What makes these places different from one another? Aleppo, Syria Copenhagen, Denmark
Learning objectives Explain why politics and political engagement matters Explore a proven route through the course Engage with a major issue in current affairs
Why does Politics make the difference? "Politics presupposes a collective agreement about the use of force... Violence can be used as a tool to draw prepare into ongoing relationships of authority and obedience. That is control through violence... But the other side of politics is control of violence. Politics allows people to reach agreement about how to deal with violence, about who should have access to it and the circumstances under which it should be used.” Prof. David Runciman
Key questions Who does politics most affect? Who engages most with politics? Who has most political power? Who has least political power? Cui bono?
will be a landmark year in British Political History Referendum on Scottish Independence – September 18, 2015 UK General Election – May 15, 2015
Course outline Unit 1: People, politics and participation Unit 2: Governing Modern Britain
Course outline Unit 2: Governing Modern Britain The British Constitution How Parliament works Policy-making & the Executive Devolved Government Relations with the EU
What are the challenges? 1)Things change... all the time 2)All of the topics are inter-connected 3)The most rewarding parts of the course are not necessarily the most rewarded
What are we really studying? G&P involves the study of three distinct but inter-related topics: Political theory Political science Current affairs
Independent research In pairs, prepare a short biography of the political figure you have drawn. Each biography should be at least 500 words long. Biographies should focus on their political careers (rather than their personal lives) and should include details of any significant political policy or position they support or have supported. 1David Cameron 2Nick Clegg 3Ed Miliband 4Nigel Farage 5Gordon Brown 6Tony Blair 7John Major 8Margaret Thatcher
Should Scotland be Independent? Watch this except from the Question Time special on Scottish Independence, broadcast on July 10 th.Question Time As you watch, try to identify (a) the points of political principle at issue; (b) the implications for government; and (c) any other areas of current affairs that affect or are affected by Scottish Independence.
Why does this matter to us?
What are we doing? Read through your article Try to highlight the issues of political principle – What’s at stake? Try to highlight the issues of government – How will it work?
What is politics? Politics is fundamentally about three things: Power Justice Legitimacy
What is democracy?
Political principles (Political Theory) Political principles are the value judgments that underpin how we behave politically. In the social sciences, we call this normative theory. Political principles arise from our sense of justice. Political theory deals with questions such as: What makes a government legitimate? Should there be limits to freedom of speech? How do we balance the rights of the individual against the security of the community? Political theories and principles are often associated with specific political parties or specific political thinkers.
Government (Political Science) Political science is concerned with the machinery of government. Political science deals with question such as: How do voting systems work? What are the responsibilities of the Prime Minister? What are the limits to judicial independence? These questions are often approached by comparing political systems. Political science is less concerned with suggesting how politics should be and more concerned with describing how politics actually is. In social sciences, we call this positive theory.
Current affairs Current affairs are the major news stories of the day. These will typically provide evidence with which to substantiate arguments about either political principles or the mechanics of government.
Scottish Independence Terrorism/Project Prism Rotherham Election 2015