TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION MISSION… 1)Wing Location 2)Wing Shape 3)Wing Planform/Taper 4)Wing Tip 5)Tail Unit 6)Engine(s) 7)Air Intake(s)
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Wing Location… It is where the wings are connected to the fuselage of the aircraft. There are 3 locations where aircraft wings can be attached to the fuselage: 1) Top part of fuselage - High-mount 2) Middle part of fuselage - Mid-mount 3) Bottom part of fuselage - Low-mount
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Wing Shape… It is the shape of the wings seen from the front/back view after it is being fixed to the fuselage. Aircraft wings can take a number of shapes, namely: Horizontal Anhedral Dihedral Gull Shape
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Horizontal ShapeGull Shape The wing is perpendicular to the fuselage. The wing is positive (pointing upwards) from the fuselage before taking a horizontal shape perpendicular to the fuselage. It takes the shape of the wings of a flying seagull. F-5E Tiger
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Dihedral ShapeAnhedral Shape The wing forms a V-shape. It can be said that the wing is positive. The wing takes the shape of a inverted V. It can also be said that the wing is negative. Piper PA-28 Cherokee AV-8B Harrier
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Wing Planform/Taper… Wing planform is also known as wing taper. It is the shape of the wings seen from top/plan view or bottom view. Below is the list of wing planforms that you are expected to recognise: - Rectangular- Variable Geometry - Elliptical- Delta - Forward Tapered- Canard Wings - Backward Tapered- Back Swept/Swept Back - Equi-Tapered- Forward Swept
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION RectangularElliptical Rectangular wing planform is normally used for low-flying aircraft and also trainer aircraft. Elliptical wing aircraft are normally seen during World War II. Piper WarriorSupermarine Spitfire
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Forward TaperedBackward Tapered SU-25 FrogfootC-130 Hercules
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Equi-TaperedVariable Geometry Both sides of the wing are tapered equally. Aircraft with variable wings could configure the angle of the wings for different speed. Extra 300 F-14 Tomcat Picture Unavailable
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION DeltaCanard Wings Supersonic jet fighters may have a delta wing because of its speed and role. Canard wings are meant to delay stalling. If the aircraft is about to stall, the canards will stall first, and the main wings can be used to prevent stalling of the whole aircraft. Mirage 2000 JAS-39 Gripen
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Back Swept/Swept BackForward Swept Normally configured in commercial aircraft. While flying at high speed, forward swept wings maintain aircraft controllability at high angle of attack. A300 Beluga SU-47 Berkut
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Wing Tip… Wing tip of an aircraft determines the joint between the leading edge and trailing edge of the wing. Types of wing tips: - Square - Blunt - Curved - Rounded - Pointed
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION SquareBluntCurvedRoundedPointed EXAMPLESEXAMPLES DH-88 CometCessna 172F-15E Strike Eagle HurricaneP-51D Mustang
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Tail Unit… The tail unit, or also known as the empennage, is normally located at the rear of the aircraft. The tail unit configurations comes in various shapes and numbers. These are the various configurations: - Arrow Shape- Y-Shape - Cross Shape- Inverted Y-shape - T-Shape- U-Shape - Inverted T-Shape- Inverted U-Shape - W-Shape- V-Shape
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION ShapesArrowCrossT EXAMPLESEXAMPLES Ilyushin 76Dassault Falcon 20Airbus A340
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION ShapesInverted TWY EXAMPLESEXAMPLES A-6 IntruderC-121 Constellation Picture Unavailable
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION ShapesInverted YUInverted UV EXAMPLESEXAMPLES F-117 Nighthawk F4 PhantomV-22 Osprey Diagram Unavailable Picture Unavailable
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Engine(s) Placement… Engine has two classes; propeller and gas turbine (jet). Below are the different number of engines in the two engine classes. Propeller - Single engine - Twin engine - Four engines Gas Turbine Engine - Single engine internally body mounted - Twin engine internally body mounted - Twin engine externally mounted - Twin engine externally rear fuselage mounted - Three engines - Four engines
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Propeller Engine Single engineTwin engineFour engines E X A M P L E S Zero FighterDC-3B-17 Flying Fortress
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Gas Turbine Engine Single engine internally body mounted Twin engine internally body mounted Twin engine externally mounted E X A M P L E S Mig-21 FishbedDassault RafaleBoeing
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Gas Turbine Engine Twin engine externally rear fuselage mountedThree enginesFour engines E X A M P L E S A-10 ThunderboltBoeing KC-135 Stratotanker
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Air Intake(s)… Air intake(s) is needed to make use of ram air to drive the turbine of a gas turbine engine. Air intake(s) can be located at different locations on an aircraft: - At the nose - At the side of the fuselage - At the wing roots - Under the nose - Under the fuselage
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION At the noseAt the side of the fuselageAt the wing roots E X A M P L E S BAC LightningHawker Hunter T MK.7GR4 Tornado
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION Under the noseUnder the fuselage E X A M P L E S E-2000 Eurofighter TyphoonVought A-7E Corsair II
TO SERVE WITH PRIDE AND DEDICATION SUMMARY... With these recognition skills, you should be able to recognise an aircraft by its unique features from others that looks alike.