Bibliography (source) cards: The who, what, where, and when of sources. Adapted from source: Hacker, Diana. Working with Sources: Exercises to Accompany.


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Presentation transcript:

Bibliography (source) cards: The who, what, where, and when of sources. Adapted from source: Hacker, Diana. Working with Sources: Exercises to Accompany Rules for Writers. 6th edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008.

Tips and Advice 10 required on 3x5 colored index cards Use a pen and write legibly. Let the information word wrap. Second lines and after of each source should be indented (hanging indent). If a certain piece of information (such as the author or date last updated) is missing, skip that portion and continue on. If more than one city/year is listed, use the closest one to your location. Put your name on the back of each card.

Author’s Last Name, First Name MI. “Article Title.” Book Title. City: Publisher, Year. Student Comments (page numbers, location) Source card # Call number Book Source Card Format

Book Source Card Example T888M Tuchman, Barbara W. The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam. New York: Knopf, SPHS library; p (Trojan War chapter)

Encyclopedia Source Card Format Source card # Author’s Last Name, First Name MI. “Article Title.” Encyclopedia Title. Edition. Date.

Encyclopedia Source Card Example 2 Art, Robert J. “United Nations.” World Book ed.

Magazine Source Card Format Source card # Last, First MI. “Article Title.” Magazine Title. Day Month (abbreviated) Year: page-page.

Magazine Source Card Example 3 Kincaid, James R. “Purloined Letters.” New Yorker. 20 Jan. 1997:

Internet Source Card Format Source card # Author’s Last name, First Name MI. “Article Title.” Date published. Web page Title. Editor’s name. Sponsor’s name. Date last updated. Access date.

Internet Source Card Example 4 Gray, Terry A. “A Shakespeare Timeline.” Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet. Ed. Terry A. Gray. 28 Oct May 2004 < edu/timeline/timeline.htm>.

Mentor source card format Source card # Mentor’s Last Name, First Name MI. Type of interview. Day Month (abbreviated) Year.

Mentor source card example 5 Smith, John R. Personal Interview. 5 Mar