Tim Southerton Brian Grosso Matthew Morris Lalit Tanwar Kevin Meehan Alex Reid Advisor: Dr. Becker-Gomez 1RC Camera Car SDR
Background Review Proof of Concept Console Fabrication Timing Gate Wheel Speed Encoder Chassis Modification Car Bumper Console Controller Xbee Communications Wireless Camera Pending Detailed Design Items Testing / To Do List Bill of Materials 2RC Camera Car SDR
Project Goal: Build a RC car platform controlled remotely with intuitive controls and visual feedback that can be expanded to demonstrate Controls to college students. The project needs to be captivating and able to demonstrate multidisciplinary engineering innovation at various RIT events this year and into the future. Deliverables: 1. RC Car Platform with Cameras and Sensors 2. Driving Station with Controller 3. Equation of Motion of the System 4. Characterizing Parameters of the System 5. Source Code for Low Level Processing 6. Interface for Student Coding 7. Preliminary Differential Drive Code 8. Supporting Documentation 3RC Camera Car SDR Addressed with First- Level Proof of Concept To be Addressed with Further Proof of Concept Testing
Customer: Dr. Juan Cockburn Controls Professor, RIT, Computer Engineering (CE) Sponsors: RIT CE Department, Multidisciplinary Senior Design (MSD) Freescale Semiconductor RIT FMS (Chris Furnare and Jim Shuffield) RIT ME Robotics Lab Event Attendees: Imagine RIT, Freescale Cup 2014 Various Campus Symposiums and Workshops MSD Team Future RIT Researchers Future RIT MSD Teams / Prospective Students 4RC Camera Car SDR
Detailed Engineering Requirements Detailed Engineering Requirements No current changes made to engineering requirements Further proof of concept testing will now allow for detailed evaluation of specific parameters Car Performance Data, Wireless Transmission, etc. 5RC Camera Car SDR
Risk: Medium Metrics / Functions Addressed: Seat User Look Professional Diversify Technologies Built a preliminary console for proof of concept on component collection and platform for iterative design RC Camera Car SDR6
Risk: Low Metrics / Functions Addressed: Provide Competitive Element Measure Movement Event Entry 66 cm Wide, 33 cm Tall 450 mV Threshold for car passing IR Sensor RC Camera Car SDR8
Risk: High Metrics / Functions Addressed: Measure Movement Characterize System Provide Differential Drive Move Car Chassis Two Iterations 3D Printed Color Choice, Diameter, Sensor Options, Spacing, Fits RC Camera Car SDR9
1 ST ITERATION DESIGN2 ND ITERATION DESIGN RC Camera Car SDR10 Optical Switch Encoder Optical Switch Encoder
Risk: High Axles and Calculations Metrics / Functions Addressed: Minimum Turning Radius Manual Reset Required Balance Expandability Differential Drive Controls Positive Visual Inspection RC Camera Car SDR11 Car Current State
RC Camera Car SDR12
Risk: High Preliminary Performance Testing RC Car TX/RX Testing Arduino + Xbee Encoder Data TX/RX Metrics / Functions Addressed: Physically Move Car Transmit / Interpret Controlling Signals Measure Movement RC Camera Car SDR13
PRELIMINARY RF SETUPPRELIMINARY DATA RC Camera Car SDR14 lspeed = 45.0/(lnow-lprevious)*1000*3.14*2.8/360/12 (feet/sec) RC Camera Car Driving
Risk: High Metrics / Functions Addressed: Protect Components Manual Reset Required Added to protect the car during testing No cost added PVC, Foam, Metal Standoffs, L- Brackets, Zip Ties Plans to for a presentable bumper Nylon for a bumper donated by Rob Kraynik RC Camera Car SDR15
Risk: High Metrics / Functions Addressed: Respond to User Control Signals Immerse User with Realistic Controls Reverse engineering done on donated steering wheel / pedal controller Determination of analog output options for user input to system RC Camera Car SDR16
RC Camera Car SDR17 Steering Encoder Optical Switch
Risk: High Metrics / Functions Addressed: Transmit Controlling Signals Interpret Controlling Signals Respond to User Control Signals Measure Movement Successfully interfaced Xbee’s with Freescale KL25Z Board RC Camera Car SDR18
Risk: High Metrics / Functions Addressed: Transmit Visuals Give user driving feedback Wireless camera with analog output determined as best option Analog TX/RX modules used to transmit video to the LCD screen Preliminary testing accomplished with Matt’s mini- camera and Robotics Lab video transmitters RC Camera Car SDR19
Controls Algorithm Implementation Interface with Simple User Code Simulink to Microcontroller Interface ▪Embedded Coder Program ▪K60/K70 Microcontroller Constraint ▪Code Warrior Programming Interface Linear Speed Sensing for Systems Model ▪Low speed applications of control algorithm ▪Affordable IMU most likely high signal to noise ratio RC Camera Car SDR20
Steering Wheel / Pedal Testing ME’s: Access Hatch on Console EE’s Tap Signals to Microcontroller Wheel Speed Sampling Solution and Testing Car Performance Testing Range Testing of TX/RX Optical Gate Speed Testing K60/K70 Xbee / Motor Controller Integration Controls Application Software Integration IMU Measurement Nylon Bumper Design and Fabrication Wireless Camera Component Selection Component Mounts Aesthetics RC Camera Car SDR21
Current Budget Approximately $78.33 Spent Thus Far Approximately $ in Total Value of Parts Student Donated ~$100 Freescale Donation 2 x ~$200 Chassis Kits FMS / Free Items ~$80 Min. Projected Remaining Expenses $ Wireless Camera, TX, RX Casters, Course Materials, Nuts Bolts, Cables RC Camera Car SDR22
P14226 EDGE Site RC Camera Car SDR23