A Tour of CCSSE and SENSE Tools 2012 CCCSE Workshop
Courtney Adkins, Survey Operations Coordinator Meagan Cusack, College Liaison Adrienne Dellinger, College Liaison
Center Surveys: Collecting Data from a Variety of Sources 3 Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) Administered during the 4 th and 5 th weeks of the fall term Focuses on students’ experiences from the time they decide to attend through the end of the first three weeks of the term Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Administered in the spring term Gathers information from students about their overall experiences at the college Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) Administered in conjunction with CCSSE to all faculty teaching credit courses Gathers information on instructors’ perceptions of student experiences and about teaching practices and use of professional time Community College Institutional Survey (CCIS) Collects information on identifying and promoting high-impact educational practices in community colleges Gathers information about whether and how colleges implement a variety of promising practices
Designed to help colleges: Assess the quality of their work Identify and grow educational practices Identify areas in which to improve Provide context: a data-derived picture of institution Shift the focus to an institutional locus of control 4
Center Tools High levels of student engagement are the product of an institution-wide commitment, not discrete initiatives. In other words, quality education is not an event — it’s a culture. The Center is committed to helping you build that culture at your college, and we provide CCSSE and SENSE Tools as a key resource for those efforts. 5
Faculty Predictions: An Exercise 6 65% 29% 62% 13% 48% 57% 52%
Student Services Staff Predictions: An Exercise 7 29%16%52% 28% 19% 41% 40%23 %46% 27%15%51%
One College’s Approach North Hennepin Community College (MN) translated the Faculty Predictions exercise into an electronic format and used personal response "clickers.” The format provided immediate feedback after each survey response percentage was predicted. After an initial discussion of the data, everyone was divided randomly into benchmark groups and asked to identify two priorities for change at the college in that area. These priorities for change are now worked into the college’s assessment plan initiatives. 8
Tools Web Pages CCSSE SENSE Tools are organized based on survey participation timeline 9
Preparing for Administration Communicate, communicate, communicate CCSSE Administration Guide: Tips for Success CCSSE Administration Guide: Tips for Success CCSSE Talking Points CCSSE Talking Points CCSSE Participant News Release CCSSE Participant News Release 10
Working with and Sharing Results Engage, engage, engage Faculty Predictions Exercise Faculty Predictions Exercise Student Services Staff Predictions Exercise Student Services Staff Predictions Exercise College Connections Inventory College Connections Inventory 11
Drop-In Overview Templates Drop-In Overview Report Template Drop-In Overview Report Template Drop-In Overview Presentation Template Drop-In Overview Presentation Template 12
Data Narrative Exercise Data Narrative Exercise Data Narrative Exercise 13
Data Narrative Exercise Choose a scribe to take notes. Designate a reader at your table. Read through each survey item out loud, examining the percentage responses. Frame the data. Ask questions, speculate. 14
Data Narrative Exercise Step One: Open Envelope #1 Look at the information inside. Do these data surprise you? What factors do you think are driving these data? Step Two: Open Envelope #2 Look at the information inside. How are these data related to the data in Envelope #1? Step Three: Open Envelope #3 Look at the information inside. How are these data related to the data in Envelopes #1 and #2? Step Four: Conclusion What story do the data in these three envelopes tell? 15
Please provide feedback on this session in the workshop evaluation. Thank you! 16