Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. Safety 24/7 May 2007 Five STEPS to Being a More Successful Leader
#1 Leaders are Visible
GROUND ZERO President George W. Bush at GROUND ZERO
Mark Seigel, Chairman of the Board Mike Holcomb, Senior VP Bryan O’Hearon, Driller R IG182
Sir Richard Evans “Being a visible leader is important and a closed door policy never works as it leaves the leader cut off from the rest of the organization”
Paula Kerger television network executive “The next generation of leaders need to be encouraged to work with colleagues face-to-face and not hide behind s”
Warren Bennis, “Leaders” “A leader doesn’t just get the message across...a leader is the message”
#2 Give Feedback to your Employees “98% of employees say they work harder when they receive encouragement from their managers, yet only 40% say they do receive recognition for a job well done” James Kouzes, “Encouraging the Heart”
Remember – Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions
#3 Be a Goal Setter Set goals for yourself and require your employees to set goals as well
Incremental Goal Setting Why One minute Praisings work “Most managers wait until their people do something exactly right before they praise them” Ken Blanchard, One Minute Manager
This is hard for some of us Help People Reach Their Full Potential Catch Them Doing Something Right In reality, what we have been taught is to catch them doing something wrong
#4 Share Credit & Accept the Blame
#5 Be Compassionate We will not be remembered by our words, but by our kind deeds.