Status and Integration of the Spectrometer Solenoid Magnets Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Lab MICE RAL June 15, 2007
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 2 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MICE Cooling Channel Layout Spectrometer Solenoid 1 Spectrometer Solenoid 2
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 3 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update 1st magnet coil winding to be done end of June Second coil former ready for winding upon completion of first magnet coils Winding of fiberglass cold mass support bands complete – associated hardware nearly complete Four cryocoolers now on hand at Wang NMR HT C leads and magnet instrumentation on hand Power supplies being ordered this week (UCR) P.O. placed with Wang for cryocooler testing
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 4 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Passive Quench Protection Space Center Coil Match Coil 1 End Coil 1 Match Coil 2 Coil Cover LHe Space 490 mm 690 mm 2544 mm Coil Spacer Spectrometer Solenoid Cold Mass End Coil 2 Complete Start next week Complete Done this week
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 5 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 300 K Support End 60 K Support Intercept Support Bands 4 K Support End Cold Mass Covers Cold Mass with 50 Ton Support System Support Links Near complete Complete On order
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 6 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Magnet #1 Coil Winding Progress Completed Match 2 coil Winding of Match 1 coil
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 7 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Magnet #1 Coil Winding Progress
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 8 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Cold Mass Support Fiberglass Bands All 32 pairs of fiberglass cold mass support bands have been machine wound, oven cured and cut to the finished width
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 9 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Cold Mass Support Assembly Cold mass support band links, pins and bushings are being fabricated and are close to completion Design load proof testing of the 16 cold mass support assemblies will take place early next month
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 10 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Other Related Hardware 2nd magnet coil winding form leak checked & ready to wind Material for cold mass supp’t vacuum vessel extensions
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 11 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Updated Schedule Summary
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 12 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Cryocooler Performance Measurement Purpose: Measure PT-415 cooler performance from 2.5 K to 22 K Confirm drop-in mode operation and measure heat leak Demonstrate that the PT-415 cooler will liquefy helium Check the convection currents’ role in intercepting heat Plan: Measure stage temps vs heat load (in vacuum & He gas) Assess the thermal resistance of the 1 st stage taper joint Operate the system with the helium at 3.8, 4.2 & 4.6 K Measure the liquefaction of helium at 4.3 K
Cryocooler Experiment Schematic Cooler Ballast Tank Valve Motor Rotary Valve Cryostat Top Plate Cooler Top Plate Drop-in Seal Cooler Enclosure Tube Wall t = ~0.38 mm Cooler Ist Stage w/ Taper Pulse Tube Regenerator Tube He Gas Radiation Shield Liquid Level Gauge Tube Safety Relief Tube Liquefaction Tank ID = ~125 mm Length ~150 mm Wall t = ~1 mm End t = ~6.4 mm Volume = ~1.8 liters K Shield Vacuum Vessel P Q T T Q T T T T Q T Q Condenser (A = m 2 ) Gas Fill Tube T
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 14 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Integration and Installation Topics Design of module base connection to rails and module lifting features added to drawings and submitted to Wang Transfer thru MICE hall door verified Flange sealing concept/design integrated Utility requirements for operation Iron shield final design & fab plan ongoing
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 15 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Module Mounting Provision Six mounting plates added to the support stand base for installation on rails
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 16 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Module Lifting Provision Four cutouts added to the support stand side walls for lifting straps Open issue: will a lifting fixture be required?
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 17 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Spectrometer Solenoid-AFC Module Joint 1372 mm ID bellows AFC flange Spectrometer solenoid flange 36 bolts on a 1470 mm dia O-ring groove Metal seal groove 56 mm
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 18 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Magnet Utility Requirements Cryomech Model PT-415 cryocoolers (4 or 6 each total) 50 Hz AC: /220 or 380/420 V, 3 phase Cooling: minimum 3 gpm of 80ºF max 300 A Power Supplies – American Magnetics (3 ea total) Hz AC: V, 3 , forced air cooled, rack mnt. 60 A Power Supplies – Lake Shore Cryotronics (4 ea tot.) Hz AC: V, 3 , forced air cooled, rack mnt. Vacuum: startup thru a 25 mm flanged port Liquid cryogens: 600 liters LN 2, 1000 liters LHe (x2) Instrumentation monitoring requirements Various voltages, temperature, He level, heaters, pressure, vac.
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 19 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Cryocooler Compressor Dimensions: 61x58x97 (LxWxH, cm) On ~7 cm wheels Weight: 223 kg He flex line length: 20 meters Lifting eyes: 4 ea on top (one/corner)
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 20 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Spectrometer Solenoid Iron Shields Overall iron shield dimensions have now been established Final design and fabrication drawings to be completed soon Design will be integrated with requirements of TOF shield (based on discussions this week) Shields likely to be fabricated locally to sites (FNAL, RAL) 1 shield FNAL and 2 RAL (tentative)
Status & Integration of the Spectrometer SolenoidsPage 21 Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1st magnet coil winding nearly complete Second coil former ready for winding Cold mass support bands complete Four cryocoolers, HT C leads and magnet instrumentation now on hand at Wang NMR Power supplies to be ordered this week (UCR) P.O. placed with Wang for cryocooler testing Vendor to complete 1 st magnet by Nov 07 Second magnet to follow 3 months later Summary