National Contexts Survey Progress Report National Research Coordinators Meeting Windsor, June 2008
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Three Foci 1.Purpose and Development Study’s Contextual framework Antecedents and processes Design Current progress 2.Initial Analysis 26 countries Outputs 3.Next Steps Reporting plans Stage 2
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Overlapping contexts Context of the wider community: the wider context within which schools and home environments work. Factors may be found at local, regional and national levels
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Antecedents Historical development of civic and citizenship education Legislation on civic and citizenship education Nature of policy drivers in civic and citizenship education Extent of current reforms in education and their relationship to civic and citizenship education
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Processes Curricula approaches to civic and citizenship education (whether separate subject, cross- curricular, transversal (or a mixture of these) Aims, goals and content of curriculum Nature and extent of whole school approaches focusing on students participation and engagement Nature and extent of community links Nature and extent of teacher training approaches Quality assurance mechanisms, including inspection and reporting
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Principles of survey design and development Timeframe – comprise two stages Format - involve a common structure of closed and open format questions Technology - be filled in and collected on-line Expertise - be completed by NRCs drawing on further sources and expertise as required Language and consistency - be completed in English Supporting data and information - draw upon existing sources of information where they are available and helpful Resources- be manageable for available resource
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 NCS Overview On-line survey with 8 Sections 1.Education system 2.Education policy and civic and citizenship education 3.Approaches to civic and citizenship education 4.Civic and citizenship education and school curriculum approaches 5.Civic and citizenship education in the school curriculum at the 6.Teachers and civic and citizenship education 7.Civic and citizenship education and assessment and quality assurance 8.Current debates and reforms
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Current Progress 31 countries have completed NCS on- line survey 6 countries have begun to enter data on-line 2 countries have yet to begin the process 26 countries have had data reviewed and analysed
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Initial Analysis - Aims 1.Review and analyse Stage One data from NRCs 2.Check fitness for purpose of the data 3.Explore analysis and presentation of outcomes 4.Supply useful contextual information at a national and cross-national level 5.Consider reporting outcomes and frame next steps
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Initial Analysis - Methods Survey responses checked for consistency Review of open questions (qualitative) Coding and analysis of closed questions (quantitative) Initial analysis outputs and formats
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Analysis of Stage 1 Data 26 Countries The 26 countries are: Europe – Belgium (Flemish), Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden Latin America – Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Paraguay Asia – Chinese Taipei Other – New Zealand
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Aspects Contributing to CCE according to Official Sources: Existence of Recommendations and Level of Contribution ICCS – National Contexts Survey 2007 Approaches to Civic and Citizenship Education Most countries (18) have official recommendations/ expectations/ perceptions in all the areas specified. In most countries, official documents state that school culture/ethos and student participation make either a major contribution or some contribution to CCE (see figure to the right). However, 3 countries consider that these aspects make no contribution: Estonia, Luxembourg and Slovak Republic. Parental involvement has the least recognition, with only 6 countries (Denmark, Greece, Guatemala, Italy, Mexico and Paraguay) stating in official documents that it has a major contribution to make to CCE. (The table overleaf provides further details by country.) Section C16-21
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 In most countries, Grade 8 students follow a common curriculum in CCE. Analysis across countries shows that, in CCE at this grade: aims and objectives tend to be about students acquiring knowledge and understanding of the structure and operation of society, relevant cognitive skills, and knowledge and understanding of rights and responsibilities and/or the development of a responsible attitude processes most often emphasised are concerned with knowledge and understanding, positive attitudes to participation, and skills of discussion and debate (rather than, for instance, student participation in activities in the community and decision-making in the school) amongst the topics most often emphasised are those relating to formal political processes and systems, as well as human rights, cultural and ethnic diversity, and the environment the use of publications, guides and dissemination of instructional activities are the most common ways used in countries to implement CCE in the curriculum, whereas only a minority of countries use national assessments based on student samples only 11 countries specify in the school curriculum the amount of instructional time which should be devoted to CCE. CCE in the School Curriculum at Grade 8 Overview ICCS – National Contexts Survey 2007 E
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Main aims and objectives of CCE at Grade 8 (general education)* ICCS – National Contexts Survey 2007 CCE in the School Curriculum at Grade 8 In most countries, the aims and objectives of CCE at Grade 8 include encouraging students to acquire: knowledge and understanding of the structure and operation of society as a whole and/or concerning local communities (15 countries) relevant cognitive skills, such as skills of information processing and critical thinking (14 countries) Other often-mentioned goals of CCE at Grade 8 are: knowledge and understanding of rights and responsibilities and/or the development of a responsible attitude (13 countries); knowledge and understanding of diversity, including issues surrounding gender, multiculturalism and immigration (11 countries); the adoption and/or understanding of certain values, such as democracy, human rights and equal opportunities (10 countries); and the encouragement civic participation (10 countries). (Details are provided overleaf). *Question is not applicable for Guatemala (no curriculum specified) and for Luxembourg (CCE not taught at this level). E27
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Main aims and objectives of CCE at Grade 8 (general education), by country ICCS – National Contexts Survey 2007 CCE in the School Curriculum at Grade 8 E27 BFLBFL BGRBGR CHLCHL COLCOL CYPCYP DNKDNK ENGENG ESPESP ESTEST FINFIN FRAFRA GRCGRC ITAITA MEXMEX NIRNIR NLDNLD NORNOR NZLNZL POLPOL PRYPRY SVKSVK SVNSVN SWESWE TWNTWN Knowledge/understand ing of structure and operation of society ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Development of cognitive skills ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Knowledge/ understanding/ attitudes regarding rights and responsibilities ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Knowledge/understand ing of diversity ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Adoption/ understanding of values ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Encouragement of civic participation ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Note: Guatemala (no curriculum specified) and Luxembourg (CCE not taught at this level) not shown.
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Emphasis on CCE-related topics in school curriculum (Grade 8) ICCS – National Contexts Survey 2007 CCE in the School Curriculum at Grade 8 E30 N=26 countries Amongst the CCE-related topics most often emphasised at Grade 8 across countries are topics relating to formal political processes and systems, as well as human rights, cultural and ethnic diversity, and the environment (see above; for findings by country see table overleaf).
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Emphasis on CCE-related topics in school curriculum (Grade 8) ICCS – National Contexts Survey 2007 CCE in the School Curriculum at Grade 8 E30 N=26 countries Processes to do with student participation in activities in the community and decision-making in the school, analysing change in school and participation in the community are amongst the least emphasised of CCE- related processes (see above).
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Pervasiveness of current debates and reform ICCS – National Contexts Survey 2007 Current debates and reforms CCE is an area in flux (see figure below). In most countries policy in this area is being debated and the school curriculum is being revised. Also, in many countries school approaches to CCE are being revised and reforms are underway which may impact on CCE before ICCS reports in H44-46 N=26 countries Debates and reforms underway in the area of CCE
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Initial Analysis – Learning Points On-line instrument has worked well Much useful data collected at national and cross-national and regional level Possible to report general trends Review how to report data from closed (quantitative) and open (qualitative) questions Need for further checking, verification and updating of data in Stage 2 Consider reporting plans and next steps
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Reporting Plans Output 1 OVERVIEW CHARTS AND TABLES Based on analysis of NCS database across countries (closed questions) Output 2 ICCS ENCYCLOPAEDIA Overview charts and tables (closed questions) with short supporting national case studies from all countries (open questions) Baseline NCS Database Updated NCS on-line survey from each country
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 ICCS Encyclopaedia
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 NCS and Study Outputs International report (2010) European regional report (2010) ICCS Encyclopaedia (2010) National reports (2010 and beyond)
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Next Steps Review and analysis of all Stage 1 NCS data STAGE 2 Template for short national case study developed Exemplar template completed by number of countries NRCs review and update NCS data NRCs complete short national case study Review and, analysis of all Stage 2 NCS data Reporting of NCS outcomes
NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questions or comments? THANK YOU