Action Plan for AWM WP5: Establishment of Permanent Adriatic Welfare Observatory Welfare Mix Days Ulcinj, July Andrea Russo Adriatic Welfare Mix
Assessment Study Study produced and includes desktop research and analysis of the survey Survey is completed with 112 questionnaires collected (X%) Document is available in printed and e-format (MS Word) for commenting Feed-backs from partners until 16th July 2015, 1-2 expert days per partner Final printing in English and translation (?) in regional languages in August 2015, e.g. 100 copies per country
Results Dissemination Objective: to disseminate the main conclusions and recommendations of the study in the target territories Outputs: results to be disseminated among stakeholders with dissemination report by each partner, one dissemination event per project country minimum Healthy City will coordinate the dissemination Dissemination channels: partners’ web sites, project web site, partners’ e- mailing lists, events, social media, direct communication Dissemination plan to be sent by each partner to HC until 31 July 2015 If prolongation is approved, dissemination from September-December 2015
Database Development and Maintenance Database is final stage of development and should be functional in July/August 2015 When the DB is completed, feed-backs to be collected from partners in August/September 2015 => 1 day expert work for each partner Social projects pipelining functions planned but due to cash flow problems are still not developed There is an option of having a social project pipelining platforms for each partner but this should be financed through partners’ budget if there is interest for this (the cost of this platform is euro per partner)
Updating the DB by all Partners Each partner should collect at least 10 data forms in excel format until 30 July 2015 All forms filled in English Data forms should cover social strategies, policies, laws, standards, rules, best practices, social services, social innovations, stakeholders 5-10 expert days per partner
Information Dissemination Objective: to disseminate the DB and its content among beneficiaries in the target territories, translation (?) by main national partners Outputs: dissemination report by each partner, presentations in national and English languages (for the events) Healthy City will coordinate the dissemination 3 expert days for each partner for dissemination and translation of ppts Dissemination channels: partners’ web sites, project web site, partners’ e- mailing lists, events, social media, direct communication Dissemination plan to be sent by each partner to HC until 15 September 2015 If prolongation is approved, dissemination from until May 2016
5.2.4 (or ) Impact on Social Strategies and Policies Objective: to promote and contribute to integration of AWM and WP5 outputs into local, national and regional (Adriatic-Ionian) policies Outputs: dissemination report by each partner, presentation of the benefits and models of social welfare mix implementation among national and regional decision makers and strategy/policy developers Each partner should address at least 5 stakeholders as well as plan to participate in the relevant regional intergovernmental events (e.g. Adriatic Ionian regional meetings) and advocacy activities (promoting activities of the project, Adriatic Social Observatory and their outputs and recommendations). Dissemination channels: direct communication, mails, meetings, events (seminars, conferences, round tables, etc.), e.g. 1-2 events per partner Dissemination plan to be sent by each partner to HC until 15 September 2015 If prolongation is approved, from until May 2016 This package is connected with WP2 and WP3 and the costs may be there as well
Establishment of joint system of rules on certifying care givers in public and private sector Objective: to promote and contribute to integration of AWM and WP5 outputs into local, national and regional (Adriatic-Ionian) policies Outputs: Joint certification system shared, guidelines published in electronic format Italian partners led by Coos Marche provide main inputs and guidance, all other partners provide feedbacks on the draft joint guidelines and lead national partners (MoT, Coos Marche, FIE, MoU) translate it into national languages. September 2015-Feburary 2016?
Promotion of Shared Rules Objective: Guidelines and system promoted, stakeholders are using them, Outputs: Promotional activities report, presentation material for regional stakeholders (e.g. RCC, Adriatic Ioninan Region) Organization of promotional activities in all target countries and at the regional level by lead national partners (MoT, Coos Marche, FIE, MoU) at own web-site, mails, leaflets dissemination, events etc. (at least 1 event per partner) March 2016-May 2016?
Main Issues Financial situation: what to do and how to implement the activities? Any solutions? Legal action to protect ourselves? Can partners somehow help each other and the project? Prolongation: are we all on the track to prolong it? Financial issues to be included in the reasons for prolongation? Any responses yet? WP3 and WP4 outputs in electronic form for WP5?
Conclusion If there will be no financial issues and prolongation is approved, the WP5 and all other connected packages may be successfully completed Additional impact can be achieved if the cash-flow is improved for Healthy city, Adriatic Social Observatory and Cluster CEDRA Split (e.g. additional social enterprises to be founded as a part of the project outputs in Croatia, including a regional social tourism brand) Financial and prolongation issues have to be concluded ASAP in order to prevent further complications
Thank you Željka Raguž Zdravi grad Vukovarska Split