Exploring Space 1.1 Some space objects are visible to the human eye. CHAPTER NEW CHAPTER Exploring Space the BIG idea People develop and use technology to explore and study space. 1.1 Some space objects are visible to the human eye. 1.2 Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. 1.3 Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. 1.4 Space exploration benefits society. CHAPTER OUTLINE
Some space objects are visible to the human eye. 1.1 Some space objects are visible to the human eye. • Gravity causes objects in space to be grouped together in different ways. orbit • Stars form patterns in the sky. solar system • The sky seems to turn as Earth rotates. galaxy universe constellation SECTION OUTLINE
1.1 orbit Some space objects are visible to the human eye. solar system n. The elliptical path of an object in space as it moves around another object due to gravity; for example, the Moon moves in an orbit around Earth. galaxy universe constellation v. To revolve around, or move in an orbit; for example, the Moon orbits Earth. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 solar system Some space objects are visible to the human eye. orbit solar system solar system The Sun and its family of orbiting planets, moons, and other objects. galaxy universe constellation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 galaxy Some space objects are visible to the human eye. orbit galaxy solar system Millions or billions of stars held together in a group by their own gravity. galaxy universe constellation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 universe Some space objects are visible to the human eye. orbit universe solar system Space and all the matter and energy in it. galaxy universe constellation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 constellation Some space objects are visible to the human eye. orbit constellation solar system A group of stars that form a pattern in the sky. galaxy universe constellation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. 1.2 Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. Each form of electromagnetic radiation provides different information about objects in space. electromagnetic radiation Astronomers use different types of telescopes to gather visible light and other forms of radiation. spectrum wavelength telescope SECTION OUTLINE
electromagnetic radiation 1.2 Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic radiation spectrum Energy that travels across distances as certain types of waves. Types of electromagnetic radiation are radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, and gamma rays. wavelength telescope KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.2 spectrum Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. electromagnetic radiation spectrum spectrum 1. Radiation from a source separated into a range of wavelengths. wavelength 2. The range of colors that appears in a beam of visible light when it passes through a prism. See also electromagnetic radiation. telescope KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.2 wavelength Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. electromagnetic radiation wavelength spectrum The distance from one wave peak or crest to the next peak or crest. Wavelength can be measured as the distance from any part of one wave to the identical part of the next wave. wavelength telescope KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.2 telescope Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. electromagnetic radiation telescope spectrum A device that gathers visible light or another form of electromagnetic radiation. wavelength telescope KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. 1.3 Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. Astronauts can explore space near Earth. Spacecraft without crews carry instruments to other worlds. A flyby mission usually provides data from several bodies in space. Orbiters, landers, and probes gather data from one planet or body. satellite space station lander probe SECTION OUTLINE
1.3 satellite Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. space station An object that orbits a more massive object. lander probe KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.3 space station Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. satellite space station space station A satellite in which people can live and work for long periods. lander probe KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.3 lander Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. satellite lander space station A craft designed to land on a planet’s surface. lander probe KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.3 probe Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. satellite probe space station A spacecraft that is sent into a planet’s atmosphere or onto a solid surface. lander probe KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Space exploration benefits society. 1.4 Space exploration benefits society. Space exploration has taught us about Earth’s development. It has also provided technology that has important uses on Earth. impact crater This boy communicates using technology developed by designers at NASA. SECTION OUTLINE
1.4 impact crater Space exploration benefits society. A round pit left behind on the surface of a planet or other body in space after a smaller object strikes the surface. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 Some space objects are visible to the human eye. I. Some space objects are visible to the human eye. orbit A. We see patterns in the universe. solar system 1. Arrangement of the Universe galaxy 2. Constellations universe B. The sky seems to turn as Earth rotates. constellation C. The movements of planets and other nearby objects are visible from Earth. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. 1.2 Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. II. Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. electromagnetic radiation A. Light and other forms of radiation carry information about space. spectrum B. Astronomers use telescopes to collect information about space. wavelength 1. Visible-Light, Infrared, and Ultraviolet Telescopes telescope 2. Radio Telescopes 3. Telescopes in Space KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. 1.3 Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. III. Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. satellite A. Astronauts explore space near Earth. space station 1. Moon Missions lander 2. Orbiting Earth probe B. Spacecraft carry instruments to other worlds. 1. Flybys 2. Orbiters 3. Landers and Probes 4. Combining Missions KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Space exploration benefits society. 1.4 Space exploration benefits society. IV. Space exploration benefits society. impact crater A. Space exploration has given us new viewpoints. 1. Surface Features 2. Atmosphere B. Space technology has practical uses. 1. Satellite Views of Earth 2. Technology Spinoffs KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY