Social Media. Behavioral Marketing General themes. Cookies. Geolocation. Homework: check out cookies on your computer. Experiment with geolocation.
General themes Reprise: who (what company/organization) providing services? What / how is revenue stream? What is the algorithm – what is the algorithm like… What / where / when is the data? How personalized is it? –is this a good thing?
cookies Original client / server model did not make permanent changes to client computer –did not create/store/save a new file More complicated applications, especially commercial applications, required something Cookies: small files only available to original program (sometimes original site) could access. –User (client) could refuse cookies and erase cookies –browser specific
Notice You are made aware when browser offers to save password or a program offers to save information. Many / most cookies do not announce themselves! companies (third party services) are interested in where you have been and what you did. Behavior. –maybe not your name, other personal data
Third parties Consider downloading and installing
How to view Chrome: wrench / Settings / Show advanced settings –under Privacy Content settings Cookies: all cookies and site data You do it for Firefox, Safari, IE, Opera, whatever browser you use the most! Extra credit for the first person who describes how to do this for each of these other browsers.
JavaScript cookies name / value pair expiration –no time/date, means that it expires when browser is closed. Called a session cookie. also ways to modify what/who can view the cookie –domain –path
Basic JavaScript function setCookie(cname,cval,nd); now = new Date(); expdate = new Date(); cdata = escape(cval); expdate.setDate(now.getDate()+nd); if (nd!=null) { cdata += " ; expires=" exdate.toUTCString(); } document.cookie=cname+cdata;
Examples / note cookiesimple.html cookiesimple.html cookie.html cookie.html cookienote.doc cookienote.doc
HTML5 localStorage Similar but different html5/localstoragedate.html html5/localstoragedate.html
Research Compare cookies, localStorage, Flash cookies, also beacons, other
Geolocation Attempt to locate user / client Methods include –list of addresses of IP values –triangulation using WI-FI hubs –Google gathering Street views also determined location of WI-FI hubs including secure/private ones. cell phone towers GPS satellites
Geolocation, cont. Requires program to get permission asynchronous activity –not instant may fail –not supported by browser –supported but doesn't work this time –supported but may take too long
my program html5/geolocationlocalstorage.html html5/geolocationlocalstorage.html
More on privacy Cathy Dwyer talk:
Homework You can work in pairs, if you like. Check out what cookies are present on your computer. Identify at least 5 cookies from at least 3 different site/companies and determine content. You can check different browsers. Try the geolocation program with different devices and report on accuracy. Report on other geolocation programs. PLUS postings, including cookies, geolocation, mathematics behind triangulation