Chapter 23 Light
Chapter Ray Model of Light Light travels in straight lines Ray model of light - light travels in straight line paths called rays geometric optics - straight line rays reflect at various angles light can be absorbed, reflected or pass through objects
Chapter Reflection Light reflected off object –angle of incidence –angle of reflection Law of Reflection – angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection
Chapter 23 diffuse reflection - light reflected in many directions due to rough surface plane mirror page 686 fig 23-6 virtual image - brain interprets any rays entering eye as following a straight line path image distance = object distance Example 23.1 mirror Example 23.2 photo
Chapter Spherical mirrors convex - reflecting surface on outer surface of sphere demagnified - wide field of view concave - reflecting surface in inner surface of sphere - magnified image focal point - rays from a concave mirror meet at a single point
Chapter 23 figure 23-13principle axis beyond focal point - image inverted focal length - distance between focus and center of mirror convex mirror - focal point is at F behind mirror figure 23-17
Chapter Refraction : Snell’s Law Light passing from one medium to another figure ex refraction through flat glass ex depth of pool
Chapter Fiber Optics total internal reflection glass and plastic fibers as thin as a few micrometers light can be transmitted along it with almost no losses fiber optic cables - telecommunications & medicine modulated light beam - transmitted at a higher rate and with less loss and interference than an electrical signal
Chapter 23