Locomotion Locomotion is the ability of an organism to move from one place to another. Why would organisms carry out locomotion? Motile = capable of locomotion Sessile = organisms NOT capable of locomotion
Locomotive System The locomotive system consists of a skeletal system, muscular system and a nervous system.
Human Skeletal System
Skeletal System Humans have 206 bones Babies have MORE Bones are made of calcium and phosphorus Bones support and protect body structures Can be endoskeletal OR exoskeletal Osteoporosis is loss of bone mass due to lack of calcium
Cartilage Found between bones Acts as a cushion between bones A developing embryo has cartilage instead of bone Gives ears and nose their shape Arthritis is deteriorating cartilage
Muscles Humans have over 300 muscles Muscles work by contracting (shortening) or by relaxing Muscles are found as opposing pairs Flexors-contract (ex. Bicep) Extensors-relax/expand (ex. Tricep)
Flexor and Extensor
Types of Muscle There are three types of muscle cells Skeletal Cardiac Smooth
Skeletal Muscle Skeletal muscle is also called striated muscle Found surrounding bones Looks striped Controls voluntary movements
Skeletal Muscle
Cardiac Muscle Cardiac muscle is found in the heart Cardiac muscles are involuntary, but look like striated muscle
Smooth Muscle Smooth muscle is also called visceral muscle Found in the walls of internal organs Control involuntary movements Ex. Stomach, Small intestine, arteries, lymph vessels, etc…
Connective Tissue There are three kinds of connective tissues that connect bones and muscles together. Ligaments Tendons Joints
Ligaments Ligaments Connect bone to bone Think “L” for Ligament A sprain is an over stretched ligament
Tendons Connects muscles to bones Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon
Joints Where two bones meet 3 kinds of joints Immovable (fixed) Hinge Ball and socket Gliding Pivot
Joints Immovable No movement Found in cranium/skull
Joints Hinge Movement back and forth Found in elbow and knee
Joints Ball and socket Movement in all directions Found in shoulder and hip
Joints Gliding Limited movement in all directions Found in wrist and ankle
Joints Pivot Limited rotation Found in the neck
Skeletal Structures Exoskeleton Protective covering outside the body Provides a surface for muscular attachment Made of chitin Can be thin and light (insects) or thick and heavy (lobster) Molting is losing exoskeleton to allow for body growth
Protist Amoeba Paramecium Euglena Whip-like tail called a
Hydra They are SESSILE, but fibers allow a somersault-type movement (like a slinky)
Earthworm Earthworms have setae (little bristles) that stick into the ground like anchors to allow locomotion, segment by segment Muscles are attached to each pair of setae
Grasshopper Have jointed appendages Have wings Have muscles inside the exoskeleton
What makes your muscles move? What organs allow you to respond to your environment?
Regulation Define regulation. What part of your body carries out regulation?
The Nervous System Consists of CNS Central Nervous System Brain and Spinal cord PNS Peripheral Nervous System All nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord
The Nervous System Parts of a nervous system Brain Nerve Cells called Neurons
Made up of 2 halves Weighs about 3 pounds Protected by _________________ Made up of neurons
Brain Made up of 3 parts 1. Cerebrum/Cerebral Cortex Controls thinking, memory, reasoning, imagination, personality, site of consciousness Interprets what your 5 senses detect
Brain 2. Cerebellum Controls voluntary movements (motor activities) Controls balance and coordination
Brain 3. Medulla Controls involuntary activities Such as breathing, digestion, heartbeat, hormone production, etc… Called brain stem and connects to the spinal cord
Neuron A neuron is a nerve cell They send and receive chemical and electrical messages, called impulses.
Parts of a neuron Dendrites Receive impulses Cyton Cell body-contains nucleus Axon Carries impulses away from cyton Myelin Fatty covering on the axon that increases speed of electrical impulse Terminal Branches End point of a neuron that sends messages to dendrites of next neuron
Synapse The synapse is the gap between two neurons.
Close-up of synapse Neurotransmitters-chemicals secreted into synapse
Close-up of a synapse
Stimulants and Depressants Drugs can affect how the neurotransmitters pass their message Stimulants __________ speed of message transmission. Depressants _________ speed of message transmission.
Reflex Arc A reflex is a response to a stimulus. Ex. Knee jerk, hand on a hot stove A reflex involves the spinal cord but NOT the brain.
Reflex Arc
Disorders of the Nervous System Meningitis Swelling of the membranes that surround the brain Polio Virus that inflames spinal cord tissue Cerebral Palsy Disorder of central nervous system Can be congenital (exists before birth) or caused during birth Multiple Sclerosis Problem with impulse transmission due to inflammation of myelin sheath.
Endocrine System System of ductless glands that secrete hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that are released directly into blood stream. Hormones are sent DIRECTLY to a target tissue
Testes and Ovaries Ovaries make _______________ & _________________ Testes make ________________ These hormones stimulate secondary sexual characteristics
Adrenal Glands Located on top of kidneys Produces hormone called adrenaline
Pancreas The pancreas produces digestive enzymes and also the hormones called glucagon and insulin. The part of the pancreas that produces hormones is called the Islets of Langerhans Glucagon and insulin control blood sugar
Thyroid Gland Located in neck Thyroid controls metabolism Thyroid produces thyroxin (hormone) Goiter is enlarged thyroid gland
Parathyroid Located in neck Smaller than thyroid Produces parathormone which controls calcium balance
Pituitary Gland The master gland (controls all other glands)
Pituitary Gland Produces stimulating hormones that cause glands to secrete their hormones. Ex. TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone
Pituitary Gland Also produces growth hormone (GH) Gigantisism and Dwarfism comes from growth hormone problems
Hypothalmus Produces RF’s (releasing factors), which help stimulate hormone production
Representative Organisms