ACTIVITY BEFORE WE START! Here are some new words you will see in this session. Take a few minutes to look up the definitions and write them out. If you come across other words that are new you can add them to the list. New Words Prioritize Maximize Efficiency Effectiveness Procrastination Management Priority Multi-tasking
ACTIVITY Complete the “Time Management Inventory”.
WHAT IS TIME MANAGEMENT? Time: A point of time measured in hours and minutes. Management: The act of organizing, handling and directing situations. Time management… is the understanding of how the hours in our day are spent and the prioritization of task to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace.
ACTIVITY Do the “How much time do you really have?”activity.
E & E EfficiencyEffectiveness Good Time Management Good time management boils down to having two things: E & E
Efficiency Completing a task with minimum expenditure of time and effort Are you planning and structuring your time strategically? Are you making intelligent and thoughtful decisions about what tasks to do when it is easiest to do them?
Effectiveness How well you are producing the desired result How well are you using the time you have? Does the quality and quantity of your work justify the amount of time you have spent on it?
ACTIVITY Do the “E & E Fact Chart” activity.
PRIORITIZING Prioritizing is a skill that will be mentioned a lot in this session. To prioritize is to decide what the most important jobs are. Your priority is the task that is most important. Prioritizing is the key to time management. To manage your time you should always prioritize your tasks and accomplish them in the order of priority.
PRIORITIZING Here are some examples of prioritizing… Example 1 Marcus has to prepare a speech for his parents 50 th wedding anniversary next month. However, he also has to finish a report for his job that is due by the end of the week. Marcus decides to finish the report before he starts thinking about the speech because it is due first.
PRIORITIZING Here are some examples of prioritizing… Example 2 Clara has two projects on the go at work. She has to finish a budget summary and and inventory report in two weeks. The budget report is essential to the company’s upcoming meeting and can only be completed by her. The inventory report can be done with her co-workers and is an important topic of interest at the meeting. Clara decides to start the budget report first. She also asks her co-workers to start the inventory report on their own; she will join them later.
ACTIVITY Complete the “Ali’s Calendar” activity.
URGENT VERSUS IMPORTANT Although we try to prioritize, many people end up filling their day with urgent tasks instead of important tasks. Then they realized they have not accomplished anything. Urgent Jobs are jobs that need to be done as quickly as possible Important jobs are necessary to reach your goals
REMEMBER! Not everything is urgent! Not urgent!!!
URGENT VERSUS IMPORTANT When faced with urgent tasks you must decide if they are also important tasks. If they are not, then you should say no. Daily Work UrgentImportant Urgent and Important Not urgent but important
URGENT VERSUS IMPORTANT Important Urgent Not Urgent Not Important Deadline-driven projects Meetings Emergencies Commitments Health Planning Self-development Relationships New opportunities Recreation Junk mail Social media TV Shopping Unfocused net surfing Interruptions Unimportant mail and calls Unnecessary reports Other people’s unimportant requests
ACTIVITY Complete the “Urgent versus Important Checklist”.
MILESTONE 60 Complete milestone 60 to show your progress!
CREDITS This Power Point was created by Laubach Literacy Ontario. The resources can be downloaded free of charge at This Employment Ontario project was funded by the Ontario Government All website links were accurate at the time of original distribution-March All of the images and clip art used in this Power Point are from Clipart.com and Microsoft Office.com.