BELLWORK 1.What is the difference between a rural and urban area? READ “Great Britain leads the way” on pgs and answer the following questions: 2.What did farmers in Great Britain do during the Industrial Revolution? 3.What is capital? 4.What raw materials did Great Britain have? Why were these important? 5.What happened when farming machinery was introduced? 6.THINKER: How did political revolutions (US, France & England) lead to the Industrial Revolution?
Review Timeline Now that we have finished the French Revolution, you are going to create a timeline for review. It will encompass the main events within the Revolution. You may use your notes and book Each event needs to be in chronological order and include a date and sentence of description. This is review – next week is the test! What you do not finish, will be homework!
Timeline Events *disclaimer: these are NOT in the correct order!* Louis XVI comes to power Dec. of Rights of Man & Citizen Reign of Terror Napoleon takes over Louis’ execution Storming of the Bastille Directory comes to power Estates-General Jacobins come to power Republic implemented Tennis Court Oath Napoleon’s Civil Code
Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution ( ): shift towards industrialism using machines, factories, mines, and railroads. Manufacturing and Industry replaced agriculture as the main source of economic growth.
Industrial Revolution Steel, iron, and coal were central to new industry Started in Great Britain and spread throughout Europe, North America, and the World.
Immigration The Industrial Revolution creates a wave of immigration to the United States. Why? How did advanced industry lead to mass migration? Like many Americans, immigrants felt cities were a new source of opportunity. Between 1880 and 1920 about 25 million immigrants entered the U.S. – about half of the total population!
Immigration In the 1900’s where do you think people were immigrating from? Before 1890: Northern and Western Europe (England, Ireland, Germany) Between : Southern and Eastern Europe (Italy, Poland, Russia)
Inspections included: –Medical –Mental –Physical
Immigrants being processed at Ellis Island
Waiting for deportation
Angel Island Located in San Francisco Bay, California Used to be connected to California but separated during the Ice Age One million immigrants from Asia passed through this immigration station. Opened in 1910; lasted until 1940
Angel Island Predominately Chinese immigrants who were not welcome in the U.S. Upon arrival, immigrants were put in detention centers until inspection They also were interrogated to assess their reasoning for entering the U.S. Some were held here for months with little food or water “When we arrived, they locked us up like criminals, we were in cages like the zoo”
Angel Island - Interrogations Interrogations were long and stressful: –How many steps led up to your front door? –Who lived in the third house in the second row of houses in your village? Most immigrants from Southern China spoke Cantonese, and the interpreter new little of the native language Very difficult to pass these interrogations –Many were deported back to Asia –Others had to appeal their case numerous times before being allowed to enter the U.S.
Angel Island - Poetry Many of the Angel Island detainees turned to poetry for expression They carved poems in their cells of the detention center
Angel Island - Poetry “ I thoroughly hate the barbarians because they do not respect justice. They continually spread harsh laws to show off their power. They oppress the overseas Chinese and also violate treaties. They examine for hookworms and practice hundreds of cruel acts.” “America has power, but not justice. In prison, we were victimized as if we were guilty. Given no opportunity to explain, it was really brutal. I bow my head in reflection, but there is nothing I can do.”
Angel Island Although they served the same purpose, Angel Island has always been overshadowed by Ellis Island Lack of awareness of the immigration station and the detainees who spent days, months, even years in the detention centers. Most Asian American immigrants, especially from the West Coast, have at least someone in their family genealogy who has been affected by the Angel Island Immigration Station
Discussion Question What are the similarities and differences of Angel Island and Ellis Island?
Age of Industry The Industrial Revolution was characterized by numerous industries and inventions. First – let’s refer back to the inventions of your time. Brainstorm a list of inventions that have been created since Are these inventions a “want” or a “need?”
Inventions since 1990 World Wide Web (1990) DVD’s (1995) Web TV (1996) Segway (2000) Artificial heart/lungs (2001) Ipod (2001) Satellite Radio (2001) Hybrid Car (2003) YouTube (2005)
Inventions of the 1800s Battery Tin can Photograph/camera Soda fountain Stethoscope Cement Matches Typewriter Sewing machine Revolver/Machine gun Morse Code Bicycle Stapler Safety pin Dishwasher Washing machine Elevator Plastic Dynamite Vacuum Barbed wire Telephone Toilet paper Contact lenses
Age of Industry To learn more about important inventions of the time, you are going to complete a graphic organizer worksheet. For each invention, you are going to describe it and its impact on the time. You may work with a partner, but it is due tomorrow! All of chapter 12: pgs
Flying Shuttle
Power Loom
Cotton Gin
Steam Engine
Assembly Line
Light Bulb
CLOSURE What was the Industrial Revolution? What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on England? What shift did the I.R. create in urban and rural living?
Internal-Combustion Engine