ACQUISITION, REFINEMENT, & MAINTENANCE OF SKILLS BY PRESERVICE TEACHERS IN TEACH LIVE™ AT WVU Kim Floyd, Sara Aronin, Holy Devito, Melissa Harley, Barbara Ludlow & Crystal Smith
RATIONALE Exposure to greater range of diversity Disabilities, cultures, behavior patterns Extension of field experiences Substitute hours, supplemental hours Targeted practice of strategies Engagement, motivation for content, tutoring, lesson planning, classroom management, bullying, & crisis situations
UTILIZATION Instruction 6 courses, undergraduate & graduate, SPED & C&I 5 to 30 minutes, single or multiple sessions interactions, AARs, video review/reflection, instructor review/feedback Research Comparison of effectiveness of instructional strategies (contracts/consequences/counseling) Development of management skills across semester using Danielson rubric
SPED 365 Universal Design For Learning and Assistive Technology Undergraduate students Special Education majors
BULLYING Develop classroom rules and consequences Implement classroom consequences (immediate) Counsel with target and bully
CODE RED Students respond to a “Shooter in the School” scenario Take charge of the classroom Respond to student questions/comments Calm and collected
SPED 493/593 Classroom management elective Entirely in Teachlive with flipped classroom instruction except for the first class of the semester Variety of majors
MARZANO ART & SCIENCE OF TEACHING Used domain 1 – DQ 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 – Rules & procedures Engaging students Effective relationships High expectations For each criteria (20 total) 3 ratings each time Self, peer, & professor In Lab 9 times – could teach any subject – had a typical classroom interruption each time (i.e. bullying, fire drill etc.)
CONCLUSION After comparing the results of SPED 493 with the results from my teacher and I in a real classroom, I can conclude that I am more relaxed and consistent with classroom management. I showed constant and steady growth in all areas. I believe this is because I had more time and was better able to develop relationships with students in my classroom than in the lab.
SPED 364 Undergraduate Course in Individualized Educational Programming Special Education majors
ACTIVITIES Students randomly assigned a student Informally assess their student (Brigance) Use their data from their assessment to write Present Levels of Performance & Annual Goals/Objectives
TUTORING Develop a tutoring plan from goals Tutor their TLE student in an area of need
SPED 601 Graduate course: Academic Interventions Non-Majors
ACTIVITIES Session 1: Getting to Know the Class Session 2: Establishing Rules & Consequences Session 3: Deescalating Power Struggles Session 4: Activating Prior Knowledge Session 5: Using di (direct instruction)
EDU 602 All Non-Majors Only One session visit
ACTIVITIES Class introduction to their major Gain student interest Interact with whole class Debrief and self-reflect