TELSTAR Owen Stephens 20th November 2009
What is TELSTAR?
What is TELSTAR?
What is TELSTAR?
Information Literacy?
“Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner. ” CILIP, ‘Information literacy: definition’, (2009) [online], literacy/pages/definition.aspx[20th November 2009].
What is a Reference?
What is a Reference? 1. An acknowledgement of other’s work and ideas
What is a Reference? 2. A description of a resource intended to identify the resource to the extent a copy of the resource can be discovered
What is a Resource? A thing that can be referenced. In the context of teaching and learning this includes…
What is a Resource? Course materials Web sites Books (electronic or print) Articles (electronic or print) Journals (electronic or print) Online databases
CILIP, ‘Information literacy: the skills’, (2009) [online], literacy/pages/skills.aspx [20th November 2009]. “always give credit to other people’s work” “Knowledge of citation style”
CILIP, ‘Information literacy: the skills’, (2009) [online], literacy/pages/skills.aspx [20th November 2009]. “always give credit to other people’s work” “Knowledge of citation style”
“The most common cause of minor plagiarism is a lack of understanding of how to cite material from other sources.” Chester,Gill. 'Plagiarism Detection and Prevention: Final Report on the JISC Electronic Plagiarism Detection Project', (2001).
Title: Effective Literature Search for Research Author: Sarah Gash Edition: 2 nd Publisher: Gower Publishing Limited Year of Publication: 2000 Place of Publication: Aldershot (ISBN: )
Gash, S. Effective Literature Searching for Research (Gower Publishing Limited, Aldershot, 2000). Nature formatting
Gash, Sarah. Effective Literature Searching for Research. Second ed. Aldershot: Gower Publishing Limited, MLA formatting
Where do References appear? Course materials Library Resources Student content (essays, TMAs/eTMAs, ePortfolios)
“The information literate person manages information collected or generated” Bundy, A. ‘Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy framework: principles, standards and practice’, 2 nd ed. (2004)
“It is important that you are organised and keep track of the information you use.” SMILE - IL & Academic Writing Course (2009) [online], [20th November 2009].
Course Materials Library Resources Student Content ? In a library system In structured content
Course Materials Library Resources Student Content ? Structured format
BBC, BBC - Homepage. Available: [4 September 2009].
BBC, BBC - Homepage. Available: uk/ixbin/hixclient.exe?_IXDB_=r outes&_IXSPFX_=g&submit- button=summary&$+with+res_i d+is+res9377=. [4 September 2009]. uk/ixbin/hixclient.exe?_IXDB_=r outes&_IXSPFX_=g&submit- button=summary&$+with+res_i d+is+res9377=.
BBC, BBC - Homepage. Available: [4 September 2009].
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