Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada Personality and Lifestyles Chapter 6 Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada
6-2 Personality A person’s unique psychological makeup and how it consistently influences the way a person responds to his/her environment –Stable vs. situation-specific Marketers: lifestyles –Leisure activities, political outlook, aesthetic tastes, etc.
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-3 Freudian Systems Personality = conflict between gratification and responsibility –Id: pleasure principle –Superego: our conscience –Ego: mediates between id and superego Reality principle
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-4 Freudian Systems (Cont’d) Marketing Implications –Unconscious motives underlying purchases –Symbolism in products to compromise id and superego Sports car as sexual gratification for men Phallic symbols
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-5 Motivational Research Freudian ideas unlock deeper product and advertisement meanings Consumer depth interviews Latent motives for purchases –Examples of Dichter’s motives (Table 6.1) Bowling, electric trains, power tools = power Ice cream, beauty products = social acceptance
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-6 Motivational Research (Cont’d) Criticisms –Invalid or works too well –Too sexually-based Appeal –Less expensive than large-scale surveys –Powerful hook for promotional strategy –Intuitively plausible findings (after the fact) –Enhanced validity with other techniques
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-7 Neo-Freudian Theories Karen Horney –Compliant vs. detached vs. aggressive Alfred Adler –Motivation to overcome inferiority Harry Stack Sullivan –Personality evolves to reduce anxiety
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-8 Neo-Freudian Theories: Jung Carl Jung: analytical psychology –Collective unconscious –Archetypes in advertising (see Figure 6.1: old wise man, earth mother, etc.) BrandAsset ® Archetypes model BAV ® Brand Health measures
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-9 BrandAsset ® Archetypes + BAV ® Brand Health Archetypes across cultures and time Archetypes telegraph instantly Strong evidence of achieving business objectives with this model “Early warning” signal of brand trouble
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-10 Trait Theory Personality traits: identifiable characteristics that define a person Traits relevant to consumer behaviour: –Innovativeness –Materialism –Self-consciousness –Need for cognition –Frugality
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-11 Are You an Innie or an Outie? Inner-directed vs. outer-directed –Unique sense of self vs. pleasing others/fitting in Power of conformity and need for uniqueness
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-12 Are You an Innie or an Outie? (Cont’d) Idiocentrics vs. allocentrics –Contentment –Health consciousness –Food preparation –Workaholics –Travel and entertainment
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-13 Problems with Trait Theory Prediction of product choices using traits of consumers is mixed at best –Scales not valid/reliable –Tests borrow scales used for the mentally ill –Inappropriate testing conditions –Ad hoc instrument changes –Use of global measures to predict specific brand purchases –“Shotgun approach” (no thought of scale application) Remember: traits are only part of the “story”…
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-14 Brand Personality Set of traits people attribute to a product as if it were a person Brand equity Outsourcing production to focus on brand Extensive consumer research goes into brand campaigns
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-15 Table 6.2 (abridged) Brand ActionTrait Inference Brand is repositioned several times or changes slogan repeatedly Flighty, schizophrenic Brand uses continuing character in advertising Familiar, comfortable Brand charges high prices and uses exclusive distribution Snobbish, sophisticated Brand frequently available on dealCheap, uncultured Brand offers many line extensionsVersatile, adaptable
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-16 Brand Personality (Cont’d) Distinctive brand personality = brand loyalty –Animism Level 1: brand = spokespersons and loved ones Level 2: anthropomorphized brands –Positioning/repositioning strategies describing brands as people “Lust, envy, jealousy. The dangers of Volvo.”
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-17 Lifestyles Patterns of consumption reflecting a person’s choices of how one spends time and money –Who we are and what we do Lifestyle marketing perspective –WWF Magazine, 4 Wheel & Off Road, Reader’s Digest Figure 6.2
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-18 Lifestyles as Group Identities Forms of expressive symbolism Self-definition of group members = common symbol system –Terms include lifestyle, taste public, consumer group, symbolic community, status culture –Each person provides a unique “twist” to be an “individual” Tastes/preferences evolve over time
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-19 Building Blocks of Lifestyles We often choose products that fit a lifestyle Lifestyle marketing –Product usage in desirable social settings –Consumption style –Patterns of behaviour Co-branding strategies Product complementarity and consumption constellations (e.g., “yuppie”)
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-20 Discussion What consumption constellation might characterize you and your friends today?
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-21 Building Blocks of Lifestyles (Cont’d) Interior designers rely on consumption constellations when furnishing a room Decorating style integrates different products into a unified whole ‘look’
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-22 Psychographics Use of psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors to: –Determine market segments –Determine their reasons for choosing products –Fine-tune offerings to meet needs of different segments Consumers can share the same demographics and still be very different!
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-23 Best Buy Psychographic Segments “Jill” “Buzz” “Ray” “BB4B” “Barry”
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-24 Soup Psychographic Segments Surveyed waitresses Asked about differences between chicken noodle and tomato soup users Refer to Table 6.3, Personality of Soup Users
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-25 Psychographics Roots Developed in 1960s and 1970s Motivational research and survey research were flawed Demographics tell us “who” buys, but psychographics tell us “why” they buy –E.g., Molson Export’s “Fred and the boys” ads
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-26 Doing a Psychographic Analysis Lifestyle profile Product-specific profile Personality traits as descriptors General lifestyle segmentation Product-specific segmentation
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-27 AIOs Grouping consumers according to: –Activities –Interests –Opinions 20/80 Rule: lifestyle segments that produce the bulk of customers –Heavy users and the benefits they derive from product
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-28 Table 6-4 (Abridged) ActivitiesInterestsOpinionsDemographics WorkFamilyThemselvesAge HobbiesHomeSocial IssuesEducation Social EventsJobPoliticsIncome VacationCommunityBusinessOccupation EntertainmentRecreationEconomicsFamily Size
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-29 Psychographic Segmentation Uses To define target market To create new view of market To position product To better communicate product attributes To develop overall strategy To market social/political issues
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-30 Psychographic Segmentation Typologies Battery of questions –Cluster consumers into distinct lifestyle groups Includes AIOs + perceptions of brands, celebrities, and media preferences
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-31 Figure 6-3 VALS2 TM VALS SURVEY
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-32 Discussion Construct separate advertising executions for a cosmetics product targeted to the Belonger, Achiever, Experiencer, and Maker VALS types. –How would the basic appeal differ for each group?
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-33 Global Psychographic Typologies Global MOSAIC –Identifies segments across 19 countries RISC –Lifestyles/sociocultural change in 40+ countries –Divides population into 10 segments using 3 axes: Exploration/Stability Social/Individual Global/Local –40 measured “trends” (e.g., “spirituality”)
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-34 Discussion Extreme sports. Day trading. Blogging. Vegetarianism. Can you predict what will be “hot” in the near future? –Identify a lifestyle trend that is just surfacing in your universe. –Describe this trend in detail and justify your prediction. –What specific styles and/or products are part of this trend?
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-35 Geodemography Consumer expenditures/socioeconomic factors + geographic information –“Birds of a feature flock together” –Can be reached more economically (e.g., zip code in Redondo Beach, CA) Discussion: Geodemographic techniques assume that people who live in the same neighbourhood have other things in common as well. –Why do they make this assumption, and how accurate is it?
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 6-36 Trend Forecasting