Zonal Conference on Agriculture Inputs – Rabi Campaign New Delhi 14 th Sept.2012 Mechanization in J&K State
Characteristic features of J&K State ParticularsLand Use Data Net Cultivated area7.52 lakh ha Gross Cvtd. Area11.60 lakh ha Net area irrigated3.14 lakh ha (42%) Av. land holding size0.56 ha No. of Operational Holdings13.35 lakhs Small/ Marginal Farmers85% Un-cultivable land5.82 lakh ha Cultivable wastelands1.50 lakh ha Pastures1.29 lakh ha
Characteristic features Limitations/Drawbacks Fragile Soils in hilly areas susceptible to soil erosion; Arid areas of Ladakh and Drought prone areas in Jammu limit farm productivity; Single Cropping season of Kharif in temperate / high altitude areas; Inadequate and unorganized marketing & limits to transportation of products to distant markets; Limits to mechanized farming and irrigation potential of cultivated land;
Thrust Areas in Farm Mechanization in J&K Fabrication and provision of implements adapted to Hill Agriculture; Popularization of improvised machines for plains; Farmer friendly approach to facilitate selection /purchase of machinery; Improving access to machines and implements through Agri - Business Centres; Mechanization of Departmental Seed Multiplication Farms
Fabrication and provision of implements adapted to Hill Agriculture Two divisional levels Govt. Agriculture Workshop were established in , one each in Kashmir and Jammu division; Three district level workshops were established in the state in mid eighties; In order to make available the technical knowhow as also sales after sale services more workshops were established of which three were in Kashmir Division and two in Jammu Division.
Fabrication and provision of implements adapted to Hill Agriculture Tractor Drawn Tillers, Levelers, bund makers; Power Tiller Drawn – Tillers, MB Ploughs; Bullock Drawn Ploughs Hand Tools & Implements, Power Operated Maize Sheller, Paddy Thresher; Poly Green House Structures Grain Storage Bins & Seed Containers; Hand & Power Operated Winnowing fans; Honey Extractors.
Fabrication and provision of implements adapted to Hill Agriculture Year Physical (nos) Financial (Rs.in lacs) (ending July 2012) Locally Adapted Machines and Tools provided to Farmers
Fabrication and provision of implements adapted to Hill Agriculture Agriculture Engineering Workshop
Fabrication and provision of implements adapted to Hill Agriculture Agriculture Engineering Workshop
Provision of other machines and implements adapted to Hill Agriculture Power Tillers; Reaper-cum-Binders; Bullock Drawn Seed-cum fertilizer Drills; Power operated Wheat and Paddy Threshers; Power operated Winnowing Fans and Maize Sheller etc.; Manual and Power operated P.P. Equipment; Seed Treatment Drums; Honey Extractors.
Popularisation of improvised machines in Plains Areas Lazer Levellers; Planters/Transplanters; Offset Disc Harrows; Rotavators; Reapers-cum-binders; Harvesters Combines; Tractors
Popularisation of improvised machines in Plains Areas Farm Machinery Demonstration
Popularisation of improvised machines in Plains Areas Farm Machinery Distribution
Popularisation of improvised machines in Plains Areas
Farmer Friendly Approach to Facilitate Selection / purchase of Machinery Rules /procedures revised to facilitate purchase of Machinery of his choice by the farmer; Exemption of Toll/VAT on Agriculture Machinery; Subsidy on Machinery purchased by Farmer from out-side the State; Machinery Exhibitions –cum- Melas to provide easy access to latest machinery in far – flung areas of the State
Popularisation of improvised machines in Plains Areas Machinery Melas
Improving access to machines and implements through Agri Business Centres Provision of back ended subsidy kept under RKVY; Assistance provided to Farmer groups /Farmer Entrepreneurs; Access provided to rent out machinery to rural peasantry; ABCs established: – Jammu district5 nos – Kathua district2 nos – Samba district1 nos
Agri-Business Centre, Sohanjana, Jammu.
Promoting Farm Mechanization through Machines Inducted at Deptt Seed Multiplication Farms S.NoComponent (Public Sector)Unit RKVY Achievement PhyFin 1Tractor mounted spray pumpsNos Seed treatment drumNos1 3Seed cum fertilizer drillNos1 4Power tiller cum weederNos1 5TractorsNos RotavatorsNos4 7Offset HarrowNos3 8Tractor tillerNos2 9Seed drillNos2 10Disc HarrowNos2 11Tractor trolleyNos2 12JCBNos Reaper cum binderNos13.25 Total
Àgri-Machinery at Farms
Promoting Farm Mechanization through Macro Management S. No ComponentPattern of AssistanceUnitPhysical Financial SCSTWomenGeneralTotal aTractors 25% of the cost limited to Rs.0.45 lac/Tractor upto 40 HP No's bPower Tillers 40% of the cost limited to Rs.0.45 lac/Power Tiller upto 8 HP & above No's c Self propelled Reapers 25% of the cost limited to Rs.0.40 lac/unit No's d Paddy Transplantor and other similar propelled machines 25% of the cost limited to Rs.0.40 lac/unit No's e Power driven equipments 25% of the cost limited to Rs.0.10 lac for essential tractor driven implements No's
Promoting Farm Mechanization through Macro Management (….contd.) S. No ComponentPattern of AssistanceUnitPhysical Financial SCSTWomenGeneralTotal f Diesel/Electric Pump of the cost limited to Rs.0.10 Lac/ Pump upto 7.50 BHP/ 5KV No's gPotato Planter 25% of cost limited to Rs.0.15 lac No's hPotato Digger 25% of cost limited to Rs.0.15 lac No's i Specialised power driven Equipments 40% of cost limited to Rs.0.20 lac No's
Promoting Farm Mechanization through Macro Management (….contd.) S. NoComponent Pattern of Assistance UnitPhysical Financial SCSTWomenGeneralTotal j Mannually operated implements/tool kits 25% of the cost limited to Rs.0.02 lac No's k Animal Driven Implements 25% of the cost limited to Rs lac No's l Power Threshers (All Types) 25% of the cost limited to Rs.0.12 lac No's m PP Equipment Manually operated 25% of the cost limited to Rs lac No's Total (4):
Promoting Farm Mechanization through Training, Testing & Demonstrations Approved outlay:Rs lakhs Purchase of Machinery:Rs lakhs Demonstrations:Rs lakhs
Promoting Farm Mechanization through Training, Testing & Demonstrations Machines:UnitsRs. In lakhs Paddy transplanters Reapers cum Binders Vegetable Transplanters Zero till seed drill Rotavators Potato Planter Power Weeder Seed Treatment Drums
Promoting Farm Mechanization through NFSM Rice S.NoInterventions Approved rate of assistance Unit Target PhysicalFinancial b) Knap Sack Sprayers 50% or Rs. 3000/- per machine Nos c) Zero Till Seed Drill 50% or Rs /- per machine Nos i) Rotavators 50% or Rs /- per machine Nos j) Laser Land Leveler Rs /- per machine Nos Incentives for pump sets 50% or Rs /- per Pumpset Nos
Promoting Farm Mechanization through Other Schemes SchemeParticularsUnit Target Phy.Fin. RKVY P.P.EquipmentNos RotavatorsNos Agri Business CenterNos Irrigation PumpsetNos ISOPOM a) Manual P.P.EquipmentNos b) Power Operated P.P.EquipmentNos a) Manual/Bullock Op Equip.Nos b) Power Operated Equip.Nos National Mission on Saffron DryerNos WeederNos
Promoting Farm Mechanization through Convergence of Schemes for Distribution of Machinery ( ) S. No Component (Beneficiaries)UnitMacro Management NFSMTechnology Mission RKVYISOPOMTotal PhyFinPhyFinPhyFinPhyFinPhyFinPhyFin 1TractorNos Power tillerNos Power Driven equipmentsNos Specailized Power driven equipment Nos Manually operated implements/ tools kits Nos Animal driven implementsNos Power thresherNos PP equipments manuallyNos Zero Till seed drills/multi crop planter Nos Rotavators and other machinery Nos Power Machniery upto 20 BHP Nos Power machinery above 20 BHP Nos Agri business centerNos OtherFarm MachnieryNos Total
Problem Areas The present farm power availability can be improved by strengthening farm mechanization programme in the state and bring it to optimal level. intensive field demonstration and financial assistance at a higher rate is needed to the farmers of the state Different incentives for same machinery under different schemes in some cases. (Sprinkler Sets -Rs. 7500/Ha under NFSM - 50% of Indicative Cost under NMMI; Tractors -25% subsidy to max of Rs.45,000 under MMA up to 40 HP but -Rs.1.50 lakh for Power machines with of more than 20 HP under HMNEH)