TELSTAR Owen Stephens 7 th December 2009
What is a Reference?
What is a Reference? 1. An acknowledgement of other’s work and ideas
What is a Reference? 2. A description of a resource intended to identify the resource to the extent a copy of the resource can be discovered
What is a Resource? A thing that can be referenced. In the context of teaching and learning this includes…
What is a Resource? Course materials Web sites Books (electronic or print) Articles (electronic or print) Journals (electronic or print) Online databases
Course Materials Library Resources Student Content ? In a library system In structured content
Course Materials Library Resources Student Content ? Structured format
Course Authors
Associate Lecturers
Information Literacy
“The most common cause of minor plagiarism is a lack of understanding of how to cite material from other sources.” Chester,Gill. 'Plagiarism Detection and Prevention: Final Report on the JISC Electronic Plagiarism Detection Project', (2001).
CILIP, ‘Information literacy: the skills’, (2009) [online], literacy/pages/skills.aspx [20th November 2009]. literacy/pages/skills.aspx “always give credit to other people’s work” “Knowledge of citation style”
“The information literate person manages information collected or generated” Bundy, A. ‘Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy framework: principles, standards and practice’, 2 nd ed. (2004)
“It is important that you are organised and keep track of the information you use.” SMILE - IL & Academic Writing Course (2009) [online], [20th November 2009].
Where next?
IRM10 Innovations in Reference Management
IRM10 14 th January 2010