
Example Queues for Flow 1 (arrival traffic) 1 2 3 4 5 6 time Queue for Flow 2 (arrival traffic) 1 2 3 4 5 time Round-Robin combination 1 2 1 3 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 time
Big Picture Network Queuing doesn’t eliminate congestion: just manages it You need both, ideally: End-host congestion control to adapt Router congestion control to provide isolation and ensure sharing
This Week Congestion Control Continued TCP Friendliness Quick Review TCP Friendliness Equation Based Rate Control TCP’s Inherent unfairness TCP on Lossy Links Congestion Control versus Avoidance Getting help from the network Cheating TCP
What happens if not everyone cooperates? Possible ways to cheat Increasing cwnd faster Large initial cwnd Opening many connections Ack Division Attack
Increasing cwnd Faster y C x increases by 2 per RTT y increases by 1 per RTT Limit rates: x = 2y x Figure from Walrand, Berkeley EECS 122, 2003
Larger Initial Window A B D E x y x starts SS with cwnd = 4 y starts SS with cwnd = 1 Figure from Walrand, Berkeley EECS 122, 2003
Open Many Connections A B D E x y Web Browser: has to download k objects for a page Open many connections or download sequentially? A B x D E y Assume: A opens 10 connections to B B opens 1 connection to E TCP is fair among connections A gets 10 times more bandwidth than B Figure from Walrand, Berkeley EECS 122, 2003
Exploiting Implicit Assumptions Savage, et al., CCR 1999: “TCP Congestion Control with a Misbehaving Receiver” Exploits ambiguity in meaning of ACK ACKs can specify any byte range for error control Congestion control assumes ACKs cover entire sent segments What if you send multiple ACKs per segment?
What happens if not everyone cooperates? Possible ways to cheat Increasing cwnd faster Large initial cwnd Opening many connections Ack Division Attack Evaluating Incentives and trade-offs of cheating
ACK Division Attack Receiver: “upon receiving a segment with N bytes, divide the bytes in M groups and acknowledge each group separately” Sender will grow window M times faster Because Old algorithms are naïve In slow start, After each new ACK, CWND ++ Could cause growth to 4GB in 4 RTTs! M = N = 1460
TCP Daytona! (A Malicious version of TCP)
Defense OLD TCP Appropriate Byte Counting In slow start, cwnd++ [RFC3465 (2003), RFC 5681 (2009)] In slow start, cwnd += min (N, MSS) where N is the number of newly acknowledged bytes in the received ACK
What happens if not everyone cooperates? Possible ways to cheat Increasing cwnd faster Large initial cwnd Opening many connections Ack Division Attack Evaluating Incentives and trade-offs of cheating
Cheating TCP and Game Theory B x D E y D Increases by 1 Increases by 5 A Increases by 1 Increases by 5 (x, y) 22, 22 10, 35 35, 10 15, 15 Pays to each, if one person cheat they do extremely well If we all cheat, the results are horrendoush Too aggressive Losses Throughput falls Individual incentives: cheating pays Social incentives: better off without cheating Classic Prisoner Dilemma: resolution depends on accountability
An alternative for reliability Erasure coding Assume you can detect errors Code is designed to tolerate entire missing packets Collisions, noise, drops because of bit errors Forward error correction Examples: Reed-Solomon codes, LT Codes, Raptor Codes Property: From K source frames, produce B > K encoded frames Receiver can reconstruct source with any K’ frames, with K’ slightly larger than K Some codes can make B as large as needed, on the fly
Advances to TCP Two main trends: Advances to TCP Network access speeds have become better Many web-objects are much smaller now Advances to TCP TCP-Cubic Larger Initial Congestion Window TCP-FEC
TCP Cubic( 2008) Problem: Replace the AI in AIMD with a CUBIC function TCP is not fair to flows with different RTTs AMID is very very slow to grow window size from 50k MSS to 100K MSS will take 50000 RTTS Replace the AI in AIMD with a CUBIC function NEW RENOAIMD CUBIC
Larger Initial Window ( 2010) Problem: web response are too slow Initial window was 4MSS takes too long Proposed value:10MSS (15KB) Image from [An Argument for Increasing TCP’s Initial Congestion Window. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 27 Volume 40, Number 3, July 2010]
TCP+FEC( 2014) Important because: Solution: Problem: high probability of dropping 1 of the last data packets When this happens you may have a time-out (RTO) No duplicate ACKS because no more data to generate Dup-Acks Important because: Most objects fit in the initial congestion window So less than 15KB So can be sent in one RTT If Time-out occurs, you wait an 2 RTTs (1 to learn, 1 to retransmit) So now response time triples!!! Solution: Use FEC, send N+1 packet (assume only one packet is dropped) Use last packet for correction
Assignment #3 out Groups of 3 or 4 Extra-credit ensure fairness+high utilization Fairness = Jain’s Fairness metric Fairness = (Sum of flow-utilization)2 N * sum of (flow-utilization2)
Next Time Move into the application layer DNS, Web, Security, and more… Next week Guest lectures DNS + CDN Bruce Maggs Co-Founder of Akamai (largest public CDN)