The true value of newspapers Staffan Hultén Infodata AB
Scandinavians read a lot of newspapers Circulation per 1000 inh.
A Refined Method of Tracking Ad/Article recall On-going, standardized panels focus primarily on the observation, readership and captivation of ads and articles. The database is continuously expanding. All front pages as well as ads/articles are stored in one single database. The effective use of web-based solutions generates efficient, instantaneous reports. The RAM approach offers high validity through its recognition-method. The panelist views both the front page and the ad/article. The larger the database, the better the quality of analysis. As knowledge of both the panelists and newspaper expands, so does the opportunity to get even more from the analyses.
Aggregated database Newspaper data Format, circulation etc. Panel respondent data Demographics, habits, etc. Ad data Size, color, frequency, page, etc. Research data Observed, read, etc. The 4 parts of the RAM database Provided by the newspaper Provided by the reader
About the Adit/Edit database... Adit now contains more than 2 mill individual advertising observations – about measuring inserts/preprints Reliable measurements from 80 daily newspapers. Before end of 2005 – more than 130 magazines and newspapers in the system Start in Sweden –Norway 2004 –US 2005 –Puerto Rico 2005 –Finland 2005 –Germany 2005 –Switzerland 2006 –UK 2006 Edit - the article database now contains more than interviews measuring articles
Production process Order Control Mail out 1 Reminder Weighting Report Order or pre-order of measurements Manual check up of order and jpegs Mail out via to full panel or part/split panel Reminder via after 24 h Weighting with calibration after finalized fieldwork Report available from www after 48 h SMS SMS till non-respondents – depending on country
Birthday: Birthplace: Florence, Italy Current home: The Louvre, Paris, France Stats: 20 7/8" x 30", oil on poplar wood. Marital Status: Married to Francesco del Giocondo since 1495
What do we like and dislike?
What is good or bad communication?
Ad Survey Questions Ad Recall – Did you see/read the advertisement when you read the Newspaper? ( Yes/No) Advertiser awareness – How difficult/easy was it to recognize the advertiser? (scale 1-10) Previous knowledge – How well do you previously know the advertiser? (scale 1-10) The readers’ opinion of the advertisement? Overall opinion (scale 1-10) Advert directed to me (scale 1-10) Interesting advertisement (scale 1-10) Easy to understand (scale 1-10) Originality (scale 1-10) The advertisement gives me new information (scale 1-10) How the advertisement influences the readers? Positive - Does the advertisement make me feel positive about the advertiser? (scale 1-10 ) Benefit – Has the advertisement been useful or will the information be useful in the future? ( Yes/No)
The panorama view represents the ”DNA” of the ad Observation Brand Appeal Usefulness Results presentation:
Organ donations
Some results so far…..
Ad recall by age Observation by age Full page Half pageQuarter page Inserts/preprints
Ad/Article recall by age Observation by age All articles measured All ads measured
Ad/Article recall by age Observation by age All articles measured The whole/close to all of the ad All/close to all of the article All ads measured
Observation of display ads Base: non-repeated colour ads Small ads medium-sized ads big ads
Time spent reading - by age All formats
Ad/article recall effiency – by age Ad/article recall/minutes spent reading – all formats
Right hand page has an on average 2-3% higher observation 37 % observation 39,5 % observation Left or right?
Observation left or right hand page
Average observation of ads from different industries
What about editorial environment? Half-page ad observation
Ad observation and # of pages in the newspaper
Negative environment – positive outcome… Median
High ad recall - but not liked nor understood
T M F Y M O Overall Impression T M F Y M O
Same newspaper - but different 83 % 13 %
How to succed in advertising Relevant and interesting Stands out Easy to recognize
Observation % pg 6 7 feb pg apr last pg 6 jun pg sep pg 21 5 oct
Advertiser identification %
Previous knowledge of the advertiser % Yes, you can still build your brand in the morning daily!!
Full page Half page Spread Ad recall
Previous knowledge Full page Half page Spread
Full page Half page Spread Sender ID
… but what about buying intention? Full page Half page Spread
How to gain benefits from RAM Adit Build stronger, better, more lasting relationships Become more consultative Understand your newspaper better Understand communication better – ads, articles Sell measurements – packaging, rebates etc. Change your pricing – using scientific reasons “Run by paper”