ECSE 604: Early Literacy and Augmentative Communication, Summer 2015 Day 2: Part 2
Assistive Technology Any item, (piece of equipment or software) that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Alternative and Augmentative Communication “A set of procedures and processes by which an individual’s communication skills can be maximized for functional and effective communication.” 6/10/15Heather Coleman2
Key Federal Policies Americans with Disabilities Act No Child Left Behind Individuals with Disability Education Improvement Act (IDEA) Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) 6/10/15Heather Coleman3
Civil rights law Obligation to provide AT devices Title II: requires public entities to provide “auxiliary aids and services” Qualified interpreters Qualified readers Modification of equipment or devices Other similar services Physical barriers removed 6/10/15Heather Coleman4
ALL children have a fair opportunity for “high-quality education” Achieve “proficiency” on state assessments. Provide the standard curriculum to students with disabilities. With AT more students with disabilities have access to the standard curriculum and testing. States’ decision to determine what accommodations are allowed. 6/10/15Heather Coleman5
6/10/15Heather Coleman6
Each IEP team must consider the need for AT AT can be included in IEP for three reasons: 1. Student’s special education services, 2. Related service, 3. Supplementary aid or service to allow the child to be educated in the LRE. AT provided in the classrooms AND “in other educationally-related settings.” 6/10/15Heather Coleman7
National Instructional Materials Accessibility Center (NIMAC) Universal Design 6/10/15Heather Coleman8
Laws Where is it found? AT Examples 6/10/15Heather Coleman9
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Factors for IEP Team Considerations Present Level of Academic and Functional Performance Accommodations Goals Services 6/10/15Heather Coleman13
IEP 6/10/15Heather Coleman14
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6/10/15Heather Coleman20
Collaborate on the Google-Doc: IEP AT Examples Create an IFSP Example 6/10/15Heather Coleman21