Today’s Quiz: The Rules OK, just to clarify: I will show you each face, but you're also getting additional help in the form of a clue. For each justice, you also get either the President who appointed him/her or the political "team" (liberal, moderate, conservative).
You have to give me the last name of each justice. Say Sandra Day O’Connor was still on the court. I’d show her to you, and give you a clue like “appointed by Reagan”. You’d write “O’Connor”. Today’s Quiz: The Rules
We’ll start off easy. #0: How many members of the Supreme Court are there? Now, for #1-9, follow along as I show the faces and give the clues. At the very end, I’ll leave all of the faces up on the screen.
One initial clue that will help you all: There are three liberals on the Court and two moderates. Only if both moderates rule with the liberals do they “win”. Otherwise, the four conservatives plus x number of moderates get their way. Now we begin for real…
Photo C #1: This one’s the Chief Justice. I hope that’s enough, but if not, I’ll remind you that he was appointed by George W. Bush, and is conservative. John Roberts
#2: Your clue is that he is one of the conservatives, and George W’s second appointment to the Court. He’s a local boy from Trenton, NJ Photo B Samuel Alito
#3: She was appointed by Bill Clinton. She is the second woman ever appointed, and is considered liberal. “Hey, they finally found a decent picture of me!” Ruth Bader Ginsberg
#4: He’s the most conservative member of the Court. Reagan appointed him. What’s his name? Antonin Scalia
#5: This is President Obama’s first appointment. She is the Court’s first Hispanic, and only the third woman ever appointed. She’s considered liberal. Sonia Sotomayor
#6: He was appointed by Ronald Reagan, so you know he’s not a liberal…right? Actually, he’s moderate. Anthony Kennedy
#7: This is Clinton’s other appointment, and the remaining liberal. He was Ted Kennedy’s personal attorney at one time. Stephen Breyer
#8: Eighty- nine and lively as ever. Appointed by Gerald Ford, he’s the third moderate. John Paul Stevens
#9: Appointed by George H.W. Bush (Senior). Conservative. Look, you wouldn’t smile, either, if Breyer kept calling you “Uncle Tom”… Clarence Thomas