Activities planned, TO DO's and timing 16th Technical Committee meeting Ljubljana IWT - Belgium15-16 Sept. 2009
2 Contents Activity planning TO DOs and timing
3 Activity planning Preparations CRC Workshop in Bucharest 25 November 2009 Suggested theme: CRC monitoring and evaluation Topics & Speakers (who?): -Eric Sleeckx (IWT) -Dag Kavlie (RCN) -[and: Martin Hussey (EI)?] -Update on the ongoing research -Finalizing the "Report on monitoring and evaluation of CRCs"
44 Activity planning Preparations TC meeting in Bucharest, EUFISCSU, 26 November 2009 Format: 1-day event, 10am-15pm Agenda: 1.Admin, contractual & financial issues 2.Communication issues 3.WPV Report on LT collaboration – discussion of the draft -Foundation for the ST/MT action plan (+ roadmap) -Steps towards the MoU on the implementation of the action plan on future cooperation? 4.Toolbox for CRC programme managers 5.Continuation of Compera after 2010 – options? 1.Concrete plans for the future? 6.Survey on internationalisation of CRCs 1.Final report on general part (survey) 2.First draft on case-studies part (interviews)
5 Activity planning Preparations SC meeting in Stockholm VINNOVA, 21 January 2010 Format: 1-day event, 10am-15pm Agenda (suggested): -Summary status regarding the 8th periodic reporting (IWT) -Results of the TF on Monitoring & Evaluation of CRC programmes (RCN + IWT) -Results Joint Study on Internationalisation of CRCs (Technopolis) – to be approved by the SC members -WPV Report on long term cooperation (NKTH)– to be approved by SC meeting -Foundation for the ST/MT action plan (+ roadmap) -Steps towards the MoU on the implementation of the action plan on future cooperation? -Presentation of the toolbox for CRC programme managers (VDI-TZ) -Extended communication plan(VDI-TZ) Reports in red are needed for dictribution among the consortium no later than early january !!
66 Activity planning Preparatory meeting for the Concluding COMPERA meeting Brussels, IWT, 11 March 2010 Agenda (suggested): -Results and report on the outcomes of the three workshops on CRCs and CRC programme management (IWT) -Short term and medium term action plan (+ roadmap) for future cooperation between COMPERA partners (NKTH) -The final MoU on the implementation of the action plan on future cooperation (NKTH) -Set of new documents needed for the negotiation with the EC, the national and the regional bodies (if needed, following the decision taken by the SC) (NKTH) -Final versions of the toolboxes (VDI-TZ)
7 Activity planning Preparations Concluding COMPERA meeting Vienna, FFG, 5 May 2010 Agenda (same as preparatory meeting): -Results and report on the outcomes of the three workshops on CRCs and CRC programme management (IWT) -Short term and medium term action plan (+ roadmap) for future cooperation between COMPERA partners (NKTH) -The final MoU on the implementation of the action plan on future cooperation (NKTH) -Set of new documents needed for the negotiation with the EC, the national and the regional bodies (if needed, following the decision taken by the SC) (NKTH) -Final versions of the toolboxes (VDI-TZ)
TO DOs 1.Preparation of planned meetings: 1.Bucharest WS/TC – EUFISCSU – by end September 2.Stockholm SC – VINNOVA – by end October 3.Final meeting – FFG – by end December 2.Tasks: 1.Toolboxes – VDI-TZ 2.Communication plan and strategy – VDI-TZ 3.Results of the three workshops – RCN/IWT Final versions ready for distribution by the end of February 2010 (M 57, cf. DoW) at the latest. 4. Towards continued cooperation (NKTH), including a roadmap and the MoU (if applicable) Final version ready for distribution by mid April 2010 (M 59, cf. DoW) at the latest. 8