Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 1 Software Project Management
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 2 Objectives l To introduce software project management l and to describe its distinctive characteristics l Explain the advantages of Using Formal Project Management l To discuss project planning and the planning process l To explain the responsibilities of software managers l To introduce the different types of Project Plans l Management activities l Project planning l Project scheduling
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 3 IT: Budget & Cost
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 4 Management, PM & Software PM
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 5 What is Software Engineering? Developing software having: l High quality l Within budget l On schedule (time) l Satisfying client’s requirements
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 6 What Is a Project? * l “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.”* l Temporary: A project has a definite beginning and a definite end. l The result (product or service) is unique: it is distinguishable from all other results. *PMI, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (2004), p. 5.
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 7 What Is a Project? l A project ends when its objectives have been reached, or the project has been terminated. l Project’s Results are not Temporary The result of the project (product or service) may outlive the project.
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 8 Project Attributes A project: Has a unique purpose. Is temporary. Is developed using progressive elaboration. Requires resources, often from various areas. Should have a primary customer or sponsor. The project sponsor usually provides the direction and funding for the project. Involves uncertainty.
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 9 Failure Statistics of SW Projects l Success On-time, On-budget, and scope-coverage (with Most of the Features & Functions) l Failed Over-budget, Over-time, and/or with less scope (Fewer Features & Functions) l Impaired Cancelled & Unused
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 10 Why Projects Fail? an unrealistic deadline is established changing customer requirements an honest underestimate of effort predictable and/or unpredictable risks technical difficulties miscommunication among project staff failure in project management.
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 11 A S/W project is a Risky Business 70% Completed 30% Not completed l All surveyed SW projects used waterfall lifecycle. l 53% of projects cost almost 200% of original estimate. l Estimated $81 billion spent on failed U.S. projects in 1995.
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 12 Failure Statistics of SW Projects Failed Cancelled
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 13 PM History lOlOld PM: 5000 B.C ‘The Egyptian Pyramids’ lBlBirth of modern PM: Manhattan Project (military) ‘development of the atomic bomb’ l1l1917: Henry Gantt ‘Gantt chart’ Gantt chart for scheduling Tasks Time
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 14 PM History - Gantt chart Example Web-Software development Time TasksTasks
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 15 PM History 1970’s l Use of PM software: military, defense, construction industries, Aircraft construction 1990’s: large shift to PM-based models l 1985: TQM ‘Total Quality Management’ l : Re-engineering l : Risk management, project management offices (PMO)
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 16 Project Management Offices (PMO) l An organizational group responsible for coordinating the project management function throughout an organization. l Possible goals of PMO: Collect, organize, and integrate project data Develop and maintain templates for project documentation Develop and coordinate training needs Provide project management consulting services
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 17 Failure Statistics of SW Projects l Success On-time, On-budget, and scope-coverage (with Most of the Features & Functions) High quality l Failed Over-budget, Over-time, and/or with less scope (Fewer Features & Functions) l Impaired Cancelled & Unused
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 18 l Why S/W Project Management ? l Because software development is always subject to budget and schedule constraints quality constraints Satisfying all requirements that are set by the organisation developing the software Minimise risk of failure Software Project Management
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 19 Quality & The Triple constraint Scope (Requirements) Budget Time (Schedule) Quality
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 20 Advantages of Using Formal Project Management l Better control of financial, physical, and human resources l Improved customer relations l Shorter development times l Lower costs l Higher quality and increased reliability l Higher profit margins l Improved productivity l Better internal coordination l Higher worker morale (less stress).
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 21 Software Project Management (Cont.) l Amateur programmer: No need for s/w project management l Professional s/w developer: Needs for s/w project management l Good s/w project management Will not guarantee project success l Bad s/w project management Will certainly result in project failure !!!
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 22 l S/W manager responsibilities include: Proposal writing: Objectives, methodology, deliverables, cost & schedule estimates Project planning and scheduling: Goals, activities, resources, milestones Project costing: Resources needed for activities Project monitoring and reviews:Track actual versus planned cost and time Personnel selection and evaluation Report writing and presentations Management Activities
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 23 Project Management Concerns staffing? cost estimation? project scheduling? project monitoring? other resources? customer communication? risk assessment? product quality? Software measurement?
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 24 Project Staffing l May not be possible to appoint the ideal people to work on a project Project budget may not allow for the use of highly-paid staff Staff with the appropriate experience may not be available An organisation may wish to develop employee skills on a software project l Managers have to work within these constraints especially when (as is currently the case) there is an international shortage of skilled IT staff
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 25 Project Planning – the 3 W’s l S/W project planning describes project breakdown activities/tasks (WHAT) Top Down approach Resources needed to carry out activities/tasks (WHO) Schedule the execution of activities (WHEN)
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 26 Project Planning l Main software project plan that is concerned with schedule and budget l Probably the most time-consuming project management activity Continuous activity from initial concept through to system delivery. Plans must be regularly revised as new information becomes available l Various different plans may be developed to support the main software project plan that is concerned with schedule and budget
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 27 Types of Project Plans
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 28 Project Planning Process
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 29 Project Plan Structure 1.Introduction Project objectives – constraints (budget, time, etc.) 2.Project organisation People involved, roles 3.Risk analysis Projects risks, Risk reduction strategies 4.Resource requirements:Hardware and software 5.Work breakdown Activities, milestones, deliverables 6.Project schedule (3W: What activity, when, who) Activities dependencies, activities time, allocate people to activities 7.Monitoring and reporting mechanisms What management reports and when Monitoring mechanism used Revise plan, update schedule
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 30 Activity organization: Milestones & Deliverables l Activities in a project should be organised to produce tangible outputs for management to judge progress l Milestones Check point based on : Time Budget Deliverable End-point of logical stage (activity) in the project Has no duration At each milestone there should be a formal output (report) presented to management Management needs documentation & information to judge project progress l Deliverables Are project results delivered to customers Deliverables are usually milestones but milestones need not be deliverables
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 31 Milestones Example: Requirements Engineering process (prototyping ) Deliverables are usually milestones DELIVERABLES /
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 32 Planning l Without a plan we do not know: What we are going to do How we are going to do it How long it will take The resources required The cost l If you do not plan, you are planning for failure
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 33 The Project Scheduling Process
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 34 Project Scheduling l Identify activities l Estimate activity effort l Estimate resources needed per activity l An activity At least one week duration Maximum 8-10 weeks. If greater subdivide into sub activities l Increase your original estimate to cover anticipated & unanticipated problems Add 30% for anticipated problems Add 20% for ommissioning (unanticipated problems)
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 35 Project Precedence Table TaskDuration (D/W/M/Y) Precedence(s) Filling Direction
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 36 Project Precedence Table Task
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 37 Project Precedence Table TaskDuration (D/W/M/Y) Precedence(s) Filling Direction
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 38 Project Precedence Table - Example TaskDuration (Weeks) Precedence A8- B15- C3A D10A, B E5B F2C, D G7E, F
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 39 Project Network – Critical Path ES LS EF LF A 8 B 15 C 3 D 10 E 5 F 2 G Critical Path: B-D-F-G Forward Backward 34: Min time to complete the project
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 40 Project Precedence Table TaskDuration (Weeks) PrecedenceEarliest start Earliest finish Latest start Latest finish Slack A B C3A D10A, B E5B F2C, D G7E, F Critical task
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 41 Task durations and dependencies: Precedence Table ( Precedence )
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 42 Activity network (Task dependency) T: Task M: Milestone
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 43 The PM Field Professional Organizations Project Management Institute (PMI) ( Software Engineering Institute (SEI) IEEE Software Engineering Group l Certifications PMI PMP l The “PMBOK” – PMI Body of Knowledge
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 44 PM Tools: Software l PM software survey ‘1999’: Describes & compares more than 200 software tools l PM resourses: See ‘ l Software Tools MS Project, Time Line, Primavera, …
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 45 PM Tools: Software l Low-end Basic features, tasks management, charting MS Excel, Milestones Simplicity l Mid-market Handle larger projects, multiple projects, analysis tools MS Project (approx. 50% of market) l High-end Very large projects, specialized needs, enterprise AMS Realtime Primavera Project Manager
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 46 Project Manager Positions l V.P. Program Development l Executive Program Manager l Project Manager / Program Manager l Assistant Project Manager l Project Administrator / Coordinator
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 47 The Project Management (PM) Field l Professional Organizations Project Management Institute (PMI) ( ) Software Engineering Institute (SEI) IEEE: Software Engineering Group l Certifications PMI PMP l The “PMBOK” – PMI Body of Knowledge
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 48 Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide l PMBOK Guide is approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), recognized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as an IEEE standard, used as an underlying reference in an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Report on managing software projects. l PMBOK Guide is similar to the IEEE’s “Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK),” which focuses on the software engineering profession.
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 49 PM Certification l In 2003, Average senior PM salary: $90,000 per year !! l PMI certification adds average 14% to salary l Progress in PMI # of certs: Year 1993: 1,000 certs Year 2004: 81,913 certs
Software Engineering SW Project Management Slide 50 PMP Certification, IT Project Management, Kathy Schwalbe, Course Technology, 2004.