QaXE QaXE “Each mind is beautiful. Strength has many forms and we are all able”
Preamble – “The National Education Association believes that the education profession consists of one education workforce serving the needs of all students…” Principle I – Commitment to the Student Principle II – Commitment to the Profession
1. Free, Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) 2. Appropriate Evaluation 3. Individualized Education Program (IEP) 4. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) 5. Parent and Student Participation in Decision Making 6. Procedural Safeguards
We know the following about LRE: General education is the starting point for all students Students are to receive services in the general education setting to maximum extent appropriate Page F of the IEP documents LRE considerations and decisions What successes have you had in implementing the LRE mandate?
1. Behavior/mental health_______ 2. Bullying______ 3. Communication with school personnel_____ 4. Disagree with IEP______ 5. Identification for special education______ 6. Identification for Section 504______ 7. IEP not being followed______ 8. Information only______ 9. Secondary transition______
1. Academic_______ 2. ADD/ADHD______ 3. Autism Spectrum Disorder______ 4. Behavior______ 5. Mental Health______ 6. Physical_______ 7. Sensory Impairments ______
1. Establish rapport 2. Identify teaching styles and use them to create a cohesive classroom 3. Discuss strengths and weaknesses 4. Discuss IEP and general education goals 5. Formulate a plan and act as an unified team 6. Take risks and enjoy Article by Natalie Marston at NEA web site co-teaching.html
Accommodations change the “how.” Modifications change the “what.” What accommodations have you seen used effectively in instruction? In assessment? Accommodations are meant to “level the playing field.” Can accommodations go too far? Examples?
Iowa has been notified by the federal Office of Special Education Programs that it is designated as “Needs Assistance.” The data related to achievement gap varies from school to school and district to district. What are barriers to closing the gap? What are solutions?
Iowa IEP Goals are graphed Factors to consider Instructional procedures Materials Arrangements Time Motivational strategies
technology-enabling-dreams-video technology-enabling-dreams-video “The loss of his horn was a blessing.” “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Plato (427 BC – 347 BC)