Lesson 15 Heather Koontz, Hunter Hoffner, and Cody Wilhelm
Alt: high / Altitude: alt(high) tude(state of) / Altar: alt(high) ar(related to) - high, elevated table / Evalt: ex(out) alt(high) - lift on high / Altitude: alt(high) tude(state of) / Altar: alt(high) ar(related to) - high, elevated table / Evalt: ex(out) alt(high) - lift on high
Cred: believe, trust / Incredible: in(not) cred(believe) ible(able) / Incredulous: in(not) cred(believe) ous( full of) / Credulity: cred(believe) ity(state of)- willingness and readiness to believe based on little evidence. / Discredit: dis(away) cred(believe) it(pertaining to) / Incredible: in(not) cred(believe) ible(able) / Incredulous: in(not) cred(believe) ous( full of) / Credulity: cred(believe) ity(state of)- willingness and readiness to believe based on little evidence. / Discredit: dis(away) cred(believe) it(pertaining to)
Cumul: heap, pile / Accumulate: ac(to) cumul(pile) ate(make, cause) / Cumulative: cumul(pile) tive(pertaining to) / Cumulus: cumulus(pile, heap) / Accumulate: ac(to) cumul(pile) ate(make, cause) / Cumulative: cumul(pile) tive(pertaining to) / Cumulus: cumulus(pile, heap)
Dactyl:finger, toe,digit / Pterodactyl: pter(wing) dactyl(finger)- flying reptiles with featherless wings of skin / Dactylography: dactyl(finger) graphy (write)-study of fingerprints for identification. / Pentadactyl: penta(five) dactyl(finger, toe)-having five digits on each hand or foot. / Pterodactyl: pter(wing) dactyl(finger)- flying reptiles with featherless wings of skin / Dactylography: dactyl(finger) graphy (write)-study of fingerprints for identification. / Pentadactyl: penta(five) dactyl(finger, toe)-having five digits on each hand or foot.
Dyn- power, force, strength / Dynamic: dynam(force) ic(related to)- relating to physical force ; opposite of static. / Aerodynamics: aero (air) dynam (force) ics (science of)- study of forces exerted by the motion of air and other gases. / Dynameter; dyn(power),meter(measure)-- instrument for measuring power of telescopes. / Dynamic: dynam(force) ic(related to)- relating to physical force ; opposite of static. / Aerodynamics: aero (air) dynam (force) ics (science of)- study of forces exerted by the motion of air and other gases. / Dynameter; dyn(power),meter(measure)-- instrument for measuring power of telescopes.
Enter: intestine / Enteric: enter(intestine) ic( related to) / Dysentery: dys(bad) enter(intestine) y( result of) / Gastroenteritis: gastro(stomach) enter(intestine) itis(inflammation) / Enteric: enter(intestine) ic( related to) / Dysentery: dys(bad) enter(intestine) y( result of) / Gastroenteritis: gastro(stomach) enter(intestine) itis(inflammation)
-et(-ette)- small, diminutive / Floret: flor(flower) et(small) / Statuette: stat(stand) ette(small) / Lunette: lun(moon) ette(small)- object shaped like a half moon. / Floret: flor(flower) et(small) / Statuette: stat(stand) ette(small) / Lunette: lun(moon) ette(small)- object shaped like a half moon.
Fa(fab)- speak, say, tell / Infant: in(not) fa(speak) ant(one who) / Fable: fable(told)- a told story / Affable: af(to) fab(talk) able (able)- able to talk easily. / Infant: in(not) fa(speak) ant(one who) / Fable: fable(told)- a told story / Affable: af(to) fab(talk) able (able)- able to talk easily.
Flor(flower) / Floral: flor(flower) al(related to) / Floriferous: flori(flower) fer(bear,produce) ous(full of) / Florida: flor(flower)-- Spanish for “land of flowers” / Floral: flor(flower) al(related to) / Floriferous: flori(flower) fer(bear,produce) ous(full of) / Florida: flor(flower)-- Spanish for “land of flowers”
Her(hes) (stick) / Adhesive: ad(to) hes(stick) ive(pertaining to) / Inherent: in(in, into) her(stick) ent(that which)--part of something by nature or habbit / Incoherent: in(not) co(together, with) / Adhesive: ad(to) hes(stick) ive(pertaining to) / Inherent: in(in, into) her(stick) ent(that which)--part of something by nature or habbit / Incoherent: in(not) co(together, with)
Ichthy(fish) / Ichthyology: ichthy(fish) logy(study of) / Ichthyophagous: ichthy(fish) phag(eat) ous(full of) / Ichthyosis: ichthy(fish) osis(disease,abnormal condition)-- scaly skin / Ichthyology: ichthy(fish) logy(study of) / Ichthyophagous: ichthy(fish) phag(eat) ous(full of) / Ichthyosis: ichthy(fish) osis(disease,abnormal condition)-- scaly skin
Lingu(tongue,language) / Lingo: ling(language) / Bilingual: bi(two) lingu(language) al(related to) / Linguistics: lingu(language) ics(science of) / Lingo: ling(language) / Bilingual: bi(two) lingu(language) al(related to) / Linguistics: lingu(language) ics(science of)
Merg(mers) / Submerge: sub (under) merge (dip) / Immersion: im (in, into) mers (dip, plunge) ion (act of) / Emerge: e (out) merg (plunge) / Submerge: sub (under) merge (dip) / Immersion: im (in, into) mers (dip, plunge) ion (act of) / Emerge: e (out) merg (plunge)
Mon(monit) / Monitor: monit (warn) or (one who) / Monitory: monit (warn) ory (pertaining to) - cautionary / Premonition: pre (before) monit (warn) tion (act of) / Monitor: monit (warn) or (one who) / Monitory: monit (warn) ory (pertaining to) - cautionary / Premonition: pre (before) monit (warn) tion (act of)
Or(orat) / Oral: or (mouth) al (pertaining to) / Oracle: ora (pray) - seat of an ancient divinity; an infallible authority / Inexorable: in (not) ex (out) or (pray) able (able) - unmoved by prayer; unyielding / Oral: or (mouth) al (pertaining to) / Oracle: ora (pray) - seat of an ancient divinity; an infallible authority / Inexorable: in (not) ex (out) or (pray) able (able) - unmoved by prayer; unyielding
Phyto(plant) / Phytogeography: phyto (plant) geo (earth) graphy (writing, record)- study of the geographical distribution of plants / Phytopathogen: phyto (plant) path (disease) gen (origin)- causing plant disease / Phytophagous: phyto (plant) phag (eat) ous (full of)- feeding on pants / Phytogeography: phyto (plant) geo (earth) graphy (writing, record)- study of the geographical distribution of plants / Phytopathogen: phyto (plant) path (disease) gen (origin)- causing plant disease / Phytophagous: phyto (plant) phag (eat) ous (full of)- feeding on pants
Prehend(prehens) (seize, grasp) / Prehensile: prehens(grasp) ile(like)-- adapted to grasp like a monkey’s tail / Comprehend: com(together) prehend(grasp) / Reprehensible: re(back) prehends(seize)ible(able)--deserving blame: “holding back” / Prehensile: prehens(grasp) ile(like)-- adapted to grasp like a monkey’s tail / Comprehend: com(together) prehend(grasp) / Reprehensible: re(back) prehends(seize)ible(able)--deserving blame: “holding back”
Rhizo(root) / Rhizoid: rhiz(root) oid (resemblimg) / Rhizophagous: rhizo(root) phag(eat) ous(full of) / Rhizomorphous: rhizo(root) morph(shape) ous(full of) / Rhizoid: rhiz(root) oid (resemblimg) / Rhizophagous: rhizo(root) phag(eat) ous(full of) / Rhizomorphous: rhizo(root) morph(shape) ous(full of)
Sangui(blood) / Consanguinity: con(together, with) sangui(blood) ity(state of)-- related by blood / Sangfroid: sang(blood) froid(cold)-- composure under stress / Exsanguinate: ex(out) sangui(blood) ate(cause)-- to remove the blood / Consanguinity: con(together, with) sangui(blood) ity(state of)-- related by blood / Sangfroid: sang(blood) froid(cold)-- composure under stress / Exsanguinate: ex(out) sangui(blood) ate(cause)-- to remove the blood
Saur(lizard) / Dinosaur: deinos(terrible) saur(lizard) / Pterosaur: pter(wing) saur(lizard) / Tyrannosaurus rex: turannos(tyrant) saur(lizard) rex(king) / Dinosaur: deinos(terrible) saur(lizard) / Pterosaur: pter(wing) saur(lizard) / Tyrannosaurus rex: turannos(tyrant) saur(lizard) rex(king)
Topo(Place) / Topical: Top (Place) al (Related to) / Topography: Topo (Place) Graphy (write)--Showing features of a region on a map / Ectopic: Ec (out) top (place) it (realated to)--occuring in an abnormal place. / Topical: Top (Place) al (Related to) / Topography: Topo (Place) Graphy (write)--Showing features of a region on a map / Ectopic: Ec (out) top (place) it (realated to)--occuring in an abnormal place.
Trud (trus): Thrust / Intruder: In (into) Trud (thurst) Er (one who) / Abstruse: Abs (away) Trus (thrust)-- difficult to understand / Protrusion: Pro (forth) Trus (thrust) ion (act of) / Intruder: In (into) Trud (thurst) Er (one who) / Abstruse: Abs (away) Trus (thrust)-- difficult to understand / Protrusion: Pro (forth) Trus (thrust) ion (act of)
Vac (Vacu): Empty / Vacant: Vac (empty) ant (that which) / Vacuity: Vacu (empty) ity (state or condition of) / Evacuate: E (out) Vacu (empty) Ate (make) / Vacant: Vac (empty) ant (that which) / Vacuity: Vacu (empty) ity (state or condition of) / Evacuate: E (out) Vacu (empty) Ate (make)
-Ward: In the Direction of / Backward: Back (back) ward (in the direction of) / Toward: To (to) ward (in the direction of) / Homeward: Home (home) ward (in the direction of) / Backward: Back (back) ward (in the direction of) / Toward: To (to) ward (in the direction of) / Homeward: Home (home) ward (in the direction of)
Xero: Dry / Xeroderma: Xero (dry) Derm (skin) / Xerophilous: Xero (dry) phil (love) ous (full of)--Thriving in an enviroment having only a minimum amount of water. / Xerophyte: Xero (dry) Phyt (plant)-- plant that grows only in dry climate / Xeroderma: Xero (dry) Derm (skin) / Xerophilous: Xero (dry) phil (love) ous (full of)--Thriving in an enviroment having only a minimum amount of water. / Xerophyte: Xero (dry) Phyt (plant)-- plant that grows only in dry climate