A Sleepy Winter’s Day Susan Garrett ICT Advisory Teacher Wakefield Education – Advisory Service Susan Garrett ICT Advisory Teacher Wakefield Education – Advisory Service READ FIRST
It was a very boring day in the middle of a mild winter. Three friends met at the top of the sunny mountain side. The green dragon climbed up into the branches of a twisted tree and quickly fell asleep. The blue wizard tucked himself under his enormous, magical, blue hat and was soon snoring soundly. The red wizard stood at the edge of the cliff and gazed out over the surrounding countryside, As his thoughts drifted, he too soon felt his heavy eyelids close.green dragon blue wizard red wizard It was a very boring day in the middle of a mild winter. Three friends met at the top of the sunny mountain side. The green dragon climbed up into the branches of a twisted tree and quickly fell asleep. The blue wizard tucked himself under his enormous, magical, blue hat and was soon snoring soundly. The red wizard stood at the edge of the cliff and gazed out over the surrounding countryside, As his thoughts drifted, he too soon felt his heavy eyelids close.green dragon blue wizard red wizard
After several hours, the green dragon woke up feeling very grumpy. Something had dragged him from a really exciting dream. He had been in the middle of rescuing a beautiful female dragon from a wicked knight. He glared at the blue wizard who was still fast asleep.green dragon blue wizard After several hours, the green dragon woke up feeling very grumpy. Something had dragged him from a really exciting dream. He had been in the middle of rescuing a beautiful female dragon from a wicked knight. He glared at the blue wizard who was still fast asleep.green dragon blue wizard
The grumpy green dragon made such a fuss and such a noise that eventually the blue wizard woke up and crawled out from under his shrinking hat. At the same time, the green dragon turned to the red wizard to include him in his grumbles. But where was the red wizard?green dragon blue wizard The grumpy green dragon made such a fuss and such a noise that eventually the blue wizard woke up and crawled out from under his shrinking hat. At the same time, the green dragon turned to the red wizard to include him in his grumbles. But where was the red wizard?green dragon blue wizard
At that moment, the blue wizard was fully aroused from his sleep by an ear- splitting scream. The green dragon climbed further up the tree and to his horror, from his higher perch, caught a glimpse of the red wizard.blue wizard green dragon At that moment, the blue wizard was fully aroused from his sleep by an ear- splitting scream. The green dragon climbed further up the tree and to his horror, from his higher perch, caught a glimpse of the red wizard.blue wizard green dragon
As the red wizard had started to doze, he had fallen forward and toppled over the edge of the cliff! Even his magic powers could not save him as he hurtled towards the rocks below.red wizard As the red wizard had started to doze, he had fallen forward and toppled over the edge of the cliff! Even his magic powers could not save him as he hurtled towards the rocks below.red wizard
The pair watching from the cliff-top had just one chance of saving their friend. The blue wizard had to act swiftly. He tugged his hat from his head and tossed it high into the air as he chanted his magic words. The green dragon looked on anxiously, whispering his secret words of magic, so desperate was he to help save his friend.blue wizard green dragon The pair watching from the cliff-top had just one chance of saving their friend. The blue wizard had to act swiftly. He tugged his hat from his head and tossed it high into the air as he chanted his magic words. The green dragon looked on anxiously, whispering his secret words of magic, so desperate was he to help save his friend.blue wizard green dragon
The blue wizard’s magnificent hat increased in size and sped down towards the falling red wizard. It overtook him as he tumbled towards the ground, and hovered beneath him like a safety net.red wizard. The blue wizard’s magnificent hat increased in size and sped down towards the falling red wizard. It overtook him as he tumbled towards the ground, and hovered beneath him like a safety net.red wizard.
The rescue attempt succeeded without a moment to spare. The red wizard was collected safely inside the blue wizard’s hat. Having sprouted a pair of sturdy green wings, (the result of the green dragon’s whispered words), the hat began the ascent back up to its awaiting master.red wizard The rescue attempt succeeded without a moment to spare. The red wizard was collected safely inside the blue wizard’s hat. Having sprouted a pair of sturdy green wings, (the result of the green dragon’s whispered words), the hat began the ascent back up to its awaiting master.red wizard
In no time at all the red wizard was reunited with his calmed friends waiting on the cliff top. The blue wizard and the green dragon were so thankful to have him safely back with them. The red wizard was fortunate to have such dependable friends. blue wizard green dragon red wizard In no time at all the red wizard was reunited with his calmed friends waiting on the cliff top. The blue wizard and the green dragon were so thankful to have him safely back with them. The red wizard was fortunate to have such dependable friends. blue wizard green dragon red wizard
The End After their terrifying ordeal the three friends were overcome with exhaustion. The green dragon wearily climbed to his favourite spot in the branches of the twisted tree. The blue wizard snuggled down under his magical hat. The red wizard, who had learned his lesson stayed as far away from the edge of the cliff as he could and soon he too was sleeping soundly.green dragonblue wizard red wizard, After their terrifying ordeal the three friends were overcome with exhaustion. The green dragon wearily climbed to his favourite spot in the branches of the twisted tree. The blue wizard snuggled down under his magical hat. The red wizard, who had learned his lesson stayed as far away from the edge of the cliff as he could and soon he too was sleeping soundly.green dragonblue wizard red wizard,
red wizard green dragon blue wizard Click on a hyperlink or a picture of a character to go to a speaking or thoughts page When you first open the PowerPoint story first save the file to your own folder using a different name such as My sleepy day. If you do not do this you will not be able to save your changes. When you have done this set the presentation to View the slideshow. Save your work frequently by clicking the Save button. Add your own text into the speech or thought bubbles. It’s a good idea to read through the whole story first. This way your ideas will fit in to the story better! Click on the home button to go back to the story pages. Click on the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards through the story. GO TO STORY