Welcome to the Internet prepared by Nancy Hunt, Ed.D. CSU, Fresno Accessing People and Information Around the Globe
Presentation Overview u What is the Internet? u What is the WWW? u What resources are available? u When do I get to play with it?
What is the Internet? A collection of computer networks linked together to share resources via high-speed telephone lines Can you say “nanosecond” ?
What does it offer me? u Global electronic mail u Knowledge navigation u File exchange u Discussion groups u Live conferencing
Sample Internet Software u Telnet - Allows users to connect to remote sites u FTP (File Transfer Protocol ) - Allows users to send and receive files from other Internet machines u Gopher - A point-and-click menu system for locating information on the Internet u CU-SeeMe -- Allows low-cost video conferencing u Netscape -- Provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to the Internet’s World Wide Web
What is the World Wide Web? A body of information -- hypertext documents -- accessible over the Internet. These documents may include text, graphics, photographic images, motion video, or sound.
What is Hypertext? The Great Wall of China was built during the Qin dynasty. It was formed by linking earlier walls built by feudal lords to protect their lands. Hypertext documents have “hot spots” which..... link the reader to other related text or media. Qin dynasty -- ( BC) the first to unify the Chinese empire.
Who’s on the Web? Governments Schools Museums Communities Public Service Agencies Businesses People Like You and Me
Governments-- World Wide Web Image Depicting Information Access
Schools-- World Wide Web Image - CSU, Fresno Home Page
Museums-- World Wide Web Image - The Louvre
Communities-- World Wide Web Image - Atlanta Web Page
Public Service Agencies-- World Wide Web Image Olympics
Businesses-- World Wide Web Image - Music Store
People Like You and Me (?)-- World Wide Web Image - Mike Mize Homepage