What Do You know about space
What is the Earth’s diameter Is it A) 12.8mn m B) 9 mn m C) 188 mn m D) 900 mn m
Answer:12.8 mn m
What is the diameter of this Quasar called 3C48. Is it A)90000 bn m B)48000 bn bn m C)9000 mn m D) 90 bn bn bn bn m
How long does it take for Jupiter to orbit the sun. Is it A)11.9 Years B)2 Years C) 5 Years D) 1 Year
ANSWER:11.9 Years
A new ring has been discovered around Saturn. What do you think it is made of? Is it A)Ice B)Dust C)Gas D)Rock
What is our Galaxy. Is It The Milky Way or Andromeda Spiral.
ANSWER: The Milky Way
What do you think the moon is Is it A)Planet B)Comet C)Star D)Satellite
ANSWER: Satellite