Life in the Universe
100 billion+ star systems in the Milky Way ◦ New exoplanets being discovered every day 100 billion+ galaxies in observable universe Carbon can arrange in many, many ways… ◦ Given that and the amount of matter, nature can experiment practically an infinite number of times.
We hope that we can: ◦ Find microbial life in our Solar System ◦ Find EM signals from extra-solar civilizations
Earth was born 4.5 billion years ago Heavy bombardment from 4.2 to 3.9 billion years ago Life was thriving prior to 3.85 billion years ago
So just as soon as the oceans quit getting vaporized by asteroids, life sprang into action – in an instant!
“Mats” of bacteria build layered rocks We see them today, we see similar ones from long ago Dated to 3.5 billion years
Oldest microbes (from DNA standpoint): ◦ Live near “black smokers” in the ocean ◦ Live in hot springs in Yellowstone
Why did early life hang around extremes? Earth may not have had an ozone layer yet; hide out from UV
“Ice worms” live in glacial ice
Lakes, rivers and thick atmosphere of basic organic molecules have been observed
Chemists have recreated the pressure, temperature, and chemistry of Titan’s atmosphere They found: ◦ Nucleotide bases ◦ Amino acids
Source of nutrients to build living cells ◦ Organic molecules all over the Solar System Energy for activity ◦ Sunlight, internal heat from a planet Liquid water ◦ That’s the tough one.
Liquid water requirement leaves us with: ◦ Mars ◦ Jovian moons, particularly Europa
Evidence: Mars once thriving waterworld Martian meteorite may show evidence for life
Tidal heating Evidence for water flow Thick water-ice surfaces ◦ But not much energy from sunlight
EuropaGanymedeCallisto EnceladusTitan
Life may only take ten thousand years to form Intelligent life may take a few billion years ◦ Excludes blue stars; they only last 100 million years ◦ Sun-like stars and red dwarfs good candidates
Habitable zone: Smaller and closer for smaller stars
Outer galaxy: ◦ Too few heavy elements Inner galaxy: ◦ More crowded, supernovas would nuke everything
When an exoplanet transits a star, starlight passes through the planet’s atmosphere ◦ This is a cutting-edge technique, but does reveal chemical composition of the planet ◦ Look for carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, and water vapor ◦ Oxygen abundance on Earth result of biology
It is entirely possible that extraterrestrial civilizations could be using this technique to monitor our progress. Perhaps at some point: ◦ We become cool enough to make friends ◦ We become advanced enough to pose a threat
Jovian planets launched trillions of objects into the Oort Cloud These objects now pose no danger to Earth Might “comet launchers” be a prerequisite for intelligent civilizations?
Number of “Contactable” Civilizations = N HP x f life x f civ x f now N HP = Number of habitable planets in the galaxy f life = Fraction of planets that are habitable f civ = Fraction of planets that can communicate f now = Fraction of planets that have a civilization now
EM waves travel forever – but get weaker Look for signs of communication SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) does that all day
We have deliberately sent high-power signals into space to “make contact” Used Arecibo in 1974 to send to M13 (21k LY away)
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity limits all speeds to the speed of light Out fastest spacecraft are travelling 1/10,000 the speed of light ◦ 100,000 years to Alpha Centauri (but not pointing there) Time dilation and length contraction: ◦ At 99.9% the speed of light, 2 years pass for the astronauts while 50 years pass on Earth
Detonate atomic bombs to propel the ship Scoop up hydrogen and fuse it
So we either build generational ships or we figure out how to warp space and time We don’t know how to warp space and time, but current laws of physics don’t seem to prevent it
Even our “slow” spaceships could populate stars within a few hundred LY ◦ Would take about 10,000 years – an instant in the overall scheme of the Universe ◦ In a few million years, we could colonize the galaxy A few million years? This should have been done a long time ago.
1 in 1 million chance a star will have life 100 billion stars in Milky Way: 100,000 civilizations Suppose intelligent civilizations arise after 5 billion years ◦ Galaxy is 12 billion years old ◦ 100,000 civilizations should have arisen 7 billion years ago – billions of years ahead of us
So… where are the aliens?
Galactic civilization should already exist! Three possibilities ◦ We are alone … and therefore precious. The only part of the Universe that is self-aware. ◦ Civilizations are common but they haven’t bothered colonizing the galaxy We explore every chance we get. Do they always end up destroying themselves? ◦ The galactic civilization hasn’t gotten around to us Are we not yet invited?