Polchow, M. - Homework 3 1 Check out books Patron database Patron ID barcode Book barcode Book database Circulation database Patron id number Book id number Librarian Step 1.1 Top Level DFD Circulating book Library Card Books provided Valid patron id Books selected
Polchow, M. - Homework Check patron status 1.2 Check book status 1.3 Charge Book Patron DatabaseCirculation DatabaseBook Database Librarian accounting Library card Valid patron Invalid patron Library fine notice 1.4 Settle library fine Outstanding fine Amount paid Patron Account Credit Cash Books selected Book ID number Non-circulating book Circulating book Patron ID number Paid Fine Due Date Books provided Step 1.2 First Level DFD
Polchow, M. - Homework 3 Start Finish Does Patron have valid card? truefalse Patron has invalid card Allow patron access to books Patron is recognized as valid cardholder Patron will pay fine? Prohibit access to books book available? truefalse true Reference book cannot be check out. Book available for loan validate check-out status on patron record and provide book Step 1.3 Flow Chart
Polchow, M. - Homework 3 Cataloging Process A book ordered by the Acquisition Department is given to the Cataloging Department. The Catalog Department identifies the book. Next, the cataloger create a MARC record for the book by one of three ways, either creating the information, using the publisher information or accessing the Library of Congress catalog information. The complete MARC record information is used to update the library’s databases for authority control, books and authors. The cataloger then creates a public catalog card from the MARC record. The card is added to the OPAC. The barcode and spine labels for the book are prepared, printed, and attached to the book. The book is then sent to the Circulation Department. 2.1 Short Scenario
Polchow, M. - Homework 3 Acquisitions Department Catalog a book Circulation Department Library of Congress Book Publisher Publisher’s citation ISBN Record MARC data Cataloged book Acquired book Shipping invoice Non-cataloged book OPAC Catalog Card Book Database Book’s Title Author Authority control Author’s name Valid access point Publisher user id ISBN number 2.2 Top Level DFD
Polchow, M. - Homework Top Level DFD Publisher Library of Congress Acquisitions 1.1 create MARC record 1.2 Identify book Barcode & spine label 1.3 Create 1.4 Prepare book for circulation 1.5 Create catalog card BookAuthorAuthority Control OPAC Circulation Book provided Spine label Barcode label Catalog card data Cataloged book Acquired book Confirmed invoice Author data Title data ISBN # ISBN record Publisher login data Publisher book citation MARC card data New book record Book ID # Author ID # New author record Barcode data Dewey decimal data New control record
Polchow, M. - Homework Flow Chart Page 1 of 4 start Book have catalog card? true Check library’s authority control data Log onto Library of Congress database to search for title/author data. true Author, title exist in authority control? false Create MARC record, update author and/or title database information false
Polchow, M. - Homework 3 Log onto Publisher database to search for book citation. true Does ISBN record exist in Library Congress? false Create MARC record, create authority record, update author and/or title database information Log onto Publisher database to search for book citation. true Does ISBN record exist in Library Congress? false Create MARC record, create authority record, update author and/or title database information 2.4 Flow Chart Page 2 of 4
Polchow, M. - Homework 3 Research any unknown data leads true Does publisher have record? false Create MARC record, create authority record, update author and/or title database information Contact unknown data sources to confirm new record true Has cataloger exhausted all sources? false Create MARC record, create authority record, update author and/or title database information 2.4 Flow Chart Page 3 of 4
Polchow, M. - Homework 3 Create a catalog card and update OPAC true Does book have catalog card? false Update inventory quantity and location of materials. true Does book have barcode & spine label false Use MARC record data to create barcode and spine label Send Item to circulation Finish 2.4 Flow Chart Page 4 of 4