Public Hearings July 8, 2014
Case: LUP Project: Mabel Bridge Phase 6 Planned Development / Land Use Plan (PD / LUP) Applicant: Jim Hall, VHB MillerSellen District: 1 Request: R-CE-2 (Rural Residential District) to PD (Planned Development) Mabel Bridge Phase 6 PD
KB Home Revisions to PD Removal of waivers for front setbacks for lots 6 & 7 Allow one-story homes on lots 1 & 2 Install raised crosswalk in Thornhill neighborhood on Wakeworth St Install a stop sign on Wakeworth St at intersection of Wakeworth St and Channingham Ln
Mabel Bridge Phase 6 PD
Action Requested Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the Mabel Bridge Phase 6 Planned Development (PD) Land Use Plan (LUP), subject to the conditions listed in the staff report; and also approve the associated Adequate Public Facilities (APF) Agreement for Mabel Bridge Phase 6 PD. (Consent Agenda item D.4) Mabel Bridge Phase 6 PD
Public Hearings June 24, 2014