The Town Hall of Zevenhuizen S.H. Liem, A.H.C. van Paassen M.Verwaal, H.F. Broekhuizen Delft, April 1998 Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring The summer monitoring The summer monitoring Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” NatVent
Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Building presentation Technical specifications Building presentation (1...) Technical specifications Built in 1987 by architect Becka of The Hague and owned by the municipal of Zevenhuizen. It is a two storey building. The total floor area is 1400 m 2 and a volume of 4200 m 3. At the moment 50 people work in the building. The floor and the flat roof are of 250 mm concrete. The corridors and hall have exposed ceilings. The office rooms have closed lowered ceilings. The internal load in the office rooms of lighting is ~20 W/m 2. Built in 1987 by architect Becka of The Hague and owned by the municipal of Zevenhuizen. It is a two storey building. The total floor area is 1400 m 2 and a volume of 4200 m 3. At the moment 50 people work in the building. The floor and the flat roof are of 250 mm concrete. The corridors and hall have exposed ceilings. The office rooms have closed lowered ceilings. The internal load in the office rooms of lighting is ~20 W/m 2. Office at the north side of the building
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Building presentation Ventilation system Building presentation (2...) Ventilation system Office SOffice NCorridor The ventilation system is based on: natural supply through openable windows, doors and cracks. mechanical exhaust. During office hours in the winter, the exhaust air is extracted from the room through canals in the ceiling (3000 m 3 /h). The ventilation system is based on: natural supply through openable windows, doors and cracks. mechanical exhaust. During office hours in the winter, the exhaust air is extracted from the room through canals in the ceiling (3000 m 3 /h). Extraction openings
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Building presentation Building concept Building presentation (3|) Building concept The Indoor Air Quality is controlled by the ventilation system. During office hours in the winter the system extracts 3000 m 3 /h (~ 0.75 ACH) indoor air. The risk of overheating is reduced by: The use of intensive (night) ventilation to cool down the building mass: In the summer, when the indoor temperature is higher than 21°C and the difference between the indoor and the outdoor temperatures exceeds 3K, the ventilators run at full speed (6500 m 3 /h ~ 1.5 ACH). To prevent to high pressure differences a louvre window opens automatically when the extract ventilators are running at full speed. Solar radiation is partly reduced by internal sun shades. The Indoor Air Quality is controlled by the ventilation system. During office hours in the winter the system extracts 3000 m 3 /h (~ 0.75 ACH) indoor air. The risk of overheating is reduced by: The use of intensive (night) ventilation to cool down the building mass: In the summer, when the indoor temperature is higher than 21°C and the difference between the indoor and the outdoor temperatures exceeds 3K, the ventilators run at full speed (6500 m 3 /h ~ 1.5 ACH). To prevent to high pressure differences a louvre window opens automatically when the extract ventilators are running at full speed. Solar radiation is partly reduced by internal sun shades. Internal blinds Louvre window
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Monitoring (1...) The monitoring scheme The rooms 1.23s, 1.23w, 1.24 and 1.25 on the first floor of the west wing were scheduled to be monitored. (see plan on next slide ...). Actually room 1.24 and room 1.25 are one room with a volume of 127 m 3 and facing North. Room 1.23 is a L- shaped room of approximately 90 m 3 and facing South. For the monitoring this room was divided in 1.23s and 1.23w. Three temperatures were monitored in each room: global air temperature at 0.1 m and 1.1 m and the wall temperature. The ventilation rate, the indoor and outdoor CO 2 concentration levels and humidities were measured using a Bruel & Kjær 1302 unit. The rooms 1.23s, 1.23w, 1.24 and 1.25 on the first floor of the west wing were scheduled to be monitored. (see plan on next slide ...). Actually room 1.24 and room 1.25 are one room with a volume of 127 m 3 and facing North. Room 1.23 is a L- shaped room of approximately 90 m 3 and facing South. For the monitoring this room was divided in 1.23s and 1.23w. Three temperatures were monitored in each room: global air temperature at 0.1 m and 1.1 m and the wall temperature. The ventilation rate, the indoor and outdoor CO 2 concentration levels and humidities were measured using a Bruel & Kjær 1302 unit.
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Monitoring Monitoring plan Monitoring (2|) Monitoring plan N
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Monitoring results The following slides show the summer and winter monitoring results. South facing rooms have excessive solar gains. Although the internal sun shading is used, there is some overheating on sunny days. The following slides show the summer and winter monitoring results. South facing rooms have excessive solar gains. Although the internal sun shading is used, there is some overheating on sunny days. The CO 2 concentration is approximately 750 to 1000 ppm in the summer. In the winter this stays at the same level. At night and at weekends falls rapidly to the outdoor level of 400 ppm. The ventilation rate is high in the winter and is higher in rooms on the South side of the building than in those on the North. At night and during the weekends it is very low. (See charts on next slides …) The CO 2 concentration is approximately 750 to 1000 ppm in the summer. In the winter this stays at the same level. At night and at weekends falls rapidly to the outdoor level of 400 ppm. The ventilation rate is high in the winter and is higher in rooms on the South side of the building than in those on the North. At night and during the weekends it is very low. (See charts on next slides …)
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Summer monitoring (1...) hot period Tint.-south Tint.-north Solar radiation During a very hot period, the internal temperatures rise to 28°C (=slight overheating). The temperatures in the offices at the South side are higher than at the North side. This difference is caused by the solar gains. A more effective shading device (external instead of external shades) could further improve the comfort. Text.
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Summer monitoring (2...) hot period - temperature distribution The histogram of the temperatures in the different offices shows clearly that the thermal comfort in the North-offices is considerable better than in the South offices. External shading devices (instead of internal) could reduce the difference.
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Summer monitoring (3...) typical period In a normal summer period during office hours the internal temperature in a room on the North façade is very comfortable with only natural ventilation through open windows. The ventilation system is shut off. This results in an air change rate of 4-5 ACH. Sometimes the windows stay open during the night to cool down the building.
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Summer monitoring (4...) typical period Although the indoor temperature in a room on the South facade in a normal normal summer period during office hours is higher than in the North room, it is just within the comfort limits. By using outdoor sun shading the solar gain can be reduced. The air change rate is with 5-7 ACH higher than in the North façade. At night the windows stay open to cool down the building.
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Summer monitoring (5...) typical period The CO 2 concentration level during office hours in a North room is very acceptable with an average of 800 ppm. Sometimes it rises to nearly 1000 ppm, but it is still well below the allowable limit of 2000 ppm.. At night and in the weekends this drops to the outdoor level of 450 ppm. The IAQ can be considered good
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Summer monitoring (36..) typical period During office hours the CO 2 concentration level is below 1000 ppm, this is much lower than the limit of 1200 ppm. At night and at weekends this drops to the outdoor level of 450 ppm. The IAQ can be considered good.
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Summer monitoring (7|) typical period - ventilation rates Because of the solar gains, the internal temperatures at the South side of the building are higher than at the North side. Hence, the ventilation rate is also higher: windows are opened sooner to cool the rooms than those on the North side.
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Winter monitoring (1...) temperatures Tint.-north Text. weekend The indoor temperatures are comfortable (20 to 23°C). During the weekend, the heating power is reduced
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring Winter monitoring (2|) indoor air quality Tint.-north Ventilation rate Text. CO 2 -conc. The ventilation rate during office hours is between 3-4 ACH. This air supply leads to a good IAQ: the CO 2 concentration during office hours is never higher than 800 ppm. Sometimes the ventilation rates outside office hours are quite high (up to 3.5 ACH ). Reducing this unnecessary air change also reduce ventilation losses. weekend
NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring set-up Monitoring set-up Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The summer monitoring The summer monitoring The winter monitoring The winter monitoring NatVent Major findings Thermal summer comfort: The measurements show that indoor conditions are generally comfortable in the summer. However during hot periods there are some overheating problems in the South oriented offices. One could achieve lower indoor temperatures in the offices at the South side of the building, by installing external shading devices on the South side instead of internal shading devices. It is also important to note that at the moment the internal blinds are controlled manually. Automatic control might achieve further reductions of solar gains at any time. The Indoor Air Quality: In the summer the ventilation rate during office hours is 6-10 ach in the summer and 4-5 ach in the winter. The CO 2 concentration level is 750 ppm during office hours and 400 ppm in at other times. Hence the IAQ is good.
More information... NatVent Presentation of the building Presentation of the building Monitoring Major findings Major findings The town hall of Zevenhuizen The town hall of Zevenhuizen More information... More information... Back to “Select a building” Back to “Select a building” Monitoring results Monitoring results The winter monitoring The winter monitoring The summer monitoring The summer monitoring Find more information on the PROBE building in the following documents: \Reports \Monitoring Reports \Summary Reports\nl2summ.pdf global presentation of the buildings ( 4p./building) contents: building description - ventilation strategy and technology - winter and summer monitoring results - conclusions \Reports \Monitoring Reports \Detailed Reports\nl2det.pdf detailed reports of all 19 monitoring campaigns ( 20p./campaign) contents: monitoring set-up - analysis of results - conclusions Find more information on the PROBE building in the following documents: \Reports \Monitoring Reports \Summary Reports\nl2summ.pdf global presentation of the buildings ( 4p./building) contents: building description - ventilation strategy and technology - winter and summer monitoring results - conclusions \Reports \Monitoring Reports \Detailed Reports\nl2det.pdf detailed reports of all 19 monitoring campaigns ( 20p./campaign) contents: monitoring set-up - analysis of results - conclusions You can read and print pdf-files with the Acrobat® Reader ®3.0. Program. This program is free. Download it from the Acrobat web site: OR run the installation file ar32e301(1).exe in the directory \Installation You can read and print pdf-files with the Acrobat® Reader ®3.0. Program. This program is free. Download it from the Acrobat web site: OR run the installation file ar32e301(1).exe in the directory \Installation