Date Single Jeopardy Double Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Pain Management Jeopardy
Scheduling Conflicts Methadone & Methadon’t Crazy Calculations Side Effect Central Potpourri SINGLE JEOPARDY Double Jeopardy Final Jeopardy
Of Schedule I, II, III, IV, or V, the class to which hydrocodone-acetaminophen belongs Topic I100Question
III Topic I100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Number of refills you can (not should) authorize for Robitussin AC Topic I200Question
11 Topic I200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
This Schedule II medication is contraindicated in patients with renal failure Topic I300Question
Morphine Topic I300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Of Schedule I, II, III, IV, or V, the class to which marijuana belongs Topic V400Question
I Topic I400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
One situation in which fax or call-in of a Schedule II medication is permitted Topic I500Question
Emergency prescription (paper rx must be submitted within 7 days) -Hospice patient (Medicare or state-certified hospice) Topic I500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
One EKG finding which would stop you from prescribing methadone Topic II100Question
Prolonged QT interval Topic II100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
One safe starting dose for methadone in an otherwise healthy non-elderly patient – whether they’ve been on opiates before or not Topic II200Question
5mg BID Titrate to TID after a week Topic II200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
One class of pain medications which can cause the same EKG anomaly as methadone Topic II300Question
TCAs Topic II300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Of nociceptive, neuropathic, or both, the type of pain which methadone has been shown to affect Topic II400Question
Both Topic II400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Methadone, when combined this class of medication, is responsible for more opiate overdoses in the state of Virginia than any other Topic II500Question
Benzodiazepenes Topic II500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Topic III100Question When switching opiates, you may want to undershoot the new dose by 25% for this reason
Incomplete cross-tolerance Topic III100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Topic III200Question In patients with kidney or liver problems, one of two things you can adjust to keep them safe
Dose-adjust Use longer dosing intervals Topic III200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Topic III300Question Of percents or milligrams, the preferred unit for titrating opiates
Percents Topic III300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Topic III400Question Mr. J is a cancer patient on long acting oral morphine 90mg every 12 hrs. He develops esophageal candidiasis and can’t swallow his meds. His hourly PCA dose would be this much IV morphine.
2.4 mg Topic III400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Topic III500Question A 72 yo F with recent compression fracture is taking 8 oxycodone 5mg per day. She does not feel tired or constipated on this regimen. The medicine helps her pain, but wears off after 3 hrs. Convert her to OxyContin.
OxyContin 20 mg BID Topic III500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
This common GI side effect of opiates merits prophylaxis in almost all patients, especially those who are bedbound or can’t communicate Topic IV100Question
Constipation Topic IV100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
This hormone is often found to be low in men who have taken opiates long term, sometimes requiring medication Topic IV200Question
Testosterone Topic IV200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Of morphine, codeine, or fentanyl, the opiate least likely to cause pruritis Topic IV300Question
Fentanyl Topic IV300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
The term that describes decreased effectiveness of pain relief over time in someone who has been on an opiate Topic IV400Question
Tolerance Topic IV400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
One opiate-related pain medication with addictive potential not tracked by the Virginia PMP Topic IV500Question
Tramadol Topic IV500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Of adaptive or maladaptive, the characteristic that defines nociceptive pain Topic V100Question
Maladaptive Topic V100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
One adjective used to describe neuropathic pain Topic V200Question
Burning Sharp Lancinating Tingling Numb Lightening-like Topic V200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
One low back pain red flag which would prompt emergent referral Topic V300Question
Loss of bowel/bladder continence Saddle parasthesias Leg weakness Topic V300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
The CNS symptom which always precedes respiratory depression in patients on narcotics Topic V300Question
Sedation Topic V400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
One good indication for using opiates in chronic nonmalignant pain Topic V500Question
- Failure of adequate trials and doses of nonopiate therapy - Contraindications to nonopiate therapy - Improvement in function on opiates Topic V500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy
Nutritional Deficiency DOUBLE JEOPARDY Final Jeopardy Dementia & Delirium Name that Rash Part Deux ObstetricsMovies
Glossitis, anemia, and neural tube defects Topic VI200Question
Folate Topic VI200Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Easy and excessive bleeding and bruising Topic VI400Question
Vitamin K Topic VI400Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Hypothyroidism, cretinism, fatigue Topic VI600Question
Iodine Topic VI600Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Night blindness and xerophthalmia Topic VI800Question
Vitamin A Topic VI800Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia Topic VI1000Question
Niacin (vitamin B3) Topic VI1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Which is the most common cause of dementia: Topic VII200Question 1.) Alzheimer’s disease 2.) Drug-induced dementia 3.) Multi-infarct dementia
Alzheimer’s dementia Topic VII200Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
The most important first investigation for patients suspected to have delirium is: 1.) CBC 2.) MRI 3.) EEG Topic VII400Question
CBC Topic VII400Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
What is the most common treatable condition that is often confused with Alzheimer’s disease? Topic VII600Question
Depression Topic VII600Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
What is the most important risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease? Topic VII800Question
Family history of dementia Topic VII800Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
This class of medications is the primary treatment for patient’s with Alzheimer’s disease. Topic VII1000Question
Cholinesterase inhibitors (ie: donepezil, rivastigmine) Topic VII1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic VIII200Question
Impetigo and S. aureus Topic VIII200Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic VIII400Question
Tinea versicolor (pityriasis versicolor) and Malassezia furfur Topic VIII400Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic VIII600Question
Herpes zoster (shingles) and Varicella zoster virus Topic VIII600Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic VIII800Question
Scarlet fever and Group A strep Topic VIII800Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic VIII1000Question
Smallpox and Variola virus Topic VIII1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic IX200Question What is the recommended weight gain in pregnancy for “normal weight” women? (Normal weight = 90 – 135% IBW)
25 – 35 pounds (Underweight = 28 – 40 pounds) (Overweight = 15 – 25 pounds) Topic IX200Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic IX400Question Which of the following vaccine combinations would be safe to give a pregnant woman? 1.) Hep B and Varicella 2.) Rubella and Tetanus 3.) Meningococcal and Hep B
Meningococcal and Hep B Topic IX400Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic IX600Question What is the drug of choice for severe hyperemesis gravidarum?
Metoclopramide Topic IX600Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic IX800Question What shape pelvis is the most common and most functional for delivery?
Gynecoid (android, platypelloid, and anthropoid are the other shapes) Topic IX800Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic IX1000Question What test can be performed to differentiate fetal from maternal blood?
Kliehauer-Betke test Topic IX1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic X200Question
Patch Adams Topic X200Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic X400Question
M*A*S*H Topic X400Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic X600Question
Cider House Rules Topic X600Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic X800Question
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Topic X800Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
Topic X1000Question
Flatliners Topic X1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy
If you are treating pain correctly, your patient will probably report a decrease in pain, but an increase in this
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