Social Media Report May 2014
Facebook Increase of 2,66% in the number of fans. The number of likes and reach was smaller than the previous months. Today, if you do not invest on FacebookAds, the social media space sends your message (post) to only 6% (the average) of the fans available on the fan page. Twitter 158 new followers. This means an organic increase of 3,48%. 151 mentions in the whole period. Instagram Almost 500 new likes during the period. This number shows that we have to pay attention to the Instagram environment in order to spread our message in the best way. Abstract
Facebook Overview Total commentsTotal sharesTotal likes Number of fans: 10,140 Increase of 270 (2,66%)
In May we had 270 new followers against 540 in the last month. During the month, we did the coverage of several events, such as Happy Hour with Journalists, Meetup and Hackathon. It is important to mention also the World Cup campaign as another important event of the period. The investment on the page by promoting a post happened at least two times. On May 29, we spent some money on the post with the World Cup video that teaches users how to use Evernote before, during and after the soccer event. As the result, 60 people liked the post and 11 others shared the content. More than a hundred and sixty thousand unique people saw the with the World Cup video Followers The graph above shows the amount of people liking and unliking the page.
According to Sprout, the new social media platform used for Evernote, the audience per post was five thousand people in average. It is possible to say that the events on the fan page called the attention of the public. Considering the complete number, our posts reached more than twenty thousand unique people. Posts reach
In May 19, because of the post promotion, we reached 136,064 unique people. 112 people liked the mentioned post. Most Popular Post
This was the least popular post in the month with only 8 likes and 248 unique people reached. Least Popular Post
This month we gathered 158 new followers on Twitter. In the last month, the number was 122. We are constantly trying to expand the follower base by offering interesting content related to the brand. Twitter Overview Number of followers: 4,535 Increase of 158 (3,48%) Return to abstract
The graph below shows mentions of (including retweets) made by followers during the month: 151 total mentions against 197 in April. Most of these mentions were positive because of the events that we promoted here in Brazil. We realized that people want to say that they use our solution. The users want to create a relationship with Evernote. Twitter
These are our top ten key influencers in May, according to the mentions made by them during the month. These mentions also include retweets made by these followers. Our ambassador Vladimir Campos mentioned Evernote when wrote about his e-book. Twitter
Using Sprout, it is possible to notice in an easy way what are the most popular hashtags and topics. Because of the #Hackathondataça, several words related to it were mentioned with frequency by the audience.
Instagram Overview Total comments in May Total likes in the space 2,21843 Return to abstract 496 New likes in May
Our most popular photo received 120 likes against 115 of the most popular one in April. Our top four in April varied from 103 to 115 likes. This month our likes varied from 97 to 120. Our most commented content had 4 interactions. Instagram Overview
One more time, we want to talk about the importance of investing on virtual ads. When we promote a post, the fan page speaks to a number of people bigger than the organic one. This strategy is necessary when there is an important corporative message (the World Cup video, for example). We are using the social media spaces to explain how people can use Evernote. Show to the people that it is possible to use the app in the offline world is an example. Facebook and Twitter have to give tips about the application in order to show to the audience how important Evernote can be to their lives. On Twitter, we are still growing. The performance was even better than the one we had in the last report. With 158 new followers during the period, the social media space is being used to show, for example, all the reports about Evernote. Instagram is the best social media space for us in the moment if we look only to the numbers. People want to see cool images there that have some relationship with Evernote. We have been doing that with success during the last months. Conclusion
Next steps Keep producing interviews for user stories. In the next report, show again the engagement numbers related to the blog posts. The Platform Awards material, for example, will be there. Talk about the Skitch update to the iOS users. Influencer Program. Evernote Business campaign. Use all the content regarding to World Cup for creating posts. The objective is to show that Evernote can help users before, during and after the soccer event. Blog posts focused in Brazil.
Bruno Toranzo G&A Comunicação Corporativa Rua Dona Ana Helena S. Gusmão, 230 São Paulo, SP, Brasil
PR Report May 2014
Media Coverage 49 Articles Business 5 Tech 40 Lifestyle 2 Education 2 Folha de S. Paulo – PEGN – INFO Exame –
Renata Cerolini Aline Merchan G&A Comunicação Corporativa Rua Dona Ana Helena S. Gusmão, 230 São Paulo, SP, Brasil