Incident Management Taking Task 05 Forward David Stones, Stockholm 12/
D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb Task 05 Final Report Overall objective in SP1: ‘To optimise the use of the capacity of the road network’ Draft Final Report of Task 05 will be submitted to the Exec Board for Decision Main results are case studies of six Member States’ incident management processes These take the form of responses to a questionnaire developed by the Project Leader.
3 Task 05 Contributors The following National Road Authorities contributed case studies to Task 05, and most have signed up to Task 13: -Austria (ASFiNAG)Plus, new to Task 13: -Denmark (DRD)- Iceland -England (HA, Leader)- Italy -Flanders (FRA) -Netherlands (RWS)NL is not in Task 13 -Norway (NPRA). D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009
4 Task 05 Conclusions Main conclusions reached: -NRA roles changing to reflect current demands for mobility -Opportunities for NRAs to share experience via CEDR -Communication between responders is poor -Most powerful tool is provision of good information -Difficult to value improvements to incident management -Non-injury incidents also cause substantial congestion These lead to Recommendations and a follow-on strategy for Incident/Emergency Management. D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009
5 Task 05 Recommendations 1.Review NRAs’ approaches esp. skill development Skill development will be taken forward by Task 01 (‘Big Shift’) 2.Investigate and improve information sharing 3.Standard format for information to road users This will be partly taken forward by Task 02 (eSafety Road Map) 4.Common method of valuing incidents and impact Focusing on timelines. Task 01 will develop the business model 5.NRAs gather standardised incident statistics 6.NRAs consider prevention to reduce congestion. D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009
6 Strategy to take forward 1.Engage more NRAs and review their approaches The composition of the Task Group is not representative of all Europe – an aim is at least to get responses from within each of the following ‘clusters’: North (centralised), North (regionalised), South, Nordic countries, Eastern Europe 2.Investigate information sharing among responders 3.Review formats for incident related information 4.Define incident management timelines 5.Gather comparable data on IM/EM 6.Gather information on NRAs’ incident prevention. D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009
7 Incident Management Cycle D. Stones This diagram illustrates the stages in incident management, which time-lines aim to quantify: Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009
8 Task 13 Overview Objective in SP2: Understand impact of Incident and Emergency Management on congestion and define models to produce optimal results Implement the Strategy in through: Web-based Survey based on revision of Task 05 questions and enhanced response forms * * For example a structured form for describing incident response timelines 5 or 6 Workshops including: Major off-road incident exercise hosted by the HA. D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009
9 Provisional Workshop Plan 1.Introduction and scoping (April 2009) 2.On-line or collocated * working group (Sept 2009) 3.Major off-road incident exercise (March 2010) 4.On-line or collocated working group (Autumn 2010) 5.Concluding workshop (February/March 2011) * Collocation with Executive Board meetings offers opportunity for additional face-to- face meetings and information gathering at minimal extra cost. D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009
10 Survey of CEDR Members The Web-based Survey will be made available to all CEDR Members a.s.a.p. after project start Questions fall under four headings: 1.Overview of current traffic incident management programme (what is happening now?) 2.Overview of what country is trying to achieve (what direction is it heading?) 3.The future of Traffic Incident Management (blue sky thinking) 4.Priorities and policies for Major Emergency Management. D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009
11 Web-Based Survey - 1 D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009 General question with multiple- choice answers using radio buttons plus optional free text in box below. Specimen only
12 Web-Based Survey - 2 D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009 Specific topic with multiple-choice answers allowing additional detail Specimen only
13 Survey - Detail Topics Topics to be addressed using the more detailed question format: - Information sharing and timelines in IM - Incident prevention (methods and policies) - Incident statistics (format and collection of) - Format of information to road users - Incident management performance (measures) - Major Emergency Management (case studies if available). D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009
14 Management and Reporting During Task 05 it was found that resources for management of the Project were tight It is proposed to contract an external consultant to facilitate the workshops, compile minutes, analyse survey returns and produce reports Reporting will be an ongoing process, with an Interim Report after one year, and the Final Report after two years. D. Stones Incident Management – 12/13 Feb 2009