Information Management 12-1 Chapter 12
Learning Objectives Describe the purpose of data collection and reporting. Identify the data that should be collected within the organization. Identify the data that should be collected for outside organizations. Describe the purpose and process for publishing an internal health and safety report. Describe the use of the Internet as a health and safety information source. 12-2
Introduction Data collection and information analysis are critical components of the safety and health program Data must be retrievable in a format that is compatible with its intended use An annual health and safety report should be published for all levels of the organization Life Safety Initiatives 7 and 8 relate to the use of information management to improve responder safety 12-3
Purpose of Data Collection and Reporting May be required by law Analysis and evaluation Protect the organization and the members legally Predicting increases or decreases in premiums which will have future budget impacts *Medical related data and information is considered confidential* 12-4
Internal Data Collection Health and safety data used within the organization –Injury reports –Accident reports –Individual medical histories –Drug-free workplace test results –Reports dealing with an employee killed in the line of duty –Exposure records Use standardized forms Meet local, state, and federal laws and requirements 12-5
Example Standardized Form 12-6
Example Accident/Injury Form 12-7
Example Injury/Illness Form 12-8
External Data Collection Information used by agencies outside the organization May or may not be the same as that needed within the organization –Workers’ Compensation –Occupational Safety and Health Administration –National Fire Protection Association –United States Fire Administration –International Association of Firefighters –National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 12-9
Publishing the Health and Safety Report Distributed throughout the organization Include: –General state of organization in terms of safety and health –Accomplishments, improvements, benchmarks –Goals and objectives for next reporting period –Data analysis with comparison to national averages and similar departments –Summary of compliance with regulations and standards 12-10
Example Time Loss by Injury 12-11
Accessing Health and Safety Information Using the Internet , fax, social media, instant messaging, and video conferencing Search engines Safety and health web sites Emergency service web sites Regulatory agency web sites 12-12
Summary Data should be collected and organized and used for valuable feedback Information should be used to make an annual report Using computers and the Internet can help communicate Information can be accessed faster and more easily 12-13