SWE Strategic Plan and FY14 Operational Goals
Society Strategic Goals Professional Excellence Goal 1: SWE will develop women engineers at all stages of their personal and professional lives. Globalization Goal 2 - SWE will be recognized as a global, inclusive organization, promoting diversity and inclusion and serving women engineers wherever they are. Advocacy Goal 3 - SWE will advocate for the inclusion and success of women, present and prospective, in engineering and technology.
Strategic Goal #1: Professional Excellence Goal 1: SWE will develop women engineers at all stages of their personal and professional lives. Strategic Objective FY14 Operational Goal 1.1 Develop an education-, experience-, and exposure-based portfolio for all career and life stages and paths 1.1.1 Identify and document current gaps in portfolio, tools, methods of delivery, processes, and any other gaps. Prioritize gaps based on need and identify the top 10. Owner: Director of Professional Excellence 1.2 Develop new markets and strengthen existing markets for the education, experience, and exposure portfolio. 1.2.1 Investigate HQ driven "regional" conferences planning and progress as appropriate. Owner: Executive Director 1.2.2 Execute HQ driven program & services offerings worldwide and to other professional organizations Owner: Executive Director
Strategic Goal #2: Globalization Goal 2 - SWE will be recognized as a global, inclusive organization, promoting diversity and inclusion and serving women engineers wherever they are. Strategic Objective FY14 Operational Goal 2.1 Partner with global employers to promote the SWE brand. 2.1.1 Identify goals and models for partnership that best match SWE strategic goals, including program & services offerings Owner: Executive Director 2.2 Partner with other organizations to promote achievement of common goals through the SWE brand. 2.2.1 Develop and execute a plan to collaborate with other organizations to achieve SWE’s goals Owner: Executive Director 2.3 Develop a flexible SWE governance structure that supports globalization and inclusion. 2.3.1 Investigate needs, options, and current state for a structure that supports globalization and inclusion. Owner: Director of Membership
Strategic Goal #3: Advocacy Goal 3 - SWE will advocate for the inclusion and success of women, present and prospective, in engineering and technology. Strategic Objective FY14 Operational Goal 3.1 Lead advocacy efforts with government and through the media. 3.1.1 Implement public relations media plan Owner: Executive Director 3.2 Provide resources for individuals to advocate for the Society’s Mission and for themselves. 3.2.1 Develop membership advocacy tool kit Owner: Director of Advocacy 3.3 Create opportunities for and improve access to careers in engineering and technology by impacting those who influence career choices for women and girls. 3.3.1 Enhance resources/programs for adult influencers via the current outreach programs and add or enhance for outreach key events Owner: Director of Advocacy 3.4 Advocate with employers and academic institutions for the recruitment, retention and advancement of women on women’s own terms. Continued on next page Cut from FY14 budget
Strategic Goal #3: Advocacy Strategic Objective FY14 Operational Goal 3.4 Advocate with employers and academic institutions for the recruitment, retention and advancement of women on women’s own terms. 3.4.1 Disseminate short term “SWE Solutions for Work & Life Integration” (MI0116) recommendations Owner: Speaker of the Senate 3.4.2 Develop a plan for “SWE Solutions for Work & Life Integration” utilized by employers Owner: Executive Director 3.4.3 Develop and pilot the messaging and content in the membership toolkit for employer sponsored dues program Owner: Director of Membership 3.4.4 Develop robust plan and recommendations for sections to work with employee affinity groups Owner: Director of Membership
FY14 RG Team Goals and Objectives
FY14 DR and RG Team Goals Will be discussed during July 15th RG Call Focus on goal setting and progress in FY14 report format By July 1st DR and RG Team goals will be completed in draft form FY14 Region Tactical Plan Template in Dropbox for your use RG Team goals will be finalized by team at RG Summit in August By July 1st will include my goals plus flow down goals to RGs Flow down goals will be included in tactical plan template – will post FY14template to Dropbox NLT July 1st.
SWE RG Leadership Pipeline and Mentoring Program Wendy Landwehr FY13 Deputy Director of Regions
Leadership Pipeline Process has been in place in the Regions and MAL organization since FY10 Supports SWE’s Diversity and Inclusion strategy Regions have ownership of building a SWE leadership pipeline A long-term effort
Leadership Pipeline Goals of the process. The Regions and MAL organization will: Keep a database with high potential leaders’ profiles Set a succession plan by mid year and be able to identify a slate of candidates for all regional elected positions, including RCR/RCNE positions, before the election Identify at least 3-5 high potentials as future regional leaders and provide development opportunities to those individuals/members
Leadership Pipeline How is this done: A standard leadership profile form is used by SWE leaders at all levels. This form contains two kinds of information: leader’s background information (i.e., experience, skills and interests) and leadership development information. The background information is created and maintained by each individual leader. The leadership development information is created and maintained by individual leader’s SWE mentor/coach or champion.
Leadership Pipeline How is this done: (cont) A database of information from the form is maintained by the region nominating committee All leadership profile information is kept confidential The database is updated annually at a minimum A mentoring program is set up with mentor/mentee pairs base on the information from the leadership pipeline database
SWE RG Mentoring Program Goals of the process: Enhance leadership pipeline for regional and society positions Expose more SWE members to regional and national level Help build the necessary skills of future SWE leaders
SWE RG Mentoring Program How is this done: Region needs a mentoring coordinator Set up a schedule Program Duration: Continuous Signup every six months Mentor and Mentee Sign-up (2-wks) Pairing (2-wks) Kick-off Meeting (telecon) run by Mentoring Facilitator Pairs meeting monthly Workshop at Region X Conferences Complete a mid-year (or quarterly) survey check with the pairs How is it going, any questions?
SWE RG Mentoring Program How is this done: (cont) Use a survey to kickoff for the program Samples are available Assign Mentor/Mentee pairs using the survey Based on SWE level (for professionals and collegiates) and on experience and interest Section leader with Region leader Region Leader with Society leader Collegiate leader with professional leader
SWE RG Mentoring Program How is this done: (cont) Create a set of ground rules Mentor pairs will communicate on a regular basis. Goal to have 1 meeting a month Pair will target holding 2 face to face meetings a year (1 minimum) Pair will discuss and agree how they’d like to communicate- phone, instant message, emails. Target communication & engagement every month (once a quarter minimum)
SWE RG Mentoring Program How is this done: (cont) Other suggestions, but not required Have a Quarterly Program Meeting Suggestions: Provide overview to Region and National Positions Provide skills workshops Help from Leadership Coach – get LCC involved Having discussion topics sent out to the pairs monthly. Just something to get the conversation going. Governors can brainstorm on this subject