Survey of KAP of Pediatricians regarding Hib Disease & Vaccination in India during Pedicon Vipin M. Vashishtha, MD, FIAP Convener, IAPCOI 2011-13


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Presentation transcript:

Survey of KAP of Pediatricians regarding Hib Disease & Vaccination in India during Pedicon Vipin M. Vashishtha, MD, FIAP Convener, IAPCOI

IAP Committee on Immunization (IAPCOI), Indian Academy of Pediatrics Kailash Darshan, Kennedy Bridge Mumbai, Maharashtra Tel: , , Fax: Website: Implementing Agency Proposal Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of Pediatricians regarding Hib Disease and Vaccination in India Submitted to United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) India Country Office 73 Lodi Estate, New Delhi

Questionnaire: About yourself (7) About Hib disease (11) About Hib vaccine & vaccination (10)

Aims and Objectives: – To understand pediatrician viewpoint (knowledge, attitude and practices) on Hib diseases and Hib vaccination in India – To assess the issues of safety/efficacy of the Hib vaccine apart from assessing the quantum of the use of this vaccine in their practices. – To sensitize general public and policy makers regarding Hib disease and vaccination

Material and Methods: Study design: Cross sectional survey Sample size: Assuming a total of registered pediatricians all over country both in public and private facilities; With disease incidence (all forms of pneumonia) 7% and worst acceptable and 95% Confidence Interval; Sample size comes to be 616 but considering dropout and non response 2000 pediatrician will be asked to complete this survey.

Methodology: A list of pediatrician registering/attending PEDICON 2012 will be prepared and serial numbered. A proportionate sample will be drawn based on random sampling. A random number table will be generated if number of attending pediatrician is too large (>3000)

Methodology: A self-administered semi-structured questionnaire will be distributed to participants on day 1 of PEDICON 2012 and will be collected at the end of same day. Need inputs from COI members?? Coordination with Pedicon organizing committee Volunteers from Industry?? Announcements/fliers???

Data analysis plan Data collected through questionnaire route will be entered into the excel file format and analyzed using Epi-Info and/or SPSS statistical software. The results will be presented in tabular format as means and proportions. It will be further analyzed presenting regional variations with chi square test of significance.

Risks & benefits for participants No risk for participating in this study. Participants will be ensured of confidentiality and anonymity of the collected data. Consent will be obtained from each participant and they will be told about pros and cons of participating in this survey. No remuneration or financial assistance will be given to those participating in this survey??


Timeline: S.No Item Month 1Month 2Month 3 1 Data collection 2 Data cleaning and data validation 3 Data analysis 4 Tabulate final results 5 Developing first report 6 Finalization of report 7 Report dissemination

Expected output A detailed report documenting viewpoint of pediatrician on Hib diseases and Hib vaccination programme in India. Recommendations as emerged from the viewpoint for general public and policy makers.

Team/Human resources: IAPCOI Bio-statician Survey coordinator Data entry operators

Publication In a peer reviewed pediatric journal: on fast track request

Thank You!!