Simon Hearn, ODI, London Part 7 of 8 AEA Coffee Break Webinars 2013 REPORT and SUPPORT USE of findings
The Rainbow Framework
I can honestly say that not a day goes by when we don’t use those evaluations in one way or another
Dissemination EngagementInfluencing Forms of reporting and supporting use
Five evaluation tasks Identify Reporting Requirements Develop Reporting Media Ensure Accessibility Develop Recommendations Support Use
1. Identify reporting requirements Source: broocey / Flickr Communication Plan
2. Develop reporting media Source: chefcooke / Flickr
Reporting media options Written Postcards Websites … Presentations Conference Posters … Creative Cartoons Poetry … Source: chefcooke / Flickr
Tableau Public Source: Dennis Bratland
3. Ensure accessibility Source: / Flickr Simplify report layout Support disability 1:3:25
4. Develop recommendations Source: Jeff Walker / CIFOR Electronic democracy World Café
5. Support use Source: Neil Palmer / CIAT Workshops Blogs and social media
Simon Hearn Research Fellow, ODI