A+ 15-16 A- 14 B 13 C 11-12 D 10 F 0-9
Chapter 15
Week Fifteen (November 29- December 3) Day 1- Chapter 15 quiz Day 2- Prepare Discussion questions Week Sixteen (December 6-10) Day 1- Chapter 16 quiz Day 2- Read HR 31-36- (GRAPES-Rise of Absolute Monarchs, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment) Week Seventeen (January 3-7) Day 1- Chapter 17 quiz Day 2- Read HR 118-128 (GRAPES-Spain in North America, Spain in South America, Brazil, French N America, English N America)
Global Maritime Expansion Before 1450 Polynesian Madagascar Arab Dhow Chinese Ming Zheng He Vikings
European Expansion Iberian kingdoms Portuguese Spanish Wanted to access trade with Asia Used to warfare Portuguese Prince Henry New technologies African Coast Private Commercial interests Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama Spanish Christopher Columbus Treaty of Tordesillas Ferdinand Magellan
Reaction to Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Liked trading with Europe Benin Kongo Eastern Africa Some fighting with Swahili states Christian Ethiopia Portuguese violently dominated most of the Indian ocean Mughals ignored them Ottomans tried to fight The Americas Arawak conquistadors Hernan Cortes Francisco Pizarro
1. What environmental, political, social, economic, or technological factors led Spain and Portugal becoming such powerful world leaders? 2. Compare the voyages of non-European people before 1500 to those of the Portuguese and Spanish from 1400 to 1550. In what ways were the voyages and their effects different? Why?
3. Are there environmental or geographical factors that might explain the various reactions of different African and Asian people to the Portuguese explorers? 4. Why were the Spanish able to establish a territorial empire in the New World? 5. Was technological superiority a major factor in the conquest of the Americas?
Chap 16
Protestant Reformation Guttenberg Martin Luther indulgences salvation could be by faith based on the Bible John Calvin Predestination Council of Trent Jesuits “Catholic Reformation.” Wars of religion
Supernatural Witch-hunts Superstition
The Scientific Revolution Greeks and the Romans Copernicus Galileo suppressed Isaac Newton’s Francis Bacon Rene Descartes
Early Enlightenment Government, religion, economics, and education Reason, nature, happiness, progress, and liberty. Thomas Hobbs social contract John Locke natural rights . Voltaire Montesquieu separation of powers Rousseau secular Individuality
Changing Soc-Political Patterns I State Development absolutist rulers Bourgeoisie alliances with commercial elites Charles Spain England Henry VIII England Civil War Oliver Cromwell Glorious Revolution William and Mary Bill of Rights
Changing Soc-Political Patterns II France Estates General Louis XIV Colbert Versailles Standing armies- navies English Royal Navy defeated Spain’s Catholic Armada France, Britain, Austria, and Russia Netherlands
Economic Changes Bourgeoisie manufacturing, finance, trade joint-stock companies and stock exchanges African slaves contributed greatly to Europe's economy New World crops Spain alliances with commercial elites Netherlands Amsterdam