Why did you select this course, China’s socio-economic development? How to study social science? Kick off
Final Exam: a simple survey CHENG Yu Ph.D. International School, Tongji University
Why Surveys are useful to gather information on opinions and to make informed decisions for groups, companies and organizations. Read more: How to Make a Survey | eHow.com to Make a Survey | eHow.comhttp:// You can describe or explain a certain phenomenon or characteristics of respondents in China. An opportunity or a force drive you contact with local people.
How: topics Any topic, that interests you and is related to life style, value, consumption of Chinese students is appreciated. For example: Hobbies in free time Brands of mobile phones they like Friends circle ….
How: Survey questions Questions of the topic Further mind mapping questions Reason analysis Comparison between countries Hypothesis Background questions
How: Questions Delivering Two ways are recommended in this work. Face to face interview Written questionnaire
How: Data analysis Office Excel SAS SPSS …
How: Outlines of a survey report Introduction Topics Survey steps Data analysis Description of samples Statistic analysis Discussion/conclusion Appendix: the questionnaire
When Upload your report to icourse.tongji.edu.cn before Dec. 30 th A 3-minute presentation on Jan 3 rd, 2013 (with Finished Questionnaires)
Rating Sheet CriterionGrades 1Topic/subjectInteresting and meaningful;A 2Sample sizeQuestionnaires >20, F to F >10C Questionnaires >60, F to F >30B Questionnaires >120, F to F >60A 3QuestionsGet as more information as the research needed; easy to be understood; the structure is rational ;. A 4Data analysisProfessional and scientific.A 5DiscussionPhenomenon or characteristics of respondents has been explained clearly. A No explanation nor comparison but description is clear.B 6Report and presentation Format and structure of the report is good. The presentation is interesting and attractive. A