Raising Standards Through Effective Feedback
Aims of the Training: 1.To learn how to use the outcomes of the survey to; – Plan a whole school strategy for improving pupils’ self-regulatory skills – Support teachers in improving individual pupil’s self-regulatory skills – Support teachers in ensuring that feed-up, feed- back and feed-forward is appropriate to what feedback level the pupil is operating at.
John Hattie’s Model
What is the purpose of the teacher? ….
The purpose of the teacher… …is to reduce the discrepancy between current understanding / performance, and the desired goal.
Teacher obviously influences how successfully this is achieved… What two approaches does the teacher use to influence this?
Teacher obviously influences how successfully this is achieved…
But Hattie says that THE most influential factor, is the pupil…! And what are the pupil’s two approaches?
But Hattie says that THE most influential factor, is the pupil…!
The teacher and the pupil both influence how successfully this is achieved… How do pupils make tasks easier for themselves?? How do pupils know what strategies to use, to be more effective? How does a teacher get the challenge right? How does a teacher give ‘Effective Feedback’?
Hattie’s Model
What are the four levels of feedback? What are the three feedback questions?
Hattie’s Model
What do the different types of feedback look like, and how effective are they?
Hattie’s Model What do the different types of feedback look like, and how effective are they? Pupils fit the Effective Learner Profile…. Pupils fit the Effective Learner Profile….
Learner Profiles
Enough revision… On to the survey…
Learner Profile Assessment If we could assess our children to find out what self-regulatory skills they have, and which they have not… Could we then teach them the skills they do not have... to move them from being ineffective learners… to effective learners? Learner Profile Assessment If we could assess our children to find out what self-regulatory skills they have, and which they have not… Could we then teach them the skills they do not have... to move them from being ineffective learners… to effective learners?
How do we do this? Whole School Strategy
How do we do this? Using the results of the PLE survey, produce a report (See school report). Identify highest priorities for improvement. Take to SLT for agreement. Write a plan to address priorities.
TASK ONE (30 mins) Using School Report – Identify highest priorities – Brainstorm possible strategies for addressing. – Write on Action Plan – If successful, how would these affect school policy?
How do we do this? Class Teacher Strategy
What must the class teacher do? Step One; Look at the responses for each question. Understand the implications of each question’s responses….
What are the implications? Question 9: After my teacher has explained what task I am to do… A.I like to ask my teacher or another adult, to explain again. B.I sometimes ask my teacher, or another adult, to explain a bit more. A.I know what to do, and want to start work straight away. If 3 children ticked A, 10 ticked B and 19 ticked C?
What are the implications? Question 12 : When I am doing my work… A.I work best when an adult is sitting with me. B.I work best if an adult helps me from time to time. C.I am able to work all on my own/independently. If 12 children ticked A, 15 ticked B and 3 ticked C?
What are the implications? Question 14 : When I am doing my work… A.I don’t tend to spot my own mistakes. B.I sometimes see that I’ve made a mistake. C.I am good at spotting my own mistakes. If 15 children ticked A, 10 ticked B and 5 ticked C?
What are the implications? Question 15 : When I find out I’ve made a mistake… A.I ask for help in correcting my mistake. B.I sometimes ask for help in correcting my mistake. C.I can work out how to correct my mistakes on my own. If 5 children ticked A, 10 ticked B and 15 ticked C?
If you were the teacher of this class… What would your whole class strategies be to address the implications of these results? How would you exploit the pupils’ self- regulatory skills? How would you increase the pupils’ self- regulatory skills? TASK TWO
What must the class teacher do? Step Two; Discuss pupils’ responses with them individually to find out how to move them towards becoming self- regulatory. Agree strategies for improving their skills. Remember to follow these up!
TASK THREE Using one of the sample responses 1.Look at the pupil’s response to each question. – Consider which issue the pupil may choose to improve. – Consider what strategy you might agree to put in place to support the pupil. 2.Look at the pupil’s response to question 20 (if completed). – Consider what strategy you might agree to put in place to support the pupil.
Individual Pupil Feedback Audit A strategy that can be used to support teachers in ensuring feedback matches pupils’ self-regulatory skills.
Individual Pupil Feedback Audit Step One Identify one child (Freda F Wood). Look at Freda’s PLE response. Decide whether Freda will be most comfortable with task, process or self- regulatory level feedback.
Individual Pupil Feedback Audit Step One Freda is likely to comfortable working at TASK level. The teacher needs to move Freda from TASK to PROCESS level feedback.
Individual Pupil Feedback Audit Step Two What skill or skills would you want Freda to acquire, to enable her to move toward becoming a more effective learner? In pairs, how would you support Freda in acquiring these skills? What will the feed-up, feed-back and feed-forward look like (including marking)?
Individual Pupil Feedback Audit Step One Identify another child (Fred Back). Look at Fred’s PLE response. Decide whether Fred will be most comfortable with task, process or self- regulatory level feedback.
Individual Pupil Feedback Audit Step One Fred is likely to be comfortable working at PROCESS level. The teacher needs to move Fred from PROCESS to SELF-REGULATORY level feedback.
Individual Pupil Feedback Audit Step Two What skill or skills would you want Fred to acquire, to enable him to move toward becoming a more effective learner? In pairs, how would you support Fred in acquiring these skills? What will the feed-up, feed-back and feed-forward look like (including marking)?
Analysing Class and School Level Survey Data Using Excel
Survey Monkey 1.Click on tab ‘Analyze Results’ 2.If you want to apply a filter, do so now. 3.Click on ‘Download Responses’ 4.Choose type of report ‘All responses collected’ 5.Choose Format ‘Excel Format’ 6.Use existing filter... Tick this box. 7.Request Download
Survey Monkey 1.Action... ‘Download’ 2.Open 3.Open Excel Folder 4.Open ‘Sheet 1’ document 5.Save as ‘School name’ in desired location.
Survey Monkey You now have a spreadsheet saved with your school results. You can now sort this to find out your school priorities, and your class priorities. It is also a handy summary of the individual pupils responses.
Survey Monkey Time to explore with Excel!
30 minutes to explore Sort the data Filter a class Sort a question to find out the proportion of children with different degrees of skills. What do the children’s comments say? What can you find out? Work in pairs then swap… Or work on your own…
Teacher Action Plan What would you do as a class teacher - to address patterns and trends in your class? - to address individual children’s needs?
Next steps… Go back to school Take a staff meeting Share the school priorities Give out PLE reports to the teachers Give them a spreadsheet with just their class Give the teachers time to look at individual responses, and also to look for patterns and trends.
Next steps… Ask the teachers to write their own action plans See if they can spend a short time with each child going over their responses to see if there is a quick fix. Support them, and facilitate support between staff. Let’s get those children being self-regulatory learners!!!
Now What part of this session has been beneficial? What could be improved? What could be left out?