Ms. Hauber’s Class Structures & Functions
lion numberstructurefunction 1eyesto see what is around him. 2nosesTo smell around him. 3earsTo hear what is around him Niche.a lion is a carnavore. Ecosestem; he lives in the rain forest or grassy lands
Orangutans NumberStructureFunction 1MouthTo eat and chew up food. 2Arms/HandsTo swing from vine to vine. 3BackTo carry it’s baby Ecosystem-Orangutans are mostly found in the islands called Borneo and Sumatra. Niche-An Orangutans niche is an omnivore
Gila Monster NumberStructureFunction 1 TailStores Food 2 PoisonSelf- Defense 3 PatternsCamouflage Ecosystem: Desert Niche: Carnivore
Harp seal NUMBERSTUCTUREFUNCTION 1WHISKERSSo it can feel the slightest vibration 2HEARINGTo hear the fish when they move. 3LUNGSHelp it breath on the land Ecosystem: Northern Atlantic waters Niche: carnivore
Kinkajou NumberStructureFunction 1Eyes Let them see in the dark 2Tail To use when it’s hands need help 3Feet To grip on a tree Ecosystem: Tropical Rainforests in Central and South America Niche: Omnivores eating, Meat, Fruit and any bug
Chimpanzees NumberStructureFunction 1.Mouth/ Teeth They have to chew and eat food 2.Arms/handsTo swing to vines and pick up there food 3.EyesTo see/find there food and to see other monkeys Ecosystem: Chimpanzees live in forests. Chimpanzees eat fruit and bugs. Niche: Chimpanzees are omnivores
White crocodiles numberstructurefunction 1teethTo chew it’s prey 2eyesTo see a animal to eat 3clawsTo crawl in muddy lakes Ecosystem In shallow lakes,,ponds and swamps. Niche The white crocodiles are cold blooded and they are carnivores and they eat mostly anything and they are at the top of the food chine all buy them self
Brown bear NumberStructureFunction 1TeethTo catch it’s food. 2ClawsTo grab stuff 3FurTo stay warm in the winter. ecosystem: brown bear are found in types of forest indifferent Niche: carnivore 3 1 2
Black Panther NumberStructureFunction 1EYETo see the food 2CLAWSTo catch the food 3TEETHTo kill the food ECOSYSTEN-it lives in the jungle. NICHE-The black panther is a carnivore is at the food chain
African Elephant numberstructurefunction 1trunkDrink water 2Big feetGet around easier 3earsHear danger miles away Ecosystem: a savanna dessert in Africa. Niche: the African elephant is a herbivore
Great horn owl NumberStructureFunction 1eyesTo see at night 2hornTo hear at night 3wingsFly place to place Ecosystem: Great horn owl lives in north and south america. Niche: My great horn owl is a carnivore it hunts at night, mostly from perches next to open areas
PYTHON SNAKE NumberStructureFunction 1eyesTo see prey in dark. 2TongueTo smell prey. 3bodyTo get a good grip on prey. Ecosystem:In forests or ponds. It lives in the Amazon River. Niche: It’s a carnivore
Gray Wolf numberstrusherfunctin 1eyesFor spot an deer 2noseFor smelling food 3earsTo hear his food Ecosystem: lives in Alaska 3 1 Niche : carnivore 2
Komodo Dragon NumberStructureFunction 1mouthTo bit its pray 2backTo s tretch longer 3legsTo run fast and a longer stretch ECOSYSTEM : lives in an desert and can catch his prey quick Niche: carnivore and loves meat
European Hornet Ecosystem: Rainforest Niche: Takes care of queen eggs 1 2 3
False Killer Whale Number Structure Function 1Blow holeTo breath 2teethTo hunt food 3 finsTo move a ecosystem: They live in temperate and tropical waters. niche:carnivor 3 1 2
Salt water crocodile numberstructurefunction 1TallThey use their teeth to tear. 2headThey use their 3feetTo swim and walk ecosystem lives in water and land. Niche: carnivore 1 3 2