Interesting Facts: Locate its prey from100 feet away (30 meters) Mosquitoes have poor sights but senses by scent, light, and heat Notice lactic acid & especially carbon dioxide (CO2)
General Information: Mosquito “little fly” Definitive host: Mosquitoes Intermediate host: Mammals & Human Misquotes have different vectors: Protozoa, Helminthiasis, and Virus
Vector::: Protozoa: The mosquito genus, Anopheles carries the Malaria parasite (Plasmodium) Malaria: worldwide, lead to children under the age of five
Vector:: Helminthiasis: Some species the Filariasis worm: Elephantiasis Around 40 million people are living with disability called Filariasis
Vector: Virus: The viral diseases; yellow fever transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. In the United States: viral diseases like Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) & Western equine encephalitis (WEE): In humans, horses, and some bird species. Symptoms: mild flu-like illness to encephalitis, coma and death. Viruses carried by arthropods (Mosquitoes or Ticks): known as arboviruses; Culex & Culiseta
Mosquitoes' Cycle:
Major Mosquito's life cycle:
Exo-erythrocytic Cycle: In Human Liver Stage: parasite invades the cells Infected liver cell Schizont Ruptured Schizont
Erythrocytic Cycle: In Human Blood Stages: Invaid RBC Mature trophozoite: 1. Schizont > ruptured RBC 2. Gametocytes > Microgamtocytes and Macrogamotcytes
Sporogonic Cycle: In Mosquito Stages: Ingestion of gametocytes Macrogametocytes and Microgametocytes (exflagellated) Ookinete Oocyst Injects sporozotites
Symptoms: Fever, chills, sweating, and vomiting Consciousness/coma, severe anemia, renal failure, respiratory syndrome, shock, hemoglobinuria, and jaundice
Diagnosis: Blood test PCR
Treatments: Oral medication: Chloroquine phosphate (Aralen) is the drug of choice for all malarial parasites Multiple drug-treatment: (Quinine sulfate+ Doxycycline) or Tetracycline, ect… New drug treatments of malaria
Controlling Methods: Reducing Contact: Education the population Limiting exposure to insects –use bed nets/ window screens Biological Control: Use of natural vector predators –Bacterial toxins Habitat Control: Reducing the areas where develop and grow Chemical Control: Insecticides, larvicides, and rodenticides
Review: All Mosquitoes are alike T / F Mosquitoes have sharp sights? Yes / No How can the mosquitoes locate us? Is the female Mosquito thrives on blood? Why?